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oto for the next prosecutint auorney f Washtcnawcounty, John F. Lawience. Siiicrsttou8 people liave at last come o the conclusión Bat Cleveland" luck as come to an end. Tliere are two millionaires at tlie UoaJ f the democratie ticket, for laborlng ïen's especial benefit. Our state taxes ure only about oncalf this ycar what tliey were last year. Jarry the news to ISurt. England helpetl the Southern Brigaiers In their trouble, aud now the Southrn Itrijradlers are all up north helplng ngland. It Is for the interest finaneially and vcry othcr way, forevery property ownrin tliis representative district to vote or Mr. Sawyer. IIow many men in this city and county vill go to the poles next Tuesday and ?ote for a man who " thanked (Jod he ïad been a rebel f' If the Adrián Press wlll look over lts olumns during Gov. IJeftole's second ;mv;is9 it may out somuthing flnd that evill bea benetit to it. Our laws protect the pcople from shcep iilling dogs - and the people will look o it that they are protected from sheep iilling coogressmcii next Tuesday. Every merchant in this city will lose rom lo to CO per cent. on every dollars worth of goodá in his store If tíie democratie policy is successful next Tuesday. The republican party haslearncd apreat n:iny lessons In ils ilay and it has also taujjht a great many lessons, and it is lust possible its teaching days are not yer. Fred. A. Baker, the author of the famous Baker conspiracy bill, is now stumping the state in favor of Messrs. Cleveland, Stearns, et. al., addressing liis reniaiks especially to laboring men. Remeuiber that Willard Stearns would nothave a man given einployment in tliis country who lias not taken out hts fu.ll paper. For proof see his answef to question 7 n the Detroit Free Press of ÖCt 30, '88. The recallingof Minister Westwill not viii' out tlie fact ti ia letter proved, that the Enfilish nation is officially and directly Interested in the success of Cleveland and his free wool, free salt, free lutnber policy. The mortgage on your house or on your farm will not decrease in value with the general decrease of everything should democratie free trade be successful. It will remain the same while your power to pay t offwlll be decreased Irum I4 to The falsehood that is being circulated that Mr. Lawience ia simply running for the office of prosecuting uttorncy to lielp a friend, is so contemptible that is scarcely deservïng of notice. It is not possible that people will be deceived by such silly lies in these days. Mr. Fisher. a brewer of Adrián, accompaineil by two orthree saloon keepen of that city, have been over this county, instructing the people hcre how to vote on congressman. It is well tliey carne, for many would not have knowu liow to vote had it not been for them. There is not a man running for office on eitueror any ticket who dare Bttaok i lic most fooll&h expenditnre in the lit, that for "military purposes." The annual drunks the state mllltla have costs this county over $2,000 per year, and yet no one dare say ''boo !" about it. John G. Carlisle, who holils aseat in the present national house of representatives by thegrace of southeru returning boanl tactics, (a Knight of Labor having been lawfully elected in his placej is now telling the people of the north, mul esppcially laboring men, liow to vote on the tariff question. We nave uui. .i u.a i„ o..r i„ Jir agement of Mr. Gregory. He is a capital, good fellow, and a worthy' gentleman, but Mr. Sawyer would be a betterlegis'ator and wotild take a more prominent and active part in legislation, therefore he would be the better man for the people of this district The Argus prints a portrait of Hon. John D. Norton, democratie candi. late for state treasurer, but in the article explanatory tliereof fails to say anything about his voting for the Bxket conspiracy bill. If it was such a terrible act in a republlcau, how does it happen to be a virtue in a democrat Tkere is money being useil in this con gressional district to aid Mr. Stearns, ai( freely used, that was never contributed in f his district. It is foreign money. It i money ruised by English Cobden Clubs and sent here to bny up voters to hel Eiirland's manufacturéis and producers hienda of Minister West. Harpcr's Weekly refers to Presiden Cleveland'a public receptions as " court," and to tlie president himself a "the people's cliief butler." It is awfull English, you know. So is Mr. Saekville Weet, the British Minister withhis lette recommending all Ensflish poople in this country to vote for Cleveland. Tlie republican canvass lias grown steadily froin the dny of Harrison's noin inntiou. There has not been a hitch o partiële of draw back to it. Can you no help it on by your individual effort? I there not sorae one whorn you ean get t vote for Hanison & Morton, for Allen for Sawyer or for sume other republicai candidate? In tbe Cleveland parade in New Yorl City last Saturday nigbt, (which Gov Hill did not 6ee) were nearly everj broker on Wall street. How any green backer can support Mr. Cleveland wlici lic is owned by the Wall street garnblers the Jay Goulds and the Vanderbilts, is . curious thing, and we dou't believc many of thtni will. Wlien tlie Typographical Union was organized in Adrián, Mr. Stearns bitterly opposed and bellttled it, ind did all in liis power to defeatitssuccess. 15ut the boys went on and organized the unión despite Mr. Stearns, and hls opposition. Mr. Htearns' wbole carecr, from begin nlDg to end, bas been in direct opposition to laboiing meih The London Times will have to swallow its forged letters and its detestable oou - ardly and cruel wurfaie on Chas. Stewart Parnell. Ia there an Irishman in America who does not know and believe that any government or fiscal poliey urged upon this country by tbc same Times is tor Eogland's advautage only, and not our own ? The Lance, the Lenawee Co. prohibltion organ, comes out In great pralte for Mr. Stearns, and bitterly denounces Capt. Allen. is the way they sbould go to be consistent. Every day only goes further and further to prove the fa;t that the leaders who now remain in tlie probibltion rankn, are playing into the hands of the democrats. We have received a circular giving the afridavits of 38 of the railroad men, Kniihts of Labor, and other prominent citizens of Indianapolis, givitisr tUe lie to that infamous $1 a day lie being circulated to injure Uen. Harrison. Xo man is exempt from lying charges, end the democracy have been particularly prolitic witli falsehoods in this campaign. Willard Stearns never did a jrood deed for organied labor In his life, nor ever had a good word to sa y for laboiing men. IiesideB opposinjf and fiühtlng the typographical union in Adrián, be called the Knights of Labor "no better Una Obicago bomb throwers," and miiny other sucli " pet" names two years ago. On the co'ntrary Capt. Allen bas never Faid an unkind word or did an unklnd deed toward a laboring man in his life. He has no bad record to dcfend; the man can not stand up in thisor any other county and say ought against liim, either as to personal character, soldierly bearing or klndly, generoua manhood. The democrats are putting on a brazen roiit and clairaing everythin?. They pretend to be contident of victory all long the line, clalrains; nearly cvery state n tlie unión. But way deep down u helr hcarts tliey are quaking witli fear, ml have no conlidence at all Southern 'ree trade wül not triumpli tliis time. Iarrison wlll bc the next president. T. V. Powderly the Master Workman of the K. of L. of the United States, whlle not taking any part in politie?, comes out tlat-footed for protection to American industries. He doesn't believe In givlng to foreign workmen wliat can be giveu to our own, and says that a "protectlve tariíl" 8hould be placed on everythint; that can be made or prodneed In this country." Twice has Englaud attempted to conquer us by force of arms and twice has she failed. Again she attempted to destroy the country by helping the Confedérate States by buying thoir bonds, and fnrnidllug them with substantial aid. Xow slie is In the lield again, llgbting our great laboring niasses and our growing industries by cndeavorlnjr to foree upon us Biitisli free trade, and the southerners are balplng her, of course. Wt have it on goud auihority that the men wlio are atlempting to stir up the prcihibitionists iu this city and county are beingpahl tlierefor by the democrats, and we know from llie Up of a proMbitionisi himtelf, that lie wlll not vote the prohibition ticket, but will vote for Cleveland and the democratie ticket, and hc said others would do the game. The bllls were gotten out for the prohibition mnes meeting at a democratie ollicc, and pald for by democratie moncy. Mr. Bteams, In his replies to questions propoanded liiin by the Knightsof Libor says in resjard to the one asking for tlie prevention of liiringconvict labor on joveminent buildings: "Yes; andgo farther and prevent any person not hating f all papers from bcing employed in any municipal corporations, mine factory," etc. IIow do tlie hundredl and thousands of men in tliis district who have only gottcn out their first papers relish tliis direct stub at tliem? Soine of the democratie orators n Indiana announce tliat "The demócrata of Indiana are ifoing to curry ttaat state if they have to carry it in blood up to tlieir knees," and a scheme has been unearthed in seveml border counlies where thousands of votera have been colonized by the demócrata for tliat pnrpnse. It remains to be seen wliether American freedom and American rights can be tlms trmnpled Itoder foot. Southern tactics must not be attempted in the north. IIow is this for Democratie testiraony? On June 20th, live days before he was Domtnated, the Newark, Ohio, Advocate, demoerntic oigan, and now reviler ol pverythinfr republicin, said: " Oeneral Benjamin larrison in in the prime of Ufe, and in f 'uil rigor of both body and mimi. He ík ii ('hristvin man of the best type; a citizen of notable iniegrity of character: a model hutband and fatlier, indeed, on, American without fear and without reproach." Can any Bourbon oigan, in the l.ind S!iy as much for Mr. Cleveland? The Personal Liberty association, like tlie third party prohibition organization, is elmply a deinocrat annex. It indorsps all the democrat candidates and in the publislieil "sccoiul appe:il"openly defines [tl object, viz.. that "the enlire liijuor laio berepealed? Very well gentlemen, the people of Michigan are ready for the Issue. The plcctors of thls State will never sustain your demand for the reneal of a'l tempernncn lesislation.


Ann Arbor Courier
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