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Jude FCInne went to Monroe this a. m. to hold cüiirt. Gco. A. Douglass has been homo for the past few days. Fred S. Ilubbard came home from Washington to vote. Judge Cooley urived home froni Washington last Saturday for a few days. A. f. Noble and wife rere called to Alblon, X. Y., to-d;iy by tlie illness of Mrs. Xoble's fathtr. W. J. Colgrove, wife and son, oí Ann Arbor, were tlie guests of Mr and ifr, jildartover Sunday.- Stockbridge Sun. Mr. Clirist. Heinzmann, formerly of liis city, but now of Bay City, was in Ann Arbor a few days last week to atend tlie marriage of bis sister. S. F. Norton, editor of the Chicago Scntinel visited his old friend J. Sprague a fi-w days since. H was formerly a esident of the 5th wanl, and a gradúate rom the U. of M. "Jack" KtMiny. plumber, of the firm of Schub & Muehlig, is engaged in doing fine piece of work for tliem at Charotte, wliich will tabe him about three week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kcith, of Caro, are witli rclatives in the city, beihg brought lere by the illness of tlieir little daughter, vlmm tliey hope will receive benefioial reatineiit by our pliysicians. Miss Grace F. Jamos, daughter of Ly1 ui D. James, of Williamsburg, Mass., v 1 1 k'iown In Ann Arbor, was married ut Wi ihios.tay. President L. C.Seelye, f Smitli College performing the cerenuny. H'in. II. M. Loud, of Oscoda, spent Sunday wlth Ii is daughter Mrs. Gay, and vith her in the evenlng listened to Rev. )r. Studley, with whom he became acmlnted when a mernber of the New Cngland conference. Mrs. Co!. H. A. Darling and daughter, üss Mac, of Boston are visiting Col. tatilng! sinter Mrs. StickDey, corner of lili and 12th sts. Miss Darling who is younj; artist, is fasciiiiited with the jicturesque views about Ann Arbor. Vom the people Blitz & Langsdorf put in a new raiload cash syslem S iturday. Mayor Beakes did not issue his proclaïalion, accotding to law, caliing for the losing of faloons on elcction day. Why idn't lie ? John J. Robison did when ie was mayor and so did Dr. Kapp. Mr. Will Ross of tliis city, who for everal years past lias been employed on lie Michigan Central R. K. as breakman, vaa niarried to Miss May iJufly of Ypsiantl, on M'Hiday evening last. Will isa ooil fellow aml lias many warm frlends n tliis city wüo wisli him much joy and uippiness. The puiling of the national, sUtc and ounty vote in tliis city yesterday was oiie in a very quiet and orderly manner. 'here was very little excitemeut, but ïany oitizeus came wilh their tickets all xd in their vest poekets and would not ubinitto eleclionceriii;;. Some ot our exchanges print weekly lie names of all paren ts and people visitng the public schools. If sucli a scheme vill be any indncement to those who hould be suffleiently interested to give a diy or a half-day occasionally to tliis nost commendable service, then it will ndeed be an admirable one. On Wednesday evening Nov. 7th, Iazel Keitli, the infant dttighter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keith, of Caro, died in his city. The little suffrer was brouglit lere for treatmcnt for tumor in the throat. Au operation had been successfully perornied hut the patiënt did not have suülit?nt etrcngth to eurviv it. Mr TC.-itli s the editor of the Caro Democrat, a trnther of Mrs. E. E. Beal of this city, and a nephew of Geo. H. Pond. It is asserted that Malcolm MacDougill of Superior, the present secretary of the county board of school ex iminers, is not only opposed to our system of school?, uit opp sed to ii 1 1 tree schools in general. We ilo not ifive this a9 a fact, but only a i rumor belny; comnionly talked upon ur streets. It is to be hoped that the report is f ilse. No enemy to our school ystem should be placed iñ clmríie of the ncliools of a grent and populous county ike Washtenaw, nor in fact of any schools whatever. Mr. MaeDouall ¦¦' man of ability. of pure moráis and could vield a most excellent Influence over the schools ot the county, iliil he see fit to lo so But on the contrary a man in that xxitlon can do an immense atnount of larm also, and the men having this tffflce n charge sliould look well to their selections. If this report is false it should be oontradicted at once, in justice to the eentleman interested.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News