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J. Edward Roe, of Lansing, has been vlsitiiif; friends here tliis week. Jas. E. Carr, of the Dumlee Reporter was a pleasmit caller 5'esterday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peterson enter taincd a party of friends laöt eveninr. Louis J. Liesemcr, of the P.-st, lias been under the weather the past week. Mrs. Andrews, of Detroit, has beei visiiuu her brother V. V. Wlnea and f .mily. Mrs. Roe of Detroit, and Min Dnffj of Séneca Falls, are vi.sitiii'j Mis. Slierifl Wiilsh. L C. Qoodiich wtfe mul famllj we re in Di-trolt for tWo or Ihree days during tlio week. Mr.. Horace Fiey, ofllowell has be n ¦ pleitMlit aiui-t of lier Anti Arboi iViends during the week. Miss Mellie Mead, wlio lias been stayng 111 the city for sonie time, leaves Monday for Livingston County to rem;iin iluiing the winter. Hou. Tueodnre Roo?evelt wbile hen whs aeeonipanied by hls wlfe, and they were the puesta of'j. E ]5eal. They wire eonducted over the city and tlirongb the university, expressinu; ttiemselves as being {freatiy D(ereed n wlmt tliey saw and heard of our gieat institution of leariiinif. A. DeForest and wife expect to leave the city, this week, for California for permanent renldence. Mr. Di-torest will stop at and visiUmany places on tne way and as our correspondent of the CouRikr, we hope to have some excellent di-seriptions of cities, towns, ranches, ravinis, mountains, and the country gener;illy trom his pen. Meantime the good will of inany Aun Arbnr people go with hini and his wife In their new nome. Register your name next Tuesday 01 lose your vote. Alout the first snow of the season feil last Mouduy nijjht. Peter Algei , of the 5th ward, died of consumption ytsterday, aged 20 ycars. Our con tracto ra and builders say that the out lnok for ne.xt year's building Ie quite as good as it was for Ui 11 year. A yoiuijr sou of Chas. Bdwarda died Tuesday. Mr. Edwards iind family have the deep sympathy of iiiuny frieuds in their ifflietion. A free orgun recital under charge of Pruf. Stanley will be givt'u in the Con trregational church to mormw evening. The program will iuclude Italian sekctinns. The demócrata are making monster preparations lor their greal blow out here on the 31 st. Thcy expect to out-Herod Hemd tbat day. [But how many votes w.ll be made by that or any otheir deinontiatlon.] It is tbought that Mr. Sawyer and Kr. Stenrns will have a joint debate on the tnriff before the cainpiiign is ovtr. If they do, the diflVrence bctween blackguardisiii and argument will be abovrn in nmrked contrast. Rev. Mr. Sunderland wil begin next Sumlay evening at the Unitariau church h series of lectures nn " Tlie Legenda rf Genesis, at d thiir Pir.illels in other Reliirioi.s." His tirst rahjeet will be, "Tlie Genesis Story of the Oeution." The teachers of our schools and many of the pupiU also, together with some of our citizens, to the number of about 300 in all, went to Detroit 8aturduy to visut the AIiisi-uui of Art - and see tile tOWD. A rightgood time wasenjoyed. Henry Todd, of Webster, who is past SI yeais old, wi in the city Mnnday as -mi ; rt as a cricket. He voted fir Gen. Jacks'Ui the fpotuid time he run hut says lie wouldn't vte for .licks n to day if i'e was on the ticket. He will vote for llanMon, as he did in 1840. Michael J Martin received his commtarfun Monday [B'rDliig as post il clerk on the iinrthi ru división of the T. & A. A R R, running front Owosso to Oadil1 ie, nil will cnmmAitOH business at once. Mr. Martin nnd his frienda are mucli pltwued over the Hpptintin-Dt. One ut tlie Pulsehood nf that contemptiltle r i onlar the Hfmncrnrs dro oiroulüt ing is that not a mrtráge h;is been "redieined" in ihisC'unty In seven years! It is uot trui'. But tfw hitve been reilci'ui.-d. Dut hundreds of tliem have been paid and ditcharged as the Ucgister's books will sh"W. Th) circular is f uil of those chfiitinii inisrepresi-ntations. Tbe prospecjts are Ihat the Star mountaln mlnlngcompany will move lts headquarters frora adu Arbor to Detroit, t outi gtockholdrrs In tlils sectloo will kick slrongly Hgnlnsi ft I he compa y were deframted out ot $1.200 by their man at the mines, bat they will muke tlmt up by sel ü ng more stock.- Manchester Enlerprlae. H"W abimt scllitüi the stockholders already In ? How niuch longer will the people invest in these minjng schemes onlv to lind themselves penuiless in the end? The Ingnrance ngency formerly r.'presented by A. DtForest ol tliis city bas been purchased by Messrs. E. E. Beal and Geo. II. Pond, who under the lirm name of Beal & Pond will trmsaet a general Insurance busine-s including fire, sremn boiler and plate gla-s insurancrf. They have several old established corapauies, and prouiNe those who favor them with their business a prompt and salisfaetory attention to the same. 8ee their new -'ad.'1 Prof Xichols at tiic hifth school teaches economy, and it is said leans stroiiftly to the lext book free trade idea. We are infonned that a vote was taken in his classes i few days since, with the following results: In one cliss there were 2 h inds raised for free trade, 1 for prohibltlonlam, -1 fr proteetkm. In the othi-r class 4 for free trade, and :H tor irotection. The practical teachings of the fathere appcara lo outwHgh the tlieoretical triiiuing of tbc text book to a considerable extent. The sorrowful intelligetice reached u Monday if the deatli, at bis home in Detroit, of HermiMl Hildner, a member of the class, and a íiaduate of the lit. department, clas of '88. The deceased was an extremely promlaing younjr man, and had many warm friends fiere, baring; been Dr. Kipp's as-istant f..r titme tune He was; brother f Con. Hildner of thé Ann Arbor Savintrs Bank, and a nephev of G. Josenhans, of Ihis city. Funeral services are to be held ttiis p. m., at the family resldence, on 17tb st., Detroit. By iar tlie larfrett and best poliiicl meetiiLr of the MMM was held at tbe Rink last Wednesday evening. A torehlifiht proee-sion uomberins bv actual count 443 men In line paraded the slreeta, he .idi-d bv the Cln-qu imejion band, out diilng 11 forraer demomtratlons. The Rink was tüled to overll iwing, evt-ry available space beinji packed. The speech of Hon Theixlore II .-evclt wn full of patriotism, and it was a candid, sound iifrument wliy tlie electora of thls comiiry, especially the young men, shoulil be foun'J in the ranka of the i)ro?ressive a'id clean republican party. Mrs. Mail Ida Fletcher, wlio spoke in Di-xtf r lust Thursdiiy evening, wa9 well liked by the panplfl of ihat place and vicinity, and made vote tor the party. The pevii-w this npenker tfive of the prog'tss ;if tbc country luider ''tarHf-tor revenu," nl und'T a protrctive taiïff policy is a Striking and wonilerful argu ment for the present repobl'an rrstem, and In-r argumenta trom Al hi to ÖOVffa cíe elegir, 0OBcle anil to tnc polnt. Xo -i), ccii rlellrered ut Drxter anriag the camp iirn luis hul a belt.T cIIVtI, aod il ui-, pronnlliiced hy m;iny of the "ld c mpaigueri s the best speech they had Detened to in years. We shonld to have nur coutempornries liring forward a slniile ankind or miKPDtleniHnly rfpd thut Opt. Allen luis ever done. We sliould llke In Imvc tlifm point to a Bíaii In this entire district UiatheeverlO'Ulted wtth abatiré lansaatte or wiongd out 1 i penny. We slmuld like to have tli.-m parade B Sinsrle honesl rcason why he i not entitled to the luff ranea of the eople of this county in preference to the man wlio Is running ajfalnst liim. He is kind heurted, pure in charactnr, hnnwt, fenrl-s", and incrruptlble. Fuithi-rniore heisa native of this county, boru and reared liere, and one in wliom every man, woman and child in the 1 county sliould tnke a just pride.


Ann Arbor Courier
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