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Tlie slander suit of Miyer vs. Lantz was adjourned yestcrday, and will probably be settled. Passenjrer service bet ween Ann Arbor and tlie Saginaws are now in running order. Train leaving hero at 7:20 a. ui. makes direct connection at Durand. A. J. PaisLEY, Agt. Mrs. N. II. Pietce has returned trom two nionths absence in Greeuvlllo and L iiisinr, where she has beon treatitijr the 8ick. She bad many testimonial of re markable cures 'ome so called hopclfsg casos hn had been discharged as such from the Univers-ity Ilospital. Slie wil! resume her work tiere. Apples wauted at the Ann Arbor Fruit Works. Farmers eau secure our apple jt'lly In exchange for apples on favoiabliterms. We will also pay cish fnr apples. ALLMENDINGER & SriiNKiniiR. Pleasant rooms to reut, bth furnisbed uitil uuiutuioiuj, ut Hfmt 18 Otitldee Ave. THE ÜNITAIMa'n (Kev. J. T. Sun. deiland, A. M, Editor) will bo sent to new readers for exainination, three vionthg for 10 cents. Address, The Uuitarian, Ann Arbor, Mica. "Most excellent "-llev. Dr. Thomas. (Chicago.) ¦ By all odds the best religlouR raonthly IÉ the Uulled States "-Univtrsalist Record. 31 Soinething That I .terests all Hon.sekeepers. What is it? It is Hayley's ElectroEnatnel Furniture Poliah. It makes all old, scratebfd, ra irred, worn and disfi;ured Furniture equal to new. If you have not tried t ?et a bottle at once and be convinecd. Every botlle thorousrlilj' warranted to give perfect satisfaction or the nioney returned. Price, 2j ots., 50 ets. and $1.00. Aents wauted everywhere. eot30 Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and is carefully prepared by competent pharmaclsts. The eomblnatlon and proportion of Sarsaparllla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Yellow Doek, and other remedial agents is cxcluslvcly peculiar to Hood'9 Sarsaparllla, giving it Btrcngtn and curative power superior to other preparatlons. A trial wlll convlnce you of its great medicinal valué. Hood's Sarsapnrilla Purifies the Blood creatcs and sharpens the appetlte, stimulates the digestión, and gives strength to cvery organ of the body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrofula, Salt Eheum, Bolls, Timples, and all other aflections caused by impuro blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Ilcadache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Kheumatlsni, and that extremo tired feellng. "Hood's Sarsaparllla has helped me more for catarrh and impure blood tliau anything else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite " I used Hood's 8arsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gavo me a good appetlte and secmed to bulld me over." E. M. Hale, Lima, Ohlo. " I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and it began to act unllke anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and glve ine uew Me." J. F. Nixon, Cambridgeport, Mass. Send for book glvlng statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbylldrugglaU. (1; lx for f5. Preparad only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecarie, Lok ell, Ma: e. 100 Doses One Dollar GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE IÍIOHT OXLY. Saturday, Oct. 27. THE LARGEST AND BEST! RUSCO & SWIFT'S - BIG - B TOMS CAI GO. Special features: THE ORIGINAL GEORGE HARRIS ! Of Slavery Days. who gave Mrg. Klowe the Fa U and Sketches for her greal Htory. Trlck Alliicator! Trlck Donkpy! 6 Mom-Iit Man-EatliiK Lilondhounda! Colored JuDIlee Hingcr! Special Sceneryl Grand Transfurmation, EVA IN HEAVEN! Prlces, 35, 85 and 50 ets. Reterved seatuon nale Rt Wnlir'i i.ook store


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