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Si-nntor Thomas V. Palmer tnd Gnv. Cyms G Luce, at the Hink, Ann Arbor, Friday Nov. 8d. Rousinj; meeting at CheUea Saturday night. Man wants but llttle here below But he wants tliat llttle bad; The way to get H very qulck, Is to run a llttle ad. A vote for John F. Lawrcnce is a vote to be proud of. Court nieeis iriin lo-day tiaving adjourned frnm Mondsy. The Clicquamegons wlll play for a wedding it Ypilunti to-night. Evcry repabllcan whocan, shouldgo to Cli'l-ea Salurday evening. Jacob II. Maltin as sheriff of this county would be .1 pplendld offieer. O. L. Leland, of North field, had ton Bheep killed by li{litninr on the 18th Inet. JncnS II. Martin is n good mn for slierirl' aml i makinif i liuslliiiK cainpaisrn. The republicana of Hambnrjr, rawed 12 polcs ncentlj', and litened to exellont spi'eche?. Oingto Iheelection the "Unity Club" wlll poatpone tlieir meeting next Monday evuninsr. Dr. Studley r; ches next Sundiy evening on the iluty of the American citizeii in politie-. Several of our democratie brethren went np to Cbelsea Monday nlght to help boom the ticket. Venelia Crawfoid was grantc-d a divorce from Monis A Crawford, by Judjie Kinue lat Motul iv. Toniiht is the wonderfnl All -Ila'low's Eve., aiiil it is expected tliat inany prmnks will be played by the boy. The Star MonaUin Mining Co. held tlieir annual meeting Monilsy, and resolved to move their headquarteri to Detroit. " Fadin slill lading.' Politici wlll be knocked "üt betore we meet you acain. Budii't yu better subscribe tor tue ('oruiKH nowï Burglars brnke open t!ie f=afe of Denbel Bro. milla at Delhi last Friil.ty niglit. They got re me 18 for tlieir hard job. No cinc. Thursdny, to-morrow evening, there is be RfCital by the the teachers and papila of the School of Music In Room 24, Untversity. Thp board of reistration of Ann Arbor townahip will be in session Satnrday at Covert'i cnopcr lbop. Republlcans -honlil remember thi-. Kvery min who labors for a Uring in ny c.tpacity, would do himself a f.ivor by reading the article In another column headed "A Clear Case." The oranl report comes fro-n the democratie delegatlon that visited Chclsca last Mondny nlaht 'l'here were four fights jnt for a bit of devarsion. The republi(!ins of this city will visit Cheliefl next S itnrday nlght on a special train, to leare here at G:30 oVlock iharp. Il is boped tliere wlll be an excellent tnniout. The musical Recital at the Congregational Church last Thursday evenin? was a very enjoyadle "tï'iir. Miss K itic Jacobs and Miss Carrie Hall, gave representations of Italian niusic. Our readers wlll tind it to tlieir advantagf to read the new adverlisement of P. N. Ötimson & Co., and tlien go and give the firm a cali. They will fmd a nice, clean, fine grocery store. Next Wednesday the United Static will resume its wonted ciiliiineg-, and dcniocrutic neighbora ciui bc seeii talking to republican he'.ghborg without being accnsed of putting up a sclieme The problbltton vnte In this city four yeara Bgo was 172 ; two yeara aga it was 142; LI iis year yoo 1 jüdges estimitte it at ie tli:in 100. Wliy to perpetu vte :i party that keep decreasing instead of increasiuu ? Judire Jnbn Howard, aformer Ann Arhor boy is mayor of Preêoott, Arizona, and i repuhlican candidate for district attornev. He was a brother of the latp Murk Howard, president of the Hartford, Conn., Insurance Co. Bngene E. Tie.A of tltis office, has been appointed ajrent lor the property in this city of Lyman ü. Jame, of MhsshcIiusetts, and of Cha9. Fantle of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. DeForcst, the fornier ;ijent, baving removed to California. Secretary Haur annoiincfs the monthly meetinjr f Washtenaw pomoloftical society next Saturday. Nnv. 3 1 at 2 p. in., in tUe court houce. Itepoi ts froni comniit te.e, exhtbit of fruits and fruit preserves Ltrgett exhibition of Chrysiinthemums The ladios of the Unitarian churcli wil) have a sociable evening wltll lifrlit refiebmenUat the rtildenceof Mr. Ayrcs, corniT nf State ind Ann ctrecta on Thnrsd iy Nor. 1. at eight o'clock. All are cordially invited. Admission lifteen cents. Sime reckle=s lias stolen fnun it ftCCMtOtned peg in the IooüI clitor's den in umbrella. It was old nnd fndetl, (if not mucli vuluf, :ind It must have been a dcpraved person who could have taken it. It was not taken for politienl effect, for the one who took it would not in tlie leat object to "suthin' wet." The attack nn .lolin F. Luwrence In tlic hanner carried In tlie democratie proce-ision to-day, was really a compliment tn him. Thë better a criminal lawyer ttie a proêecuttog ttorney. To l'fi-n(l a noted charactpr against such a man as Hon Chas. K. Whitman who was tlien prosecuting attorney of this county, aiii] come 1 1 1 aliead, was indeed a tlilng tn hc protld of. Tlie idea tliat the county paid Mr. LriwrenceV expenses is absurd, uny tooi knowi better. Hy attcmptln a pit-ce of nafty flirt, tlie democrats havu really done Mr. Lawrence a favor, pioying him to be an able lawyer just such a one as we need as prosecuting attorney.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News