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rpo THE DEAF.-A person cured of Deafness X and nolseo in the heud of 23 years' stand Ing by asimple rerawl ¦, wlll sond a descrlp tlon of lt krek toany ferson who upplird t, Nk UOI.HON, 177 .Mac Dougall st., New Vork. :i Qfodber, and so ever be that thou purchase an Organ, have a care! Marry, some there be who would entreat you buy. They speak you bravely in the finest print. But go your ways speedily. Take you not their wares, neither let them take you unawares. Their wares wear out. 'Tis promises - not Organs - they do sell. Indite thee straight a missive to the Estey Organ Comfany, Brattleboro, Vt., charging that they vouchsafe to you their Catalogue. Anón it comes. Turn thou o'er each leaf. Reflect, resolve. So shalt thou have music bye and bye. Good-den, good reader. Next week, an' it be to your liking, we shall entreat you give us further audience. E. BEAL. GEO. H. POND. (SUC 'KKSOKS TO A. DKKOHEST.) INSURANGE AGENGY ! KKl'HKSKNTISO ONI.Y FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES COVERINO Fire Insurance, Steam Boiler Insurance, Plate Class Insurance. Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjustnients, AND MSSES PROHPTLV PAIU. 'he patronage of our Friends and the Public generally is solicitad. Office in the Courier Building.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News