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Once ngain tlic couDtry is savcd. (Jne of Jlanchoster's belles has lost her pet cat. Can-'tyou .IVord $1 per year for tlie CouniBi; ? Cnas Bassett, of Lodi, lias returned frotn Kungas. The oíd ram biittcd Grover and Willaid botli ont. Btookbrtdps s ttill walting for her school house seats. Stockbridge cast 37G votes and gave 40 republlcan majority. lltiv. Mr. Schoettle h;is commcnccd hls Germán school at Manchester. Saline's young folks will dance ;it Wallace's hall on Thanksgiving night. Tlioa. Willmore, of Stockbridge, knows how sllppery tbe barmlesj banaan peel is. Things are not so h'awlully H'euglUh ye know, now as they rere two weeks ago. G. J. Xissly, of Saline, has shipped four car lonOs of chickens to New York this fall. Un Julia Porter died at Manchester, Nov. Oth, of oíd age, having reached four score. Just tíllale of t ! The winter term of school has already cammenced Ín most districts. Dr. McLachlan, of York, is struggllng yiolenlly witli an ugly carbuncle. He has our sympathy. lo-murruw rvemn n " S'.veet liorae" entertainment is to be givcn at D. E. Sruith's hall, Salem. The Chelsea Herald says the republlcan parado tliere was the largest and most orderly one ever Beea in that city. M. F. Yocum has moved from Stockbridge to Jackson, golng into tbc harness bu&lnew with bis brother Adelbert. South Lyon and vicinity republicans celebrated the rrand repubücan victory last creniDg. Torcli llglit procession, flre work?, etcétera. The Ypsilanti Commercial snys "the demoeracy are not altogether unuscd to defeat," and thattlicy "will accept the situation philosophieaily." En Ooikier : - Have yon an organlZition In Ann Arbor called the "Governor's Quards V" No. Yes. Well, we did have, but have parted to meet no more. In some countics of this state the farmers are foruiing protective socielies againat the city and village hunters who go about the country shootlng all sorts of birds and game. The ladies of the M. E. cliurch will give an exhibition ol üne arts at thetown hall during the present month, beginning Nov. 19, and c.Jtitiiiuin a week or ten daya. - Chelsea Herald. The republicans of CHakm bad a grand vermillion blow out last Friday night, celebrating the ürst victory ever achieved by that party in that towu. Hurrah for Cüuton's plucky republicans. As in other matters, South Lyon takes the lead politically and we can boast of gomethtog that we think no other town In tl. is vicinity can. It is a Belva Lockwood streamer that floats from a maple tree on top ol' the gas well. - South Lj'on Picket. The Appleton block at Brighton burned early last Friday, n. tn„ and the loss is placed at 530,000 with JJO.OOO inraranoe. There wera six stores in the block all occupied, and the loss of the merchants is placed at $8,000. It was a big lire for Brighton. (:¦,( of Sdine's pretty sjhoolmiirms wallvcil tbree miles iïoni her school in Lodi, TucMliy, to hear the election news. - Observer. We'll trager a new spring bonnet, with red white and blue ties, tinit sbe wis u Harrison man - oh, ah, excuse us - lady, we mean. Tuk CoOBIEB unnblo to cope with tlie Krsai Issues of tbe day, has sought to make the ooDgreulonal flglu on personal grouuds. Tliis iiiiflllgent cninmumty will Miow on Tnt'sday Nov, 0. wtiat ttioy thlnk of ttti8 kind of oamiHügnlng by glvlng Mr, Stearna one of llie blagpst iniijorlties this county ever plled up.- A, A. Democrai. An error of jiulginent, Uiat'l all. "Picty Ilill" is the only part of Stockbridge tbat is not adorned with political polet, by u wemlng concert of opinión the resident! of that strect have refrained froni maklnff fools of tbemselves. - ötockbrldge Sun. Of coursc the resident s of tbat pitee didn't object to a poll election day. Seiniannual reunión of ex-prlsoners of ar will be held ut Ovid, Nov. 2U and 33. Business meeting first day, camp lire In cveiiing. Secretary lüchards writcs: "AU soldiers are cntircly weieome and are cordially Invitad to attend. The expjrlaonera of tlie war must be recognized by congiess or ws want to know Ihe reason why." The republicana of Wasbtenaw county never male a more plucky p8rUt6nt and grand üght than they made last weck 'riiesdayr And It told when the voto wie counted. Witb an organlz itlon and push all aiong the line, in every ward and. pfOCinol such as Ihc :; 1, "!h and Oth ward republicans had that day, Washte navr could be redcemed. The high school i divlded Into two sectloni for weckly rlicroi'ieal exerclses, and Tuesday afterooon waa devoted to a dlecuuldli of Uie tariff. The section that partlctpated waa made tip of 15 students, and all but one were protectioniits, so a draft had to be made on protcetlon'a ranka to help out that lonesome free trader. - Saline Ob-ervcr. Dld you ever notice the poor chap who haa taken bis position in the lirst picture in the almanaó, with tbs fllb and sheep jnd scorpions and bulls all around him ? Did you ever notice that ho was naked, nd that his stotnach appeared euipty ? tVell, that poor man edited a newspaper 'or three years on " I '11 pay you after I hresh." - Kiraball Graphic. A novel bet was paid at Ypsilanti ,S iturday, by Mr. Qiiinby, of Boston, wlio Irew P. C. De Mosh in a sulky trimraed vith Harrison badges and other repubü;nn mementoes. Mr. De Mosh wore a ïïarrison hat, decorated, while the poor ' horse " wore a Cleveland hat trlmmed n mourniiiij. The procession moved hrough the malo streets and was loudly :heered. AVe are sorry to say that some of our copie so far forgot tke necesaity of purity it election, as to set at naught the statutes f the state and lay wegers upon the reiuH of election. The statutes seekinsr to ecure an untrammelled expression of the eople uninlluenced by auy raoney couIderatloD, have passcd strong measures or the prescrvins; of thls purity. Tlie rosecuting attorney of Ingham County :an llnd a fruitful üeld of enquiry in tiiis )lace if he will but trouble himself to ook it up. It is no secret that one man ¦as a horse and busgy staked aaainst wenty-flve dollars in uioney on the reult. Snch things ought not to be pernitted and he who does it should be dealt vith as the law requires. - Stockbridge Jun. The sun is on the right track, ilectlon wagers are against good public jolicy.


Ann Arbor Courier
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