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Iiáa u Cmebal Time table taking cflect July 15th, 1888. Central Mtandard Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. Sljg %L¦ 8? í L? .L te i ai i .co # I STAT1OHS. í S? C ií íi f. f 'í.M.Iá. . 1 . M. PM. P.M. Cbirago .Lt. 500 OH 3 10 4 40 ... 10 10 9 10 Kalamazoo .. 10 2(1 133 $38 USO 7 10 3 35 2 27 Creek.. 1 1 18 i 15 7 33 7 56 j 27 8 15 Ja.-kson 120 4 15 8 4 9 3 6 15 4 45 Gnu Lake..J 143 55 64. 5(18 chele.' 201 1014 7 10 527 Deller 2 17 U 24 7 Í7 6 41 i ellii Milla... üi ¦ 737 Ann Arbor.... 2 43 5 30 9 4) 10 4(1 7 SO 8 00 Ypsilanti 3 00 5 45 53 10 58 8 08 17 WayneJunc. 3 '5 605 11 H 833 648 DetTOK.-Ar. 4 10 645 1046 . . . 11 -'0 92J 7 30 üt.Thoraa.... 10 10 1105. 2 0' . 12 10 12 4i 8 25 FallíView 4 58 3 44 6 46 N. FhII, 2 21 5 03 3 47 6 60 nuffilo .. 3 30 435 715 7 2S 5 55 HfcS DKTKOIT TO CniCAGO .tío.. fi & S. feL fr _: o 5 2 Sí Ü s 3 C bS 2 ?? f 1 ?S a c __ _O_ ta_ __ a A.M. A M A V P.M. p M P. . A.M. Hnffalo 1180 5 rjO5 Ï00 100 .. N. Falls, 1445 2i8.... St.Thomas 4 v 9 5 1 1 10 105 f,40 .. A.M A. . r .. P M. P.M P.M A.M. Detroit.. ..I,v. 7 30 9 10 1 20 4 00 8 00 10 15 3 45 WljneJnne.. 8 11 9 53 ¦ ¦ 45 888 1066 .... Ypsilantl .... 8 : 10 1" 2 12 5 12 9 00 11 18 4 45 AnnArhor... 850 1040 2 24 530 9 15 1186 5 00 Delhi Milla .. 9 01). 5 42 ... liext.r 90H 5 50 9 44 5 16 Ohelsea 22 605 10(10 5 27 GraesLake... 4.! H 27 10 25 .... 5 42 Jackson 1013 1145 877 7101055 1254 6 25 Battle Creek.. 12 0 1 ¦ 188] 8R3 Vi LT J 15 7 56 Kalamazuo. . . 12 50 2 04 6 ló 4.'i 1 20 1 0" 8 40 Clilca!;o...Ar. fJlol)4O 30. .. i 7 00 7 45 6 40 U. W. KUUGLES, H. W. HAYKS. (i. P. A I'. AgeDI Aít. Ann Arhur. CUewo. Toledo, Aun Arbor & 'riti Mirhluan Kallway. TIME SCHKDl'LB. Totiikc efí'cct lt 12 o'clock, noon, od Sunday, Septembi-r 30tlj, 1888. Train rnn by Utandard Time. QUINO NORTH. I L1 L g STATIONS. J 1 1 A. M. P H. A.M. Toledo Lv 5 35 3 25 6 00 Munhattau Janction 5 40 3 31 6 10 Alexis 6 45 336 638 Samarla B 03 8 50 7 15 Monroe Junctiun 6 19 4 05 K 00 Dandee 6 27 4 15 8 2 Azalia 6 37 4 23 50 Milán 6 4 4 31 9 15 Urania 7 00 4 43 9 56 i'ilti-Úeld 7 08 4 52 1015 Aun Arbor 7 20 5 07(10 SO Leían 7 3. 5 27 lí 00 Whttmorc Loko 7 49 S 45 12 30 Howell 8 45 6 34 1 .15 Dura nd 9 35 7 15 p. M. ('ornnna 10 00 7 45 OwoBfO 10 10 7 55 Uw(,ho Junctiim 1(120 8 00 Iiha a 11 3tí 9 18 8l Louls 1155 9 35 A.'ma lí 0. 9 41 Mi. Pluasant 14 45 10 20 Farwell 153 1105 .. Cadillac Ar 3 301 . . M.p. ¦. ....i, OPINO SOUTH. i--1 u =„ STATIONS. U li A. M. P Omllllac Lv... . 2 00 Farwell 5 50 3 50.... Mt. Pluasant 6 40 4 36 .. Alma. " 7 23 5 10 W. Louis ¦ 7 3u 515.... 'tnca 760 582.... owoseo Janction " 9 o 6 H2 . u Owiwbo 9 05 6 35 5 30 Corunna " 917 6 49 5 50 Durand. " 9 35 7 15 6 55 Hi'well 10 lf 6 13 9 SO whitmore Lake ¦ 10 55 8 60 11 16 !-land 11 llr 9 05 12 00 Aun Arbor ' 11 45 9 20 12 60 IMitr-fluld ¦ 11 40 9 3i 11 urania 1147 9 40 155 M'n 12 00 9 50 2 36 Amalia 12 10 1.116 3 10 ondee ¦- 12 ÍK 10 13 3 40 Monrot Janction 12 44 10 20 4 05 Samarla 14 45 10 35 4 45 Alexis 12 56 10 50 5 16 Manhattan Junctlon 104 10 55 5 38 l'oledo Ar 1 10] 11 00 5 46 P. ,[P. M.p, M. South Lj .mi Krancfa. NORTH BODND. STATIONS. SOUI'HBOUND. Traln 8 Traln 6 A. M. A. U 8 15 Ar. Wordens Ar. 8 55 8 30 Ar South Lyon Lv. 8 40 ConnecUons: At Toledo, wlth rallroads dlverg Ing; at Manhatian Juuctiou, with Wheellne A Ukr Krle R. R.;at Alexia JuDction, wiih M. C. K. R., L. S. A M. S Ry. and F. 4 P. M R. R.; at Muuroe Junctiun, wltn L. S. M. S. Ry.; al Uundee, with L. S. A M. S. Ry., M. O. Ry.; al Milan Junctlon. wlth Wabash, St. Lonle & Pacllc Hy ; at Pittsfleld.wlth L.s. & M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Delroit, Laimlng & Northern R. R., and Mich. A. L Div. of Grand Tronk Ry. At Hamburg wlth M. A. Line División Grand Trunk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, Lnnslng 4 Nurthern R'y. Al Durand with ('h:cngo Grtmd Trunk R'y and Detroit, Grand Haven & Mllwukee R'y. Al llwoto Junction wiih Detroit, (.rand Haven ét Milwaukee R'y and Michigan Central R. R. Ai Ut Lonis with Detroit, LansirgA Northern R. U. and .--at'i naw Vullcy & St. Louis h'y. At Alma wit Detnit LansinL' & Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleaeant wlth Flint A Pcre Marq nette R'v. H. A . ASULEY, General Msnaer. W. II. BENNETT, A. J. PA1S1BY. Gbu'I. Ph. A Ticket Aent. Local Vi' '. Chanccry Sale. In pomúlM and by virtue of a decree of toe C'irruit Coun fir the C'oiinly of Washtenav in ChHiicery, in the state of M lenig ui, made nnd entered on the sixttenth day of January, A. D. 1888, in .i oertala caus therein pending, wherein U' m F. Bon in coinplüinant and John 'od Uab lturnuiig and Catherine M. Hornnng are duleudantH. Nodea is henbv given, that on T'ii-s day, the lourtu day of December, A. D. 18S8. at ten o'clock In the forenmin of said day, I thal eel! at public auction. or vendne to hi het bidder, ut the enst fronl door (being the Fourth ptreet enlrauce of the Court House, In ihe city ol Ann Arb r, in said connty of Washtenaw and State ut -Mirhigun, suid Court House belng the place lorholdinirtheCiicnlt Couit (orsald OOOBti 1 to ralae die umount due to the said coinplainaut for principal, interest and costs In this causi' nll thoe rertaln plecvs or pareéis of land situned in thf uiwnsbip ol Kreedom. County ol Waphtenaw and State 01 Michigan, and described as follnwit: v: TheuortheKst quiiner ofthe sou hwest qnar'er auu the northwest qiiarter of the southeas quarter o! section thirteen in town three, south o' range tour i-ast; nnd aleo the north half of the oulheast quarter f tiie toathwaal qnarter ol section thlrleen in said tuwn three souih of range four east, and in inaklng said sale all of said land will be citl.r. il und sold as one tract or pnreel of land in iiccordance with the temí of sald decne. Dattd Ann Arbor, Mlch'gan, Oct. 15th, 18S8, FRANK JUSLYN, Circuit Court Commlssloner, lu and lor the County of Washtenaw and State ol Mlchlf,'iin. EUGENK K. FIU'EAI'FF, Solicor fr mplainant. 31 DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE LÊ[ feL contains no Opium or dan. 9 gerous drug. Can be taken ¦Beéb 'iv any ne at any time BESakV The lateit and best DUMÍSS. JB rorerr fcr HKADACHE. f fSH-JBM KRVOISNE8S. SPA8H8. A "W M.KKPLKSSKS8. P1T8, .&, .lJl!b KKXIaL WEAKXES8, a WWItirlmW .NERVÜIS D1SEASES. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles Freí üfÍVEIHí$CDC oc others.who wish to m,'n HUI LI! I lOCnd tnis papar, or obtsin esKmatH on idvertising space whan in Chicago, will find it on fue at 45 '049 Randolph St, ¦ MM p TUAIIIC th.AJurllwngAïoncyo) LUItU tt I II V HA VI


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News