The combinatloii of ingrediënt found in Ayer's PiUs render thein tonic ai.d curative as well as eatuartlc. Kor tule reastm they are tlie best medicine for people of costive hu bit, as tliey restore the natural action of the bowels, without debiïïtattng. The Obsei ver doenu't et f ir out of tlie way when it observes: "A boma witliout a newspaper is a place where old hats are stuffed into window panes, where the children are like pigs, the housewlfe llke au aborliín;tl lavaje, and the husbund witli a pauorama of Toledo puinted on hls shirt bosom witb tobáceo juice." m ¦ Tho American Discase. No people In the world are 80 iubjec to iiervous dlseases, such as nei vmh exhaustion, pliyslcal or mcr.tal overwork, headiche, backiiche, neuralgia, sl.eplessnef)?, dlzzlneso, nervous dyspepsi i, p:ipitation, montlily pain?, and insanity. as the Aniericans. Every part of tlie l)"ly Is coDtrolled by lts nerves and wheu tliey are weukened by overwork or discase the part is also affected. Nw it Is evervwhere conceded tliat Dr. Miles Baitorative Nervine, a concentrated nerve lood and medicine, Is the best reinedy in the world for these disensos. Ask for a trial bottle at Eberbacli & S'n. ?? Pkabs' ! tbe pureit aud best Sonp ever mmie.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News