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In Prison As A Spy

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Many people in university circlcs will remember Al. Bressler, who per.everecl year afler year until lie ilnally graduated trom the university vvitli the class of '8G. He used to furnish university items for the Democrat, and never let even the ininutest item escape hini. He wis everywhere and knew all abont everylliing, never belnr too bashful to lin.l out. According to the following artiele "Al.1 has at last got into trouble. The taken from the Detroit Evening News Item explains itself : The papers at Vienna and ihrouxliout Gerrnany h:ive been givtng A L. Bressler, a well-known Detroiter and a mem ber of the wealthy family of that name in this city, particular fits. They duim that he lias been traveüng under falu colors and became prominent prominent in millitary circles at Munich and Frankfort through niisrepresentations. He liad a commission as .-econd lieiitenant ia a Michigan regiment, and on that scnre was paid highest honors by the olliccrs in the Germán army. A few days ugo he was arrested at Munich, where he had gone sume months ago, and is now in contluenient, awalting the inteiference of friends. The story of the matter, as told the News by a member of the family this morninir, is this : Mr. Bressier has always been of a military turn of inind. While in college at Ann Albor, he joined the state militia tliere and soon was made secoud lieiitenant. He finished hls course and decided to riüike European arraies a etudy and either join them or come home and write a book on their methods. Accordingly about three years ago, when 25 years old, he was glven a monthlyallowance by lus rich father of $200 and the privilege to travel and use the latter's name hen necessary. Young Bressler went to the secretary of war at Washington and gnt. a commission and letter of introduction to Minister Pendleton at Berlin and the greetlug to the Germán army. He (hen went abroad. For nearly tvvo years he trarrletl among the Varloui Germán regiment, takiug very extenslve notes. This is thing rarely allowed, but as he adopled the Germán uniform and had a li'lter from the war dei)!irtment of this country, he was permitted to do about as he pleased. The barons and court people invited him to recptions, as sundry invitHtion.s sent home will iadicate. He himself writes that he was belng 1o,,í3.m1 titïd wnn in the bcsl dbcicty. IIi erldeotly was llying high, and the freijnent oahlfgrami lor a feW llilildred extra marks were always unswered in the desired way. About a year ajro hf got tbrough wil h his sludy of the Germán army and went over into Austria. He was giveu the saine right of way there and kept up hilittle diary. He repeatedly wrote to the famil j of his snccesses and how nleely h v;is doing. He never latimaUd tliat trouble whs brewing for blak. The intelllgence of his arrest, lirst inentioned by the News, was a great shock to the family. Tiie financial part of il. is all untrue, as his large allowance aiul privilege to cali for mure at any time vvüuld make the story that his hotel bilis were not paid seein ridiculous. The Bresslers are well known in leaciinr European cilies in a business way, and he could have had inoney by slmply askinj; for it. The general Impresión arcong his friends and military men in the city is that he has been arrested as a spy. The material in his possessiou would very thur'uighly confirm sucli a suspicion and be valuable to an unfriendly power. He was keeping a very minute memoranda of all he saw and heard, the method and plant of the military departments. Charles T. Bressier, futher of the young iu;ih in trouble, sailed for Europe last Wednesday. He had not heard of his boy'a trouble, but will be telegraphed to go on at once to Munich and see what the trouble is. The lamily can explain his action in no way, as he was a modest and uprlght man, little inclined to act as the dispatches state. They will try to reach him by telegraph and find out the facts in the case. His inonthly allowance bas been sent, but five or six more are rcady if he needs them.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News