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The Pb! Delta Phi's nrc houseless. A very younjf Ph. 0. at Prof. OtU C. Johii9on'8. The Hlstorical Semlnarv If now imder srood headway. The rugby team practioe every eyenin - when it don't raiu. The meeting of the Sehoolnjasters' Club occurs in Room 21, on Saturday. Miss Shenuaii Is treasurer of the operatitig rooms of the dental college. The reception to Prof. Stanley was a pleasing and hlghly enjoyable afluir. Is Dr. Maclean to everlastlngly keep up ibis removaliil agitation ! lias no one a corker for hls muuth- or pen? The indiana supreme court has declded that students muy vote in college towns. A questlonable decisión. At electioo lime three day's recesa will be Kivoii tlia boys to go home and vote. The girls will then be disconsolate, of courai'. Ex-Minister to Russia, Gpo. V. N. Lothrop ha? presented Brown University witli ii valuable coll.'ction of books illustrative of classical archnsology. Theo. Roosevelt has no feur of the mnrderoos Sioux or of a cattle ütampede. hut he does clnim that it is not healthy to "et in the way of the U. of AI. rugby team"- Chronicle. The senior pbarmics b.ive elected the following -fflcers: President, Mark Rockwell; vice president, Mis Julia Emanuel; secretary, A. O. Zeig; treasurer, L. J. Spenker. The doctrine of fice trade is taught In every universlty In the country save that )f tho University of Pennsylvania But whcn these students gct Into practical iliey soon getthe free trade uonsense inocked out of them. The co-ed snpbomores gave the co-ed 'reshmen a spread at the home of Miss [itzzie Dean, on Liberty St., last Friday litfht. It was one of the events In colege life for the young ladies, but not veiy ntercsting tor the boys. R. M. Ling, of Prescott, Arlzona, a whilom newspaper man, but in the law for permanency, joined the law clnss last Monday and proposes to take a sheepkln from the U. of M. to assist hiin in climbing up iu the great west. lr. T.c. Pliillips medie, "87, of Milwaukee, Wis., has been in the city dur ug the week. He Is greally elated over die prospects in that live town, and bas j;ot so he can rattle oft' Milwaukee names with great tluency without even dislocating liis jaw. The Detroit friends of remova] of the medical departnient- for that wou ld be the resul t- have scraped around until they have found a U. of M student who faileil to pass a government exainination, and of eourse the failure is laid to the lack of clinical facilities which Dr. Maclean, nstead of attempting to better, is cuntlnually howling about. Look out for busineaa in the next legislaturc. A SAD DEATII. O Tuesday noon It was rumored about our street that a student had committed suicide. Upon tracing up the rumor it was found tu be a fact. A junior homoeopathic student named Arthur P Suiitn. rooming at John K. Minur's, No. 42 E. Liberty st., was the unfortunate victim. It seems tbat Mr. Smith had been sick for several days, witii a bowel coniplaint, and the disease had beoome so bad as to effect hU brain. The liret evidenoe of anything wronp was on Sumlay night when lie attemnted to enil lus iife by the use of chloroform, but rulled. On Monday night he again uttempted suicide, using opium, and had not the use of the driiL' been quickly discovered by ronmmate, the attempt w-iulil have been suceessful, for he had taken "enough to have killed a regiment ol men," is one irentlemm expressed it Yesteiday at about 0l. o'clock a. tn., he requested li ís chuni wmo was now witli him to go to his boardinji liouse and obtain a piece of toast. Tliis request was of course complied with, but proved to be a sid mistake, torno sooner wa Smith left alone tban he took a short ainputHtlns knlfe which he had among hls outfit, and nlunsred it into hif tlirnnt. Mvcring the wlndpipe, cutling the juïular vein and in ikins; awound from which death ensued within a tew minutes. Drs. Breakey, Martin and Campbell were all Minmioned, and came as soon as possihle, but no human power could aid in tHVlog his lifu. Mr Smith came from II th, Clinton Co., and was a junior studeut in the Itonia'opathic department He was about 25 eirs of age, and pro nouticed an exceptionally excellent younje man and a good student. II G. Piettymtn now has the Detroit Tribune iigency for this city. New stone crosslnsrs on Washington st at the iniersfction of S. Main st. The deniocrats are fitting up their torches, in the court house basement, for the prohibition meeting. Mr. Fifcher, Adrian's brewer, with a lew friends, are in the city tc-day electioneering for Mr. Stearns and blowing In their moncy on hlselectlon. M. C. Sheehan has started a dental odlce over Vatts' je wel ry store, and hs things nicely fltted up therein. He is ready for all soit of tooth-sunie jobs. Cnrneüns Turner wis arraljtned bfforc Justlce Pond Monday, plead Kiulty to üsshuU on Frank Kapp, and sent to jnil for 20 day on default of line and costs. Tho Eoyal Arcli deree was conferred last Tucsday evpning by VVashtenaw Chnpter, and was witnessed by nine vlsiting brothers from Dvadee, A banquet VU held ai'terwarü and a good time had. Jacob Wahl and Wm. Curti?, carpenters, were arrested Monday p. m., for erecting a woolen building contrary to city ordinance for Mr. Bnldwln, back of his store on State st., plead guilty and were tincd $4.20 each beforc Justice Frueauff. Aclelbcrt Roberts, of this city had in last Monday's Tribune a most excellent auswer to his father's bonghtcn letter in the F ree Press sometí mu sincc. The people of the community will sympat hizo with tbeyoung man in hisjust mul riofhtcous Indignation. Jumes T. Huton, of Lnsiiir, died lat SatuicUy at Lansinr, of rmeumonia, and was buiied in tliis city yestrrday. He was a man alout 58 years oíd, auil was a brotlier-in-law of Z. Roath, of this city aii'l of Jas. E. Carr, of the Dundee Heporter. He forme: ly lived iu tliis city. Geo. W. Turn Buil and Thoe. Sears, of Cliel9ea are here laboring wlth the supervisóla, mayor, recorder and couimon council of thiscitv and almost eveiyborty else, to fri't tlie personal assessnient of the late Lutlier James ff the roll of the lst dlsirict. Tliey will probably apend as much to set out of paying it as the taxea would amount to. Next Honday evening at the Unity Cmb, held in the pailors of the L'nitaiian church, Mrs. Sunderland will tp-u) a paper on the Umversities of the MidJIe Kge. This will b the Iir9t of a series of twelve papers on the great Uolversities of tlie world. Fiillowlnsr tlilg will be given a öhaduw Piintomimf, Bfssie and her thre lovers, by Mis Kate 8ymour. The convocation of Detroit will meet In St Andrew's pari-h, thls city, on Friday next. The following is tlie order of eX'Tciscs: 9.M a. ra. Iloly Communlon In St. Andre' church. lla. ra. Lltany and Address In Hobart hall. 230 p. m. Business Meeting In Hobart hall. 7. 30 p. m. Short Service- l'aper und Dtscusslon. The convocation embraces six countic?, Vayne, Washrenaw, Jackson, Lenawee, Hillsdale and Monroe. There are thlrty clerirymen in the convocation. Th reo lay delegates trom eiich parish and tnission station are also members of the convocation. Mi-s McCautfhna has the largest school of shorthand in the city. She will have a 175 student before the year closes. It is evident that all the studenta appreclate ablltty 9 a teacher, and the bijrh commfndttlotit she has received from the I'rolessnrs ot the law drpartment. Any interested in this u-eful art should culi on her at her new rooms over Sheehan' bookstore from 1 to 2 p. m, Registor! Register! Reglíter yon name Tuesdny. N. J. Kyer Is building two more ne houses on Depot Street. Vote for Albert Qardner for register o deeds. He 9 a good man and a wounde soldier. The supervisors are a good nature conjfregHtion of gentlemen, but thcy wil Üght over a deputy slierifl's bill- an usually cut it down, too. IIow about the mortgago on you house ? WiU lower wages and '.ower price lower the 2ayments on that any? AVill 1 not put you wherc you cnn not meet th payments ? Our citizens liave had a Jiost of good looking newspapcr men sollcitinjr Hiel patronge for tne dally papers of Detro! and Chicago during the week. All o thera meet with good succes. Wherevcr wooden out-buildings have been ereeted in the rear of the iew brick block on State St., the owners have been orrlered to tear tliem down, by the city authoritii-s, and any failnre to do so wil subject thcm to a tine or $50 per week. The work in the county cleik's oftice ia up to date, uil the county ordere m ide out and signet!, and the supervisor's nro''dings in the hands of the printer. i'srliaps the clerk and liis deputy don't teel that it is a big thing, too. And t is something to brug over.


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