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Long-Standing Blood Diseases are cured by the persevering use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. This medicine is an Alterative, and causes a radical change in the systcni. The proces, in sorae cases, may not be quite so rapid as in othcrs ; but, vith penisMnce, the result is certain. ltead these testimoniáis : - " For two years I suffered from a sevoro pain In my riglit side, and had other troubles caused by a torpid liver nul dyspepsia. After Riving several medlciaes a fair trial without a cure, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was greatly benefitcd by tlie Iirst bottte, and after taking five bottles I was complitoly cured." - John W. Bcuson, 70 Lawrence st., Lowell, Mass. Last May a large carbuncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedios had no effect and I was contined to my bed for glit weeks. A friend induced me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Less than thrn bottles healed the sore. In all my experience with medicine, I ncver saw more Wonderful Results. Another nmrkod effect of the use of this medicine wan the atrengthening of my .siülit."- Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I had a dry sraly humor for years, and suffered terribly ; and. as my brother and sister were similarly aftiicted, I presume tlie malady is heroditary. I.ast winter, Dr. Tyron, (of Fernandlna, Fla.,) recommeiided mo to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and continue it for a ycar. For flve months I took it daily. I havo not had a blemish upon mv body for tho last three months." - T. E. Wiley, 14 Chambors st., New York City. "Last fall and winter I was troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I did not notico it iuuch at first, hut it cradually grew worse until it became alraost ünbearable. Diiring tlie latter part of this time, disorders of the stomach and livcr increased my troubles. I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after faithfully continuinj the use of this medicine for some months, the pain (HsapiH'arcd and I was completely cure."- Mr. Augusta A. Furbush, Havarhill, Mus.s. _ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas. Frice $1 ; ix boules, f5. Worth f5 a botlle. CARTER'SI IVER 9 CURE Bick üoadache and rellove all tho troublea lnot dont to a biUous Btato of tho systom. Buch aa Dizzineís, Nausea, DrowsInosB. Distrcsa aftor catin' Paii. in tho Sido, kc Whilo tUeir moet romarkable buccoss bas boon hown lu curing SICK neaflacho. yct Cartcr"8 Llttlo Livor Pilla aro cuuallT valuablo n Constipation, curing aud prov.'ntiug thiaaimojinifeomplaiiit.whilotheyaUo correct alldisordorsofthostomach.stimulate tho livor and rogulato the bowala. KTen it they only HEAD Acho they wonld bo almost priceloss to hqso who Buffurfrum thisdiBtrussingcomplaint; bilrortunatolytheirgooduossdocsnotondhcre.andthoso whooncotry tbcm wül find theso littlc pillsvalneblolnaoiuany ways that thcy will nut bo wllling to do without them. Bat aitor allelck hoad ACHE Ia tho bano of oo many Iivos that hora ia whero we make our grcat boast. Oor pilla curo it whilo others do not. CarU r'a Littla Livcr Pilis aro very small and very easy to take. Uno or two pilla ínakoa doao. Thcy are strictly vegetable and do not gripa or puree, but by thoir gontle action ploasa all who unotheiu. Invla3at25conts; flvofortl. 8old by drogsists ovorywhoro, or Bent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CU., New iuik. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE "CHICAGO TRUSS." A'no Spiral !,'9BiWöJMl# cheap. A pSiring ÏVu PR SP p r o v e d by llaid Jiubber ,'Cj tlie hlgbest Pud; Light C5, Medical AuClenn, Cool thorltyWorn Durable, " - '¦ tl i y i n d night ly an Iniant :i week nld or n Adult years. Easily ruljueted. It meetx all forms oi Scrotal, Fennoral. inKUiutil. and Umbilical Herma, in botli Intiiiit.s and Ailults. Satisfactlon guaranleeil in In all cafes. Any desl rabie prt-ssure obtained. Lady1 Umbilical Trusseg a grand succes. 11 y our druggisl does not kci] Ihls Truss, endose Rtairp uud address, (lllivi.i) TRI'SN CO. 113 F-ast Randoph si.. Office same place. liii ac. Hls. T. Y. KAYXE, Manager. 8OL.1 by ANN It BUK I)UIi(.lvri O The BUYEH8' QUIDE ia isBued March and Sept., each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the luxuries or tho necossities of Ufe. Wj can olothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizer etyles and quantities. Just figure out what is required t do all these things COMFOFTABLY. and you can make a fair estímate of the value of the BUYEHS' OUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. 111


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