The Lesson Taught
The republican party lias always beun an up-buiklmg party. lis misslon has ahv:iys been to fiad means and mcasures by and with wUich to cement aud rcar liiglier and nobler the structure oftliis govermncut. The democratie party lias beon one of destruction. lts endeavors had been anceasingly aimed forr. quarter of a centiiry at pulliug down the work and picking flawj) with the action of the ropubHcan party, and whon it eame into poweï it could not change lts character. It did not know how to bulld, but kept on tearing down. Had the democratie party, fours years ngo when it took the ri ins of governruent, li-ft the structure as it found it, and kept right on building and imiiroving, it woiild not have mot defeat. But that it could not do. Sjrae of the ftructures as reared by the republican hands must be torn down and built over again. So it commenced, vinder the pcrvision of southeru workmen, destroying the foundation stones of national prospirity, tlie protective tariff. Tlie walls upon tlie northern side they attempted to remove; those upon the southcra side tlicy decided to 1 et remain. It was i fatal error of thorouglily sellish workmen, and when presented to their cmpioycrs, tlie people, it met wlth just :ui(l merited rebuke, and the discharge of the builders. Wüh Gen. Alger the Codkier hopes to seo the new liands take hold of this work and build il up aright. The structure does not want to be torn down, it wants to be re&mpged, and modlfled in some particular perhaps. What the nattoa uants is honest and fair denlins wlth r.o advantngc to any seclioD, north, cast, south or west, but all treated alike. The repobltoani will take warning, and not repeat the errors of their predecessors. Give us a protective tarifl so ari-.inged as to protect the American farmer and the American manufacturer, but in sneb a manner as to be fair to each; and remove tlio duty from evnry thing tliat can not bo produced or Diulitablv made ín tlns country. If the party doeá this it will meet the popular deniand, and be retained in power. Tlic personal Liberty ïeague oftliis state bas left no stone unturned this past campalgn to defeat the republlcan party. il bat mued circulara and manitestoes igainstGoverr.or Luce, the candidatos for tlte stilte senate iincl legièlature and tlie party In general. But despite tlieir appcalsand lotimldalion we have been more Bdccessfnl than ever nnd the ininii i te Republican majority in the legislature ¦hould not be slow to pass etrinjrcnt huvs Igainst tliis trullic which dares to ralue ï ts bead and to control our politics. We bclieve in local option by countiep, and In raiiinx the tax on saloons to $1000, u it s In Minnesota. It is dolng great good tliere In lcESenioL the low grogorerief:, thereby decreasing ciirne and drankenness and watching more closdy thosc which remain. Tlie brewers cannot control chltJttatejaM vet and they should be tangbt a lenon to keep hands off of politics, for by thelr biffb Jianded coune hundreds who voted against prohibition b( fore would vote lor it next timé. The victory In the campaign can not be ROCOtded to personal inlluences. It was nut a personal victory in any sense of the word. It was a victory of principie. Every republican lelt in his heart that the life or death of the great northi ni principie of ])rotection was hanging in the balance, and he fought for what he belief ed to be right and just aainst the principie of free trade, as advocatcd for generations, yes, ever gince the foundation of the gorernment by the people of tli; fouth wliere cheap labor Waa and i the fonndation stone. It ïa a victory wtlO8e inlliicnce will be feit for years. and which will cstal)lish nortliern over south rn ideas in the tlnancial policy of tliis country. It i= wlth pléasnre that we note that Hou. Win. Bal] lias been elected by a hnmlsome majority to the senate frotn the LiviogttoB and Oenesse district. He ig one of the {rniml men of the repúblicas party of thte state. During the sesBlon of the legislature of '81, Mr. Ball WU a member of the hosue, and was ppeaker pro tem. The speaker was Hou. S. Miill'dt, wllOM II hoalth kept him l'mrn his dnty so that Mr. Buil was called upon to preside a great ehare of the time. he ilid wlth credit to himself and honor ind dlgnttv to the liouse and the itate. WW woold it oot be a wise thing for the republirans of the senate to wlcct Mr. Buil for president of that body ? 'l'liis is a sugjjestlon, merely, bnt one that it would i i th party to conBider. Had Mr. Tanney Mr. Ford, or Mr. Filher liad the backbone to liave stood np in Congres) im fonffht the attack of tlie tolid south on ttie industries of the north, tliey would not have been where thcy are to-d;iy. If any issue can be made which wil] divido the south - not on the color line - but divido botli the white and black population. it wlll be a Oodiend to tliis nation. The brcakin away of West Vireiok, and tlie close vote in Muryland and Bome otlier southern statcs, is an indication that the tarill' qoestton niMvycl accom[Mfh the dosired re9ult. Fatlier O'Brlen, of Km lamazoo, who wrote tlie circular callii); upon (rood ( atboHct to oppoae tb rceleciion of Senator Oorman, of tliis district, because of il liill lic iitroduced 11 the laft legislatnro reapeotlng tba title of Cathollc churcli property, is being onmerclfolly Bcored liy gome one at Petroll wlio dois not care to sign lils name to bis WTltiag. Tlierc are certain individuáis who have l'oiind out tliat Ihc local option bughear don't scart people of good sense. The ¦tteropt to stampade the Germana into the dêmcratic party may have provcd uu eminent lucceat, luit tliere were very inany of tlie better class ot (ermans who consider thu irrcat linnncial and indiisirial pollcy of the north of far more importanee tlian a glass of beer.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News