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The of Manchester have a reading élrcle. Tlic I. O. G. T. lodge of Mooreville still llourislies. The Milan band boys have thell dandy uew uniformo. Townsliip treasurers are now vrretfliog with tax reeeipts. Egbert P. Harper bas been nerrth bunting- Por several days. A. W. Reynolds, of Milan, contemplutcs rcinoring to Detroit. The inaiiy campaJgti polea wil! now rnake excellent wood. Port matter Doty, of Manchester, has a severe ïheumatic attack. The Webster eliurch mite boxèl licld $7.yO when opened recently. Some of our ncighboring towns are troubled with chicken tbieves. The Commercial is still urging ts clientage to guess on those bcans. The Enterprise reporta an increased interest in the Manchester schools. The Plnckney Dispatch is out of wood. Lots ut papers are out of sorts now. Burt Wade. of Manchester, U clerklng in a store at Pittsford, Hillsdale Co. You will have to come to the scratch now that buckwheat pancakes are ripe. The Xornial School students behaved tliemselves liKe little men llallow'een evening. Mrs. M. P. Hogers bas returued hotne to lexter fioin a vlslt with friendo in Lanslng. The Manchester liiarli srhoni '¦¦' ""'' one ense of tnrdinrss during Oetober. Good record. Hon. S. G. Toe, f Chclsea, lias been visitiag Erlenda al South Bind, IhU., but is liome now. There is to be a social at the Ijorae of Mrs. Win. Danslngtmrff, títony Cruek, Friday evenin, Nov. 9th. Miss Xellie 15. Tuoniey, formerlv of Seio, was mainel to Cbas. E. Diss, at Marysville, Cal., recently. And still the Milan street lights twinkle but dinily, and the common council procrastinates in flxing them up. The Leader says the Milan folks nre kicking vigorously over the new mail arrangements o the T. L A. A. R. R. Burchard out-Burchardcd. A tumip 4ü)ó inclies in circumference comes from D. Burchard, of Milan.- Dexter Leader. Tbos. J. Farrell and Sim Sherwood are the only surviving memt)ers of the 28th Mich. Inft'y living at Manchester. The Ypsilanti Congregational minister, Rev. Mr. Beale, is drawlng crowded bouses to hear bis Sunday ovening sermons. Al. Van, of Stony Creek, was quite seriously injured by thn premature explosión of a cartridge, while buntiiig squirri'ls recently. The Farmers' Yijrilance Association will meet at the Lowden school house, Ypsilanti, Monday evening next. Horse thieves beware ! Saline has a faitb cure society wliich is knocktng the doctors of that vicinity out of time in great xhape. Everv eraze like every dog, bas its day. There was quite an exciting horse race at the fair ground last Monday. between Fred Heller and Torn McNainara lor $58 a side. Ileller's horse won. - Chelsea Herald. Tlie Pinckney Dispatch reads some of its mercliants a lesson who send off to get their printing, when they could get it done just ascheap and a good deal better at home. II. C. Raytnond, our popular dentist, is to become an instructor in the University of Michigan ágata this year. It will not interfere with carrying on bis practice here, however. - Mibin Leader. Geo. J. Nissly ships a car of poultry to Sew York, from Milan, this week, and will ship anotber from points on tii 13 branch next week. He also shipped iicarly 100 bushela of hickory nuts from tb II place yesterday. - Saline Observer. The friaky malden and the bucolic youth are now fr&therlllf dead leaves - wasting seven dollars wirtli of time for three cents worth of leavca. "What fools we mortftls be1' to fee sure. - Saline Observer. They shotild leave out such pursuiti. An amateur cyclone struck Sand lake, Saturday eveninji about six o'clock, and made things rutile amonir the cottagei and hotels. It was the beaviest blow this season at the l.ike, and would ban proved serieus bad it been when Borne one was on the water. - Manchester Enterprise. Dr. Smith, of Newton Center. Ma-s.' who wrote the famous hytnn "America,', "My country 'tls of thee, Swect Innd or llherty, Of tbee I sing, etc, aaalsted at the nuptuali of Miss Kate Glover, who was married at Tpnllantl, Oct. 31st, to L. Loring Biooks of Boston, Mass.


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