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BIG SPECIAL BARGiSÍLE ! DURING THE MONTH OP OCTOBEE AT D. T. SCHAIEER'S Do not miss them. HËRE THEY ARE X.OOK MERE. ?- 5O pieces striclly all wool Dress Goods werc 5Oc per yd., ent now to 25c. 18 pieces 52 incli 75c quality Ladics Clotfis now 50c. 28 pieces 5 inch Broadcloths worth $1 now 75c por vil. 1 ; pieces 36 inch Henriettns at 25c per yil. 27 pieees flne all wool Henriettas in blacks and choice new shodes at 40c, 50c and 75c per yd. We are still doing the Plush trades of the city. and wilt continne to sel! a good Stik Plush at COc per yd., same as other stores will k you 75c. The shades are new and it has a handsomc close pile. BARGAINSALETABLEUNENSAND TOWELS. 50 dozen Irish Hnck all Lincn Torréis at 10c each 25 dozen Huck and Damask Linen Towels at 12 l-2c. 18 dozt-n large Huck Linen Towels at Ic. 20 dozen extra Iarge Huck Towels at 20c each. 5 pieces 64 inch Bleaclied and Creara Table Dainask at 40 and 50c per yd. 10 pieces ( im-h Cream and Bleaclied Table Dutnask bcautlCul patterns at C5c and 75c per yd. 50 dozen Lincn Xapklns at 75c and $1 per dozen. Bisr drive in a 3-4 Linen N'apVin at $1.85 worth $1.75 a dozen. Linen Hiij lic at 5c 8c 10c and 15c each. 5 pieces Turkey Red Table Damask at 25c per yd. 15 pieces cboicc beautiftil styles Turkey Red Damask at 50c per yd. 50 large Turkey Red Table Covers at 75c and $1 each. 25 lartre Bleaclied and Crcam Table Cloths at $1.50 $2.00, and 2.50 each. Novelties in Lunch and Tea Clotlis, Bureau Scarfs and sideboard Covers. 15 dozen large cotton fllled Bed ComTortablPS at 05c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1 25 and $1.50 each. Barains in white, grray and scarlet Blankets at 11.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. $2 50 and $10 a pair. 2 cases ladies' Merino Vests and Pants at :19c each. IN OUR SHAWL DEPARTMENT WE OFFER 50 Iargc doublé ivool SlinnN vorth $5.00 for 3.50 racli. Single wool Shawls at $1.50, $2.00 &2.5O. Braver wool Shawls at 2.00, $2.50, f3.00 to $12.00. 100 Misses' and Chlldren's Wool Shawls at 75c and $1. 50 pairs Tottingrham Lace Ciirtains were $1.50 now $1 a pair. 100 pairs elegant Lace Curtains 3 1-2 jds. long at 92, 2.50 and :{ a pair. 25 pieces Curtain Scrim at 5c, o, c and 10c per jd. IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT WE ARE OFFERING Bargaiai in Children's Xewmarkeis at $2 50. 3.00, #3.50, $1.00 aud 5.00. Ladit's'ulainaml stripedXewmarkets at 5, 6, 97, 9 to $15. Ladies' Plnsh Jackcts, Sacqiies, Modjeskas and Xewmarkets at 912, 11, .1, $90, #25, 930, 935 aud 940. Mouey saved buyïug Dij Goods of D. F. SCHAIRER SHOOLOF MUSIC (E3TABLI8HED 1879.) BRANCHES OF STUDY. Piano, Yoice Culture, Singing, Yiolin, Viola, 'Cello, Orcheslral Instruments, Organ, Clwral Music, llarmony. Counterpoint. Compontion, Scienre m! Art of TeacMmj, Phyuical Culture. FACÜLTY. Albert A. Stanley, Director, Orin Cady, Wm.ljiulerer, Fruncís I.. York, Ruben II. Kenipf. Mrs. Anna E. Warden, Misa Marlan Hmltli Miss Martha E.Teoney. Mrs. Julia E. Van Slyke, Miss Kllen E. (Jarrlgucs, Mr. E. Ij. Moore. Studeutsore entltled to the Frec Instruc tlon in Harmony, Ensemble Playing and chornl Musle, liesldes Ril Recitals and Lecturos glven by the School. For l'urther Information address, A. A. STANLKY, Director. Ante-Koom. University Hall. Office Hours, S-M- tf :30 a. m„ and 1-2 - 1 p. m. ÏÏËSli! A very important invention which will be hailed with deüght by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of perience we have succeeded in ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine thil useful invention. HUTZEL &c CO., Plumher and Sleamfitter. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held for the protectlon of the pollcy holdem. CHRISTIAN MACK i,,.,,,..,,.,, the followlng nrnt-clasa companle, of wh?ouL JLtna, hm alone pad5,000,000ttrc loseee In sixty-dve yeare : iBtna, of Hartford IWl , Franklin of l'hiladelphia 3 Gennania, N.. . ... ¦¦ 2,700. 789 Germán American, N. Y ? London AssuraDce, London.. . 1,410,78 I Mlchizan F. & M., Detroit... 287,608 N Y Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,676 Nktional, Hartford kilt' Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 i I.otset liberally adjmted mnd promptly pald. Pollcie litued at tlie lowest rnte of premium.


Ann Arbor Courier
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