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lietter let well enougli alone. American free trade and American po verty are twins. They go hanü in band. Is it Cobden Club money that is belng used for Stearns in this district? Tliere seem8 to be plenty of it. Geo. 8. Wheeler as judge of probate would be a in;iii that no one would be il'mlil to trust. Wliy not elect him? "Whal profitetb our laboring men te gain the markets of the whole world and lose tlielr own ?" Just think over that point. The property-holder who fails to vote lor A. J. Sawyer - no matter what liis own inilividual politics or opinión - fools himself. The pocket book of every wool grower in Washtenaw county has been robbet by the Mills bill and the democratie free trade agitation. In ISSil the prohibition vote in Maine was 8,978. Tliis fall the prohibition vote was 2,971. What a gain, my country men, what a gain ! The democrats tra turning heaven am c.inli to get the attention of the voters uil of free wool, aalt, vegetables and lnmber and t ixed fugar and rice. Whcn we buy $10,000 worth of stee rails abroad we have the rails only. VVhen we buy the same quantity in tliis country we Inive the rails and the $10,000 too. A vote for Hon. Ed. Allen is a vote for free whlHky.- Democrat. Indeed ! Thcn a ïmjority of tht crowd tliat went up to Dexter lul Wed in-i!;iy njfht will vote for Allen, sure. The New York Sun, democratie, is authoi ity for the statement that tliere is not only no surplus bilt an actual detici of $3,000,000 or $4,000,000 in the 1'. S tira-ury. Heinember the words of Senator Vest "Th8 is war to the death," between the southein doctrine of free trai'.e and cheai labor, and the northern doctrine of pr o U'ction and wcll paid labor. John F. Lawrence would make a pros routing attorney the people of tliis eounti would be prond of. Ahle, honest am fearless he would discharge the dutius o the oflice as but few others could. Lord Hrassey, of London, Eng., gay $5,000 to the Cobden Club, to be ued in the l'. S. to carry the elcctions for free tr;idc. lias some of Lord Hrassey' money found its way Into tliis district? The Adrián Press in its last issue says "The Coubibu's little pond was not a dirty as usual in the last paper." Sorry we can't return the compliment, but tb Press'8 Stearns appears to be just as dirt; as ever. Is it not a trille singular that so good temperance man (outside of politics; :i the editor of the Argus will eontemp tuously refer to a candidati-'s tempenit habits as a rcason wliy be should b vcted aga'nst? If there are any republtcuil who pro pose to vote against the party and it candidates on the ground of local optlo they may wake up some line morning ii the not distant future and fiad out tha they have bit their own nose off. Free wool, free salt, iree luniber, fret vegetables, free copper, everthing ii which Michigan capital and Michigai labor 3 iuterested, on the free list. while southern rice, southern ani'. soutli ern products generally are protected that's democratie doctrine. Do yoti like it, gentlemen? Look out for forged letters and jam paign slanders uttered too late for denial The demócrata are desperate, and a mal like Mr. Barnuni of Jlorey letter iwtor iety, in the Gai field cainpaign, and Mr Gorman and Eugene Higiilnson of des perate Maryland tactics, are at the liea of affairs now. Gen. Stephen A. Bronson, (who never resigiied " for tlie gooil of the ser"¦''') "? ¦"¦" wiis ihe ilemiicialic can didate for congress in the 8th congreíB ional district six years ago, against Gen Cutcueon, now supports the republican ticket, and is president of the'Veteran Voters' Harrison Club, of Big Rapids The land slide still continúes to lllde. It you had a matter to present to the legislature, which would you choose to present it for you, Mr. Sawyer or Air Gregory? That's the point to be settlei uext election day. Party has nothing to do with it. It is simply a matter of business - of dollars and cents. Aud the people, the property owners espeeially of this district are the interested ones. The State Republican League is doing good work in forming clubs for the campaign and it proposes to make thein per maiient, thus securiug an organization o uoikeis always ready. A book has been yotten out with a list of clubs and officers which is of value in co-operated eft'ort. Col. Atkinson and Henry A Haigh are eneigetic and capable men to have it in charge. The Detroit Free Prets to-day has a strong editorial advocating the remova of the medical department. Are the people of this district asleep? Can not every man who has a thlns raised or pro duced on liis tarm or garden see tlie diffeience it would make to him as a market place if our university slioulil be crippled? And this move would be simply an entering wedge.


Ann Arbor Courier
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