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A Cowardly Attack On Dr. Pope

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In a city paper last week was a com muuication sifrned T. P. Wilson witl L'icnt beadllnei annoonclng i'uv. H. B Pope's insanity, which in its spirit was altogether characteristic of the man ril Ing it. It reminds us of a little inciden oecuring n iitimher of years 8go when good old Dr. Cocker was ;lviii: bibl class 1 eet n res Stfndayi at the M. E cliuich. One day he received an anonymous letter eharginj; liim with hypoerisy, lieing, wilfully deceiving and misleadiuir the young. It hurt his gailtle spi rit U have any one (even a cowardly anonymous wtiter)accuse him of uch baseness and with Mr. Pope he looked up the matter iintll tliey had satistied tliemselves and friends that this Dr. Wilson had been the anthor of the letter. He was chargec with it and could not deny It. Tliis Wilson also had other reasons wliy he did not daré tace Mr. Pope. One was because he himself had once enterad the Northern Ohio Conference of the MethoJist clmrch, remaining there ouly two years. The peculiar reasons why he never was received into full con neetion by the churcli authorities were shown to Mr. Pope, and Wilson accordingly laid low 11 u til he thoujiht Pope was hopelesslv insane and unable to defend himielf. Now he crawls out aud tries to torture a man whose condition lbould excite the profounlest pity - not only for him but for the suffering family - not the contemptible ;all of ucoward who only dares strike what is down and apparently unable tO defend itself. Uut we are glad to be able to say that Mr. Pope's case is not so hopeless as this Wilson tliinks, and Uk; doctors give efury eucouragement that he will cutirely recover. When hedoes, we expect lo liave some furllier poinU RDOUt certain other peculiur tliings tliis Wilton has been engaued in. As to Ilildreth, we are not surpr Ised to see W. defendlng him, ifter his dirty character was exposed in the public prints of Cleveland. At Hildretli's trial the lirst ballot was for his couviction, but the mujority were ttilked over to whiteWMbhlg him for the good of the chuich. Soon afterwards the Sunday World caine out with renewed charge9 against him tor havingheen caught in a cemetery in a comproiuisintr situation and for other wicked acts. They coutinued exposing him, darinyf hini to thrash the eclitir, force the paper to retract or to resign his holy offloe. The Methodist Cabinet at Aanland daotded tint Hlldretli must meet the charges then ready to be signed or witlidraw. He was unable to aiiMver the charges and got out. Everywhere Hildreth had been dirty acts were discovered and Methodism owes much to Dr. Pope who iiad the courage to protect his pulpit from such debauchers as Conway, Hildreth and many others. It is a pity ;here are not more brave men who are not afraid of these beasts. A frlend writes us ia thls wy: "I earn that Henry Watterson s lo tMak iere soon on the beauties of tlie Mills lili, and let me teil you it dmmii tree trade and nothing short of it. The stiite of Texa?, la this man Mills county, payg skilled labor 30 cents a day to the cm)loyes in such ruanufactorii'Sas they have, ind they are few and petty. I Mr. Mills district there are but 21 of tliese socalled nianufactoriea, cmploying 78 persons, and paylux an averajie yearly wagerate of $121. Tiie competition of tlie niipi-r labor ofKurope has no terror for hem, for they have pauper labor at home. Conressman E. P. Allen wlll speak at lie Dexter orwra house, on Monday venlng, Oct. 29th. The captain is one of the clearest debaters on the tari 11 UMtlon there is on the stump, miiü it is ,oped that he wlll have a good audience. "Wliat's the matter with M. F. Case or County Clerk V He's uil rlght.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News