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BIG SPECIAL BARGAMSILE ! LURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBEB AT 33. T. SCHAIRER'3 Do nol miss tlicni. HERE THEY ARE LOOK HERE. 5O pieces strlctly all wonl Dress Goorts werc 5Oc per yd., cut nw to '25c. IS pieces 52 inch T5c quality Ladies Cloths now rüc. 2S pieces 5 inch Bntadcloths worth $1 now 75c per yd. IC pieces 30 inch Henriettas at 25c per yd. 27 pieees flne all wool Henriettas ni blacks and cholee new símiles at 40c, 50e, and 75c per yd. Wo are still doiny Ihe Pliish trades of the city. and wil! continue to sell a frood Silk I'lush at GOc per yd., same as other stores will k you 75c. The shades are new and it has a handsomc close pile. BARGAIN SALE TABLEUNENS AND TOWELS. 50 dozen Irisli Hnck all Linen Tow¦Is at IOc each 25 dozen Huck and Nunask Linen Towels at 12 l-2c. 18 " n lari' Huck Linen Towels at lc. 10 dozen extra large Huck Towels at 20c each. 5 pieces C4 inch Blenched and Cream at 40 and 50c ter yd. 10 pieces ; inch Cream and ileached Table Damask beautiful paterns at 65c and 75c per yd. 50 dozen iinen Napkins at 75c and l per dozen. ïiir drive in a 3-1 Linen Napkin at 1.83 worth si. 75 a dozen. Linen Doylie at 5c He IOc and 15c each. 5 ileces Turkey Red Table Damask at 25c er yd 15 pieces choice beautirul tries Turkey Red Damask at filie per d. 50 larjre Turkey Red Table Corers t 75c and $1 each. 25 lartre Bleached nd Cream Table ('lof lis at si .."o $2.00, nd f 2.50 each. Novelties in Lunch nd Tea ( 'loths, Bureau Scarfs and sideoard Covers. 15 dozen larpre collón íilled Bed Comforlahl. s at 05c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1 '25 and $1.50 eaeh. Barg:ains in whi'e, LTüv and Marlet Blankets at $1.00, $1.23, $1.50, $2.00 ?2 50 and êlO a pair. 2 cases ladies' Merino Vcsts and Pauts at 39c eacli. IN OUR SHAWL DEPARTMENT WE OFFER 50 largo doublé wool Shawls worth $5.00 tor 3.50 cach. Single wool Shawls at $1.50, $2.00 $2.5O. B aver wool Shawls at ï2.00, $2.50, $3.00 to SI2.0O. 100 MUses' and Childrcn's Wool Shawls at 75e and $1. 50 pairs (ttinirli!ini Lace Curtains were $1.50 now $1 a pulr. 100 pairs elegant Lace Curtains 3 1-2 vls. Ion? at It2, $2.50 and $3 a pair. 25 pieces Ciirtaiu Scrim at 5c, Oc, Sc and 10c per jd. IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT WE ARE OFFERING Bargalna in Chlldren's Xewmarkets nt $2 50, $3.00, $3.50, $ t.OO and $5.00. Ladii'.s'pliiin and xtrip-d Newmarhcts at $, ;. 17, fStollft. Ladicv' Plnsh jackets, Sacques, Mixljeskas and Xewniarkels at 12. $11. $18, $20, $2", $30. $35 and $10. lloney snved bujiiig Dry Goods of D. F. SCHMRER SHOOLOF MUSIC (ESTABLISHED M7.) BRANCHES OP STUDY. Piano, Yoir.e Culture, Singing, Yiolin, Viola, 'Vello, Otcfiettral Instrument, Orgnn, Clioral Music, Harmony, Counterpoint, Compontion, Science and AH of Teaching, l'hysical Culture. F.UTI.TY. Albert A. Stanley, Director, Oiln ('adv, m. L,uderer, Francia L. York. Rfuben II Ke 'Df Mrs. Anna E. Warden. Misa Maiian Hmlth, Miss Mnrtha E.Tennoy. Mrs. Julia K. Vuil Klyke, Miss Kllen E. Garrlgues, Mr. E. Ij. Moore. _ Stuilentsare entitled lo the Free Instruo tion In Harmony, Ensemble Playin? anü rliornl Muslo, besldes all Recitals and Leotuiva ui ven by the School. Forfurther Information addreas, A. A. STAMiHV, 1)1 rector. Ante-Room, Unlverslty Hall. Ofllce Ilours, 8:30-: a. m., and 12-1 p. m. HÜTZEL'SWATERBACK! A very important invention which WÍ1I be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in producing a simple .inri perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becorns ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afiford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. ÈTJTZBL &c CO., l'lumber and 8t$amfittrt ANN ARB0E, - - MICH CEÍTHE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security lield for the protMtton of the pollcy CHRISTIAN MACK Uenre9enU the followlnB (lrnt-claie compontes, oí which one, the Etna, has alone paid 5B,000,000 Ure loest-s in Blity-ftve jcar : :tna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Kranklin of Philadelpliiii 3,118,713 Qermania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,080,968 Lomion Assurance, Lomion.. . 1,416,788 Michiiran F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Untlerwriters, N. Y 2,596,67 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Loncs überally adjusted and promptly paid. Pollcies Isaued at the loweet ratee of premium. llltf


Ann Arbor Courier
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