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The Teacher Win. adviaed her pupils to strengthen their minds ly tlM us.( ¦( Aycr's Sarsaparilla, appreciated t lic trutli tliat bodily healtli is essential to mental vigor. For persons of delicate and fneblo coustitution, whetkei young or old, Mus medicine is reraarkahly beneflctal. Bo ¦tan yon k-i Ayer' Sarsaparilla. '¦ Every spring and tall I take a nnnibeiol bottlea ol A. SaraaparllU and gmgreatlj beneflted." Mis. James H. Eastman, Btoneliam, Mas. "I nave taken Ayer'i Sarsaparilla witlr fin:it benefit to noy general bealth." - MissThirzu L. Crerar, l'aluiyra, Md. "My daughter, years oí age, has uuffered I t tw past year froil General Debility. A few v. ' ! sin..', wc bogan to giva hor Aycr'.s Sarsaparilla. Her health lins neatly hnpiovetl." - Mrs. Harriet II jïaitlr's. South Ctalinsford, Mass. "About ayearaop Ibegan nslnffAyeïi Saroaparilla as a remedy foi fcbility aiul neuralgia remiltlng trom malanal exnosure in the arniy. I was in a very bad eondition, bul six bottlea of we Sareaparilla, w iili oc-rnional d..scs of Ayer' Pilis, have greatjy mproved my health. I am now aule t work, and feel tliat I caniio! sav too lunch for your excellont remedies' - #". A. l'inkliain, Soirtn Moluncus, Mc. "My daughter, sixtoon yoars old, ia nslng Ayer'a Sarsaparilla with good et fect. Rev. B. ! Graham, United Brethren Chureii, Buckhannon, W.Va. "I suffered froui Nervous Frostration, with lame back and lipadache, nnd have been mucli benefited liy the use af Ayer's Barsaparilla. I am now 80yeara of age, and im satisftetl tliat my present health ai,, i lifp are due to the use oí Ayer's Sarsarilla." - Lucy Moflitt, Killingly, Cona. Mrs. Ann H. l'arnsnorth, a lady 79 yrars old, S... Woodstock, Vt., writos : "After several weeks' Btlffering from nervous prostration, 1 procnred a bottle Ayer's Barsaparilla, and before I had taken huif ui it my usual health retnmed." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, f PREPABED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mat. Price fl ; iix bottlei, $5. Wuilh 5 bottl. CARTEKSL CURE Sick noadacho and reliov all tho tronbleg inddent to a bilious eUite of th system, puch U Dizziuess Nausea, Drowaiuoas, Distresa aftor cstlng. Pair. in the 8ido. kc. While thelr moat roruarkablo Buccesa has boen Bhown in curisg SICK neadaclie, yot Cartcr's Little Liver Pilla aw cqually v;iluablo in Constipation, curing and proI ! ii ji tbis nnnoyinffcomplaiut, wbilo tuey also correr t al 1 isor-lL-i-s ƒ t ho atomRch,atimalate tho Jirr and ruuLutí Oiobowels. Even if toeyonly HEAD Acbo they wonld bo almos tpriooless to those who suffer from thia dlatrenihg com j.l.iint; bwlfortuHately thcirpoodno68dix3 notondhere.andthoBO wJiooncetrythciuwlllünd thesolittlo pilla valusMoin somany ways that thoy will uot bo willing to du without them. But after aUsick bead ACHE Is the bane of so many livoa that here ia where wo make our great boast. Our pillscureitwhila others do not. Carter's Littlo Llver Pilis aro very sraall and vory easy to tóke. Oue or two pilla maken dose. ¦ aro Btrictly vei;etablo and do not gripa or purRf . ut by thoir gontle actton pleaae all who Wbem. Invlalsat25conU; flvotor$l. Sold by dragijiats everywherö, or sont by maiL CARtcn mcoici" or . mav MaHi. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ' CHICAGO TRUSS.'' -í.' Splral cheap. ApSpring 'J pro ved by lhua Rubber the hlgliest Pad; Li glit Medical Aui'lciin, cool tlmrityWorn I) n r ii b 1 e d a y a D nlglit by an lufunt a. weck okl or an Adult BI rs. Easily aSjntttd. It meets nll forms o Scrolal, Fermoral, Iogulual. and Umbilical 1 Iciriia, in both Infanta and Adulls. Battl ïiilinn guarauleeil in in all c&tes. Any de sirahle pn-ssiirc ulttained. Lady's Umblllcn Trussrs a grand succeM. If your druggls does not keep thla lrus. endose stanips aud uddress, tlIl.iO TKISS CO. mdoph st., Office same place. 4 lilcajgo. Hl. T. Y. KAYN'E, Masaokr. NOL by AN.tltBORDUH.(.INTS O Tho BUYERS' QUIDE is issued March and Sept., each year. It is an encyclopedia of usefu.1 inforpiation for all who purchase the luxuries or tha necessities of life. Wj can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary applianees to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, flsh, hunt, work. go to church, or Btay at home, and in various Bizec, styles and quantities. Just figure out v. hat is required t do all these things COMFORTABLY. and you can make a fair estímate of tho value of the BUYEES" GUIDE, which will be sent upoa receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERYWARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Aveuue, Chicago. UI.


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