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MU. STEARNS' FREE TRADE ROOSTER. HE IS AWEARY, AWEARY ! ! D. McKinley is clerking at The Two Sams. Vote fop - no yon needu't eitlicr - not until 1890. Rev J. F. Sunderland will preach next Sunday morning apon the the subject of "Noman in the pulpit." This is a pretty good time to secure your WÍntefs reading, by taking ttie Coükier Only $1 per year. Tlie J. L. Hii'ison band are on the boards for a rand Concert at Germania hall, on Friday evening Nov. 10. The frlenda wlio have been estranged by polines can now come together aud respect eaeli other as of yore - for two years at least. The bilis on the general street fund were greater last month tuan for any Oetolier for inany years. 01 course it just h:i'pened so. Z ich. Itoath of thi3city, had his pocket picked on the day of the democratie deoimistratimi bist week, and lost over $20 by the unpleasunt event. Mrj. Elizabeth Maier, wife of John Maier, of Loiii, dléd S iturday a. m. of consumption, aged 38 years. She Ie ives a Uuiily of üve chddren. P. J. tttegulre is to speak before the Confeder.itwl Tirades Unions of this city on tlie eveointt of Dec. 5th. Workinguien Will !o well to remember I li is. Grand Conc.-rt at the University II ill, Kriday evening, Nov 16, by the B"Stou Symi'liony On-hi'Stral Ciub, mider the aupiceí fff the Uuivursity Musical S ¦- ty. Next Monday evening at the Unity club Prof. De Pont will give a talk on the education of the Frmich youth, following which, Mr. Luzuki, one of our Japanese students, will give ua some information b)Ut the Jipanese University. On the occasion of his 50th birthday last Tutsday, Wallace W. Blies had a grand Kt-np ut his billiard hall, on N. Main st., and tlie boys made Mr. Bliss liapiiy by presenting him with an ebony gokl headed cane. The entile affair was one of much pleasure. The "Channinjt Guild" which has just been organized in connection with the Unitarian church will hold its first religious meeting in the church next Sunday evening at the regular hour of service. This Guild meeting will take place of the usual lectors. There will be an addres, reading?, music, etc. Studenta and raany young people are especially invited. The marriage of Miss Lizzie Heinzmann and Mr. Christ. Brenner both of this city, which took place last Thursday evening, at 6 o'clock, at the bride's residence on West Liberty street, was a very pleasant affiiir, and a large number of relatives and friends were present on the occasion. They received a numerous lot of elegant presenta in the line of silver wart. We all join in wishing thla couple most hearty sucess and happiness through life. John Harrison, of this township, was in this office Saturday, and brought into the city a load of as fine corn as we have seen this year, and he reporta raising 295 bushels of it off of Z% acres f orcliard land. A fair specimen ear l'-ft on our table measures 14'- inches ii le"Kth. Mr HaniRon expects to leave here for Barton Beudish, Stock Ferry Norfolk, Enwland, in a coupie of weeks t') spend the winter wlth a aister living tliere. Some two months ago Gu3 Backhaus tlie Detroit st. restaurater and E. E. Hal lett, the Arlington House clerk made an election wager on the presidential result If Cleveland is elected Backhaus wil wlieel Hallett arouud the court hous square in a wbeHbarrow; and if Harrison Is elected Hallett will wheel Back lian. Tlie politlcal commltteea will fur ¦toh music and the public Is cordial!' iiivitccl to see the fun. It will come of as ioon as the result is settled beyouc qucstlon. t'pwards of 500 people, with but a ver ew xceptlons, votara, went up to Chelsea SaturoUy night to take part in the monster torch ll;ht proces9on anc ¦tnass meeting held there. They were joined by upwardl of 200 more at Dexte ail wlien tliev arrived at Chelsea thej found soiiH! S00 more men in line wait iiíí for Uu-m. Tlie torch-llffhl proces in wal the largest by fur held in tlii C'iunty this camp -ilgn, and extendei .quite aronnd the thrlfty and widc awak vilhisre. The rallroad aiithurities wer n')t on time either going or returning ad the (lelay, e-pccially in retuniin Was very i'XHspi'rating. Tire sanie tr;üi carried a number of prohibí up to Dexter and brought thein back.