' Tls a good Ihiiig soraetimea to be alone, Hitoalmly down and look self la the face, Kuiisark the lieart, scach every Becret place, Prayerful uproot the baneful seeds there sown, l'lui-k out the weeds ere the ruil erop Isgruwn, (iird up the the lolns afresh to ma the race Foster all the noble thoughu, cast out tue but, Thrust forth the bad, and raake the good thlne own. Who luw thls courage to Ihus look withln, Keep falthful watch and ward WHh luner eyes, The toe raay harasa, but can ne'er surprise, ()r ovir hlun Ignoble conqiiest win. Oh! doubt 11 uot, lf thüu would wear the crown, Self, baserBelf. must flrst be traniDled down.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News