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They Will Hate To Pay

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Ia Brldgeport b Cleveland admlrer 11 have tho felicity of dinini; olï a roasted crv. As he is dfnled auy sanco Hable to kill anyofthc pronounceil fUvor of tlie blrd, he will find bis pollctioal mistake luis provided liini with a vcry unpalatable dinuer. John Wade, city editor of the Norwalk Honr will have to sliave liis luxuriant oíd (folfl mustache, which be foollshly wagered on Cleveland' success. He ruay lose ti is bestgirl as wel] . At Danbupy, Conn., a certain gentleman, noted for Ii i e Ptrong tlcmocrat and f ree trade predelictions, will have to pertonn a most uamlllatlng pen a nee and eat a Crow of a li:;urative description far worst' in tl ivor tluin the real bird. Attired in ii Mol lier Htibbard gown &nd escorted by a cavalcade of boi-einen and a drum corpa, he will have to ride trom end to end of the muin street of bis city, and at evary street crossing be must fbout, "A protective tariff creates liili ;i;i." It is to be hoped tliat be will be couverted to the truth of the utterar.eethus (breed froni bim. HarrUon baing elected Capt. YotlDg of lieurdsTillt', l'a., wlio bet on Cleveland, wlll have to wbeel a dead ooon In a barrow i diatance of sonie miles. A brass band will accompany blm and nock bis ears with repnbtloan inelodies. Two entlmsiastie women of West Stratford, Vt., liave also a wajrer bet ween tbcm, and the result is that Mrs. Pierce will have to wbeel Mrs. Brady in a b:irrow through the principal strt'etsof tlielr town. Mrs. Ptercs was gore that Cleveland would win. Two b.iclielurs of Harlfurd, C'onu., agreed - one th it il' II irrlton were. eleoteu be would Let married, if possible, witbin six naontbj of tb e election ; the otlier tliat if Cleveland were elected be wonid get married, il poaatble, witliin the Bttpulated time. Will the youny women also iigree'f Ifnot. wliat will happen? An interesting wagcr wan made by lovers in Nyack, IT. Y. A young man of (bat place is a very enthusiastie democrat, wllile the yotinjr lady upon whom be bestows bis tll'eetions is an out-amlout republicin. The polictical strife beHvi.'en two bas waged so strongly daring ibe campaign th it all love talk by tlicm liad been declared "off until after tlie coiiQtry is saved by eitlier one party or the otber. Atter a heated argument the otber night tlie lady said slie wantcd to make a bet on llanison. "1 won't bet," replied the young man, who is strielly moral in bis practioei and tendencies, "but f Harrlson Is elected 1 will agrea to climb np to tb'! top of o De Um iotúoiUi. baniier pole.0.1' "All rigbt,'' said tbc j;irl In a í-iow of tir.bnsiasm, "and if Cleveland is re-rlected I will ijrree to cllmb uii tlie Cleveland pole to the top.'' The contract was tciieU with a hand.-hike, and the frlenda of the partios have been inipatiently waiting to see wlio will have to climb a pole. The lady is to be congratulated al any rato. Here is a cnUeiniu wh.) his reason to tbink hii stars tliat uobody took bim. at bis word. He recently wrote to tbc New York Sun as föltows: I will wager the Salida Seini-Wet-kly News newspaper, book and Jub otlice, presses and complete outfit, whicli cost me $13,000 cash one year ago, aiiainst $10,000 cash or lts equivalent, tbat Cleveland and 'f barman will be eleeted. Thls offer bas been posted in Colorado durin the last 30 days, but was nol taken. Yours truly, A. II. Pelton, editor and proprietor. A novel bet waa made the otber evenini bctween two Washlngtomans, Capt. L. L. Blake, the commander of the steamer tbat landa all visitors at Alt. Vernon, and Edward Neumeyer, a wellknown mercliaut. According to the terms of tlie bet, if Cleveland were c'ected C ipt. Blake would make a special trip with the steamer Corcoian to Marshall Hall and furnisb a dinner there to all the passengen, wlio are to be unllmited in nu mber and Invitad by Mr. Neumeyer. If Ilarrison were elected Mr. Neumeyer would be compelled to go to Marshall II ill unaccompanled, except by a creilitable witnes?, and there plougb tbree acres of ground, using an ox team to pull the ploagh. [r. Neiimi'ycr will have an opportunity of studying the phllotophy of cirsumstances. In the f'ollowing bet the loser sbould be the subject of sincera sympatby. A few days ago in New York an ardent Harrison man and an enlhuslastic Cleveland voter made a bet by whicli the loser o-i the National result pledged bimself to sinoke every daV for two weeks half a dozen of the exhibition oigan mide by a local cigrar manuf acturer. The ctgara are seven luches long and an inch In diameter. Six of them are equal to .'!l ordlna ly cigars. At Au.-onia, Conn.. an atbletic young man will have to strap up one of bis legs and hoi a distanec of a quarter of a müe, paying for a supper for four if be touches anytulog or anyboby by way of support. He will feel son v that he bet


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