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Sksatou ('()( KH..I.I. iMo.l spoke in the fcente on the 16th aKalnnt the Senate Tarlft bill Rni In luvor of the MilH blll, nd Senator Spooner (Wis.) spoke In favor of the Sat noasure.... lu the Kouse the Sánate bilí for a bridge across the Mlsulssippt riTer at La Croase, Wis., and tho blll making approprlalon for the Hureau of Animal Induatry were passed. Sesator tei.mii (Col.) spolte In tho Senate on the lTth In favor of the Tarlff blll and Senator Morgan (Ala.) poke agalnst lt. Senator Alllson (Ia.) offered a resolutlon provlding for a recoss of Congres trom Saturday, the Süth nst., to November 19, but no actlon was aken In the House tlurteen pension veto messages werc rocoived from tbo President. A resolutlon was olterod and nferreil totho Ways and Means Committee provutmg for flnal adournment on October 20. IN the Senuto on the IRth a resolutlon was adoptcd for llnal ailjournmont on the iOth. A retolutlon was offered to tnqüfre Into the report that tho Secrotary of tho Interior haa turehased wagons for the Indlan 6ervlce that were manufactured wlth prlson labor, and that the Secretary of War had bought English Wankel-, at a Baring of thirty cents aplece. The tarifl blll was further dlsrutsed In the rlouso the Senate resolution for final adjournment on the 20th was adoptcd. The Senate and House Tarlff biUs wero dlscussed. The resolutlon In relation to the purchase by the liovernracnt of prlson-made goods was withdrawn In tbe Senate on tho 19th. The rcsolutfon authorizlng tbe Flnance Committee continue lts hearings on the Tarlff blll was adoptcd. The Committee on Indian Affalrs was authorized to continue during the recess In the House nothlng of Importance was done. DOMEST1C. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers in session on tho lfith at Btanton. Po., eloctod Henry R Town, of Stamford, Pa., president. At ïfohomet, 111., on the 16th Charles Rowe, aged seventeen years, fatally shot liis father, James Rowe, a grocer, because the latter had accused bim of stealing cigars. Hoo cholera was on the ]6th making senous ravages in the stock oí farmers in the vicinity of Lima, O. Four men were killed on the 16th in a coal-mine near Cannelton, Ind., by afall of coal. The brig Francis A. Barstow, Captain Macomber, arrived at New Bedford, Mass., on the 16th from a two years' whlin(f voyage in the Atlantic Ocean with 285 barrels of sperm oil on board, and having sent home during the voyage 565 Darrels of gperm oil. Ai-AROEbarn owned by J. McCarthy at North Easton, Mass,, was burne 1 on the löth, and seventecn horses perished in the Humea. The warehou9es of the Standard Oil Company, together with twentytwo thousand barrels of oil, were destroyed by fire at Duluth, Minn., on the 16th. Loss, ttHO,000. Bt an accident on the Lehigh Valley railroad on the 16th near Mauch Chunk, Pa., six laborers were killed and twentyseven seriously injured. Thk first of the ten workl's champion snip pames between th Now York and Bt. LouU clubs was played in New York on tho 16th and resulted as follovvs: New York. 2; St. Louis, 1. Lewis Eivahi, u nogro hotel porter who killed Kobert Kmith, a hotel proprietor, was taken from the jail at Jessup, Ga., on the l(h by a mob and shot to death. Thb Cameron colliery at Shamokin, Pa., was burned on tho lóth. Loss, fl(X),OüO. One thousund men were thruwn out of work. J. M. Lañe, a wellknown lumbermsn of Grand Rápida, Mich., failed on the lth for tlOO.OOO. Charles C. Marsh & Co., New York brokers, failed on the 16th for Í119.500. A poitTLXE-TKLi.Eii numcd Jeunctte Williams whilo intoxicated on ihe lth sot flre to hor clothes and was burned to death at Denver, Col. Chicago NorUi side strikers and hoodlnms att.acked the drivoi'9 and conductor of two Halstod street cars ou the lüth and barely gave the pasengera titue to alight 'uefore they smashed ever; window in the cars wlth woodeu paving bloeks. A dozen women of Thompson, D. T., who made a raid on the saloons of that place, spillinR the liquor on the ground, were arreste. l on the lrtth und taken to Granü ForEs. Noah Williams' Ida Coutity Bank was sold on the lflth to the First National Bank of Ida Grove, Ia., for about 200,0U0. One of the historie buildings of the Baptist community at Ephrata, Pa., erected one hundred and ñfty years ago, was destroyed by tire on the 16th. The tweuty-fir8t annual convention of the Conductor' Life Insurance Association of the United States assembled at Kansas City, Mo. , on the lTtli. The post-ofüce at North Haverhill, N. EL, was robbed by burglars on the 17th and the two safes were rillod and the building set on fire. The Comtnandery-in-Chief of the Loyal Legión oí the United States at its fourth annual meeting at Philadelphia on the 17Ü elected ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes Commander-in-Chief. The second of the world's base-ball championship games between New York and the St. Louis Browns was played in New York on the 17th. Score: 8t. Louis, 3; New York, 0. The annual world's conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist church opened in Minneapolis. Minn., on the lTth. The annual report on the lTth of the Indian Government Training School at Carbale, Pa., showed that there were 637 Indian boys and girls at the school, and the Apache Iadians constituted the largest element of any one tribe. John'xy ültebuh, a thirteen-year-olc boy of Mifflinsburg, Pa., attemptcd suïcide on the 17th bccause his mother whipped him. Tiie house of C. F. Smith, at Fifleld, Wis., was destroyed by Ure on the 17th, and his two little children, who were alono in the building, perished in the flames. J. M. Chanuleb & Co., wholesale jewel ers at Cleveland, O., failed on the 17 tb, A boycott caused the suspensloa At Philadelphia on the 17th the Genera Executive Board Knights of Labor aotet on Thomas B. Barry's reslgnation by re jocting it and expelling him. Matt Bl'bns attacked John Walters with a red-hot iron paddie in the Valley iron millatPittsburgh, Pa., on the 17th, burning him fatally. By an explosión of flre-worlts on the 17ih at a political meeting in Kort Wayne Ind., R. L. Bith and Lorenzo Bouse wero fatally injured. The potato erop was on the 17th sald to be an average ono in New England, below the average in New York, and a short erop in the West. The average price was sixtj cents par bushol. The twonty-second annual convention o the American Institute of Arohitects com menced at BuÉTilo, N. Y., on the 17th. The stapn from Jcrome, A. T., was held np on the 17tli near 5andel¦son station by one man and the uassengers were robbed Miss Lestkr took poison on the 7th at Harrodsburg, Ky., because her over married auother. Nixktï Chinamen arrived at San Franisco on the 17th f rom Alaskaon the steamr Bertha, but were not allowed to land. Euward Atkinsos, the Boston economist, said on the 17th that a New England goniu had discovered a cheap method of lissolving zinc, and that the fluid, when appliod to certain kinds of woodB, would make them flroproof. Thk third of the world's baseball championship gamos between New York and tho iU Louis Browns was played in New York on the lSth. Score: New York, 4; St. ..ouis, Ib At Buff aio, N. Y. , on the 18th the Amorcan In9titute of Architects re-elected R. ff. Hunt, of New York, president. Freioht trains collided on the lth near Yollow Creek Station, llL.ontho Chicago, St Paul & Kansas City road, and three stockmen, Edward Hickey, of Fairbanks, klinn. ; James Orr, of Larrimore, Minn., and JoUn Btown, of St. Paul, Minn., wero killed. Titiixs collilied on the 18th on the Cumerland Vallov railroad on a sharp curve noar Shippensburg, Pa., and one man was tilled and niany persons were badly lnured. Thk Inman lino steamer City of New York arrived in New York froin Liverpool on the lSth, inaking the trip in six lays and twelve hours, the best third-trlal rocord in shipping annals. A RBirtC hail-storm brokc over ChicaKO on the 18th, and skilights wore shatred in many buildings, pedostrians were drivcn from tlio strects, and in several places hailstones as large as walnuts were scen to fall. As epidemie of typhoid fever was prevailinpr at Continental, O., on the 18th. Thirty-flvo persons had died irom the disoase, and nearly every family in the town lad suffered from the scourge. Thb Hamllton-Brown Shoe Company of St. Louis on tlie 18th locked out its 450 employés, owing to a dispute about wages. Ú. 8. Bulóos, a safo manufacturer, absconded on the lSth from Rochester, N. Y, after committing f ordenes asr(reprating f15,000, tho TraderV Bank beinj? the principal sufferer. In a duel on the lSth near Atlanta, Ga., Otis Prusser and Mack Cook were both killed. Bürolars blew open tho ante in the Afton (Ia.) post ofüce on the 18th and stole all the stamps and fCOO in money. A LiiioEmeettns of represen tative farmers was held nt Princeton, Ky., on the lSth, and resolutions wero adopted in favor of planting no tobáceo noxt year, owing to over-production. DfRiNG tho twenty-four hours ended on the 18th there were 29 new cases of yellow fever at Jacks mville, Fla , and 1 doath from the disease. Total cases to date, 8,; lotnl deaths, SU. Wakefiei. & Loxo's extensive livery and transfer stables at Washington, Ind., wero burned on the 18th, and twenty-two valuable mules and horses were cremated. The National Association of Heavy Hardware Dealers and Iron Jobbers met at Ht. Louis on the 18th. Chables 8. Kbdfield, for twenty-one year treasurer of McVlcker's Theater in Chicago, died at Bozeman, M. T., on the 18th of a dose of morphlne taken with suicldal intent. A nEAVT rain on the lSth completed the discouragement of the ex-strikers of the Chicago North-Side Street-Car Company, and they ackuowledged defeat and said that anothertie-up would notbe attempted. Tho new men still found barricade on the tracks and were much abused and insulted. Oeorge A. Dexham & Co., boot and shoe dealers of Boston, failed on the l'.tth. Liabilities, 1172,000; assets, ÏJ5,000. Dubino the twenty-four hours euded on the 19th there were 27 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville, Fla., and 4 deaths from the disease. Total cases to date, 3,719; total deaths, K6. The lifteonth annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union met ui the Metropolitan Opera-House in New York on the 19th, with delegates present from all parts of the UuitcJ States. Miss Francés Wiliard delivered the annual address. Ai-kxáxdkh McCm-kb, paymaster oí James McFaddcn, who with a forcé of four hundred men is building a branch of the Lehigh Vnlloy rond. left Pittston, Pa., ou the 19th with Í20.000 to pay the hands. He wat accompanied by a yonng Irishman. While going through a lonely strip oí wood tliev were shot íroin axnbush and killed and the money stolen. During the soven daysended on the 19th there were 195 business failures in the United States, against 195 the previous seven days. The total failures In the United States from January 1 to date are 7.866, against 7,505 in 1SS7. Chhisïian Pfitzer, a brewery employé, shot his wifo in a quarrel in New York on the löthand then killed himsolf. Snow fejl on the 19th at various places in Northern ïüchiK .n. ïwo si i m K-, Charles and William Weller, while digging their way through the snow from La Junta basin to Telluride, Col., on the 19th were caught in a snow slide, carried flfteen hundred feet down the mourtain and buried under twenty feet of snow and rock. A Boston tenant was on the 19th given a verdict of $5.500 damages against bis landlord because his family became infected with diphtheria owing to the defective drainage of the landlord's house. H. M. Upham, agent for the Pacific Express C impaiiv at Coffeyville, Kan., received a package of dynumite on the 19th marked "glass," which exploded, tearing a hole in his house and fatally injuriug hii wife and another lady. The Cincinnati expresa on tlie Baltimore & Ohio road was wrecked on the l'Jth near Washington, Pa., by running into an open switch, and two men were killed and nearly a score injured. Tiie fourth of the world's baseball championship games between New York and the St. Louis Browns was played in New York on the 19th. Score: New York, 6; St. Louis, a A boiler in a sugar-house at Houma, La., exploded on the 19th, killing one white man and three ncgroes. Fredekick Masón, a farmer near Marión, Ind., was on the 19th locked up for insanity. He claimed that he had been commandcd by the Lord to kill one of his children. TnE convention of the Brothcrhood of Locomotive Engincers, in session at Kich mond, Va., on tho 19th, approved Chief Arthur's action in the C. B. & Q. strike. By an explosión of dynamite on the 19th in a quarry at Frankfort, Ky., Hanson Graham, John Glom, Robert Glore and W. H. Williams received fatal injuries. A fine tract of land was purchaBed on the hit h at Pine Lake, Ind., by the Baptist of the Stule, which would be fitted up for a church sutnmer-resort. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Hon. Joun WENTwouTn, ono of Chicago's oldest and most conspicuous citizens, died on the morning of the 16th. Mr. Wentworth - "Long John," as he was wont to be called, be:ns six fert six inchea tall- was scventy-three oars of nge and had boen ii i'.id.Mit of Otáoifh fir liity-two years. He was a ropiosentative in Conjress four term, commencmg in 1S44, and was twice mayor of the city. At tho timo of his death liis wealtti was estimated at t5,0Oü,(XX), and he leaves a daughter to inherit it. Tuk Collowing Congressioiial nominatioos were made on the löth : New Jersey, Third district. John Kean, Jr., (Rep.) renomlnati- 1 ; N-w York. Eighteenth district, Samuel B Kanford fDem.); Pennsylvania, Iwpnty-flfth district, Bamuol Grifflths (Dein.); Rhode Island, Hocond district, W. C. Baker (Dera.); Mamaoliugetts, Bixth district, Henry Cabot Lodga (Rep.). Mjbs Cahrik Mim-ek, of Lexlngtou, 8. C, died on tlie ltith froin the effects of lya drank by accident nearly a year ago. Marmaduke Shaxnok, at ono time tho leading Wbig j urnalist of Mississipui, died at Vicksburg on the 18th, agod eightyfour yearj. Mks. Catharink McMaiion died on th 18thatGreen Gastlo, Ind., aged one hundred and thi-ce years. Chaiu.ks B. Wii.sox (colored) was on the 18th nominated for Congres by the Ro publicans of the First Louisiana district, Mr, Pinehback doclining to run. Db. John Scott, a woll-known dentist of Pittsbui-Rh, Pa, died on a train on the 19th whlle en route home from Chicago. He was so confident that the end was approaching that he had the conductor forward telegrams to relatives informing them of the sad event. Mus. Cynthia Leosard, mother of Lillian Russell, the actress, on the 19th announced herself ai a candidato for mayor of New York City. In New York on the 19th the Demócrata in the Tuvlftli district numinated RoBwell P. Flowev for Congres and renomtnated W. G. Btalilneckor in the Fourteenth district. FOREIGK. Advices of the ltith from Afghanistan report that in a fight atTashkurgan öve hundred of lbo Am.'or's men and sixteen hundreds of the rebels were among the killed and wounded. Floods in Abruzzo, ltaly, had on the lOtl caused enovmous damapre and the loss of many lives. While haudling a revolver at Quebec on the 17th Count Primio-Riel, Spanish Con sul-Ueiioi-iil, accldentaUjr shot and killea himself. A NEGHKS3 named Marcelina Campos died at Havana, Cuba, on the 17th at tho age of one hundred and fourteen year She leaves a ninety-year-old son. The losses by the recent cyclone in tho (Jm-mado io Querré districtol Cuba were on th.' lTlli i-stimiited atiOTl.OW. Kixo ïïe-Cheono, a Montreal (Can. merchant who had been compellod to nk liberty to go to New York to attond to his business, was informed on the 17th that ha could go, and that the exclusión of Chinea intended by the Uovernment of the Unitei Btates referred only to coolies. Raii.way trafflc throughout, Greece wa on the ISth impeded by heavy floods. The Megarean plain was converted into a lake, and the raüroadi on both sides of the Me gara had boen destroyed for a distance o twelve miles. Sir Joiin Machon'ai.d said at a banque In Ottawa on the 18th that there was no danger of war betweon Cunada and th United States. The Mexican Minister of Public Work said on the 19th that no more subsidias would be granted in Mexico to railways. General Salomón, wio was recentl; driven from the Presidency of Hayti b, an insurrectlonary movement, died on th 19th in Paris. In a speech on the uth at Ottawa, Ont. on the fibhery question 81r Jo'nn Macdonal said he was pi-oud of tho coolness vrit whicb Canadians had met threats from th United Btates which amouuted almost to insults, and said Canada could aflord t calmly listen to these threats because sh had right and justice on her side. He sai he believod that af ter the elcction Amer oans would look with moro favorable eyea on the treaty, and would agree to another arrangement Dased upon its linej ani principies. LATER NEWS. AT iwcnty-slx Jeading cl(arnff-houses in the Un.ted Ktutos the exchanpe during the week emled on the 2Oth aggre gaiedoíl,0fc2,4tj3,404, against $1,133,861,73 the previous week. As compared wit the corresoonding week of 188? the in crease amnuntel to 12 1 per cent. Bnow feil quite heavily on the 21s throughout Northern Iowa and at Webrus ka City, Neb. It was the earliest sqow storm within the niemory of old settlers The flfth of the world's baseball cham pionship carnes botweon New York an( the St Louis Browns was played in New York on the 2üth. Scoro: New York, 6 St. Louis, 4. The pooplo of Tusealoosa, Ala, were greatly exc ted on the 2Óth by the my terious murder of four negroos within ton days. Gold which nssayed ten thousand dol lars to the ton was discovered on the 2ütl near Bonman, M T. The Russlan steamer Archangel and the Glasgow Hteiimer ttoptune collided on the 20th in Christiana bay, and the captain and8eventoen of thecrowof the Archange were drowned, A i.AXnsi,nE occurred on the 20th a Latenza, Italy, and a ruilway train wa burned in thcdebris, kiüing ninety persons and injuring seventy othcre. The Social ists met in convention in New York City on tho 21st and nominated a full State ti.-kit. with Edward J. Hall, a machinist, for Governor. Bamuvix, the aeronaut, jumped from hls balloon in London on tho 20th when at a distance of nine thousand feet, and with the aid of a parachute landcd in safety. Ho was ninc minutes in making tho descent. Durixo the twentyfour hours ended on the 21st there were 27 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville, Fla., and 4 deaths from the disoase. Total cases to date, 8,7U6; total deaths, 303. Rand, Avkuï & Co., printers, of Boston, failed on the SOth for $140,000; assets f400,000. Tho flrst session of the Fiftieth Congress, the longest in alniost a hundred years, came to an end at one o'clock on the 20th. In the Senate the last biü of the session to be introduced was one by Mr. Mitchell proposinir an amendmont to the constitution providing for the election of United States Senators by the people. Rcferred. A resolution teudering the thanks of the Senate to Mr. Ingalls for tho "uniformly able, courteous and impartlal mamier in which he had pres'ded" was offered by Mr. Saulsbury and adopted unanimously. Mr. Iugalls then made a few ÍHrowell remarks, after which he declared the Senate adjourned tine dit. In the House a resolution was adopted thanking Speaker ('ariisle for the uniform courte9y, ability and fuirness with which he has presided over the deliberationi of the flrst session of the Fiftioth Congress, after which the Speaker declared the House adjourned tine du.


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