A Curious Experience
One evening last week a well known citicn of Ann Arbor was coming home t'roui the country, wliere he liad been trying to buy soine Iiickory wood, wliicli 8 said to be unusually cheap for gome miles along the roaü to Saline. He bad nearly reached the city liinits, wlieti lic beaid a most unusual, rad as it m ¦( ïnt'il to liini, unearthly noise proceedfroni au adjoiniog field. Heln: a man of nerve as well as liumanity he at once ticd li is horse by the wayside, and started over tlic fence In the directiou trom whence came the strange sounds. As lt was gomcwliat dark, and lie was making all baste unheedful of bis steps, he suddenly stumbled, and, by feeling iround while he lay póstrate, he fouiid that he was in a cahbagu garden. Recovering bis feet, he again went on, but with more care, in the direction of tlie unearthly noise, wblcb kept growing more and more uneartlily. All at once, somelhing between 11 groan and a gush made blm forget wliere he was stepping, and again he feil flat. He could Bot swcar because he suddenly fonnd his moutli lilled with eelery leaves. Spitting out the green garden truck, j involuutaiily inutteied the geojrnplilcal enqulry:- "Where In the Hades uva I?" An aroma from rotting onions suggested a proximity to a fanimis garden patcli, but befare the t'rieudly citicn could compute his hititude and longitude he beard an awinl gioan-and-gusli, tlicn a gasp, then a gnrfrlé, and then a vciy cm[)liatic "Ach (oit!" Sarely, thouglit he, that voice has a familar lound; it tlmlls me wltil fond memories of our late campaign. Again a most awful groan and gano and gurgle buist forth quite near hini, and a few hurried atrilles brought hi,m besidc the sufiering object ju-t as n tevere groanand-gusli-and-irasp-aiHl-gurgle buist forth again. Qnickly lightiug a patent dgar-match he recognized a well-kuown foreign orator in the late democratie curps, who seemed to be very sick. i fore the light went out the forelyn orator : was seized again with a s-pasni prwnoaltory to another gToaa-aiid-gusli-and-gaBpand gurgle. The ttrnggle was pa Int ui to Hoi.oM i t,,. itiuiiHim o.iti'dMii wa horrified when ag eal white gobbel ikw rr the suilerer s mouth like a slonc from a catapult. He sald In a tone of pity:".Vy suffering f Henil, restruin yourtdf iou are timin'i,, uj your Disides.'" "I knjw it," said the IWMtlng for;igu orator, "lut as my intidet are all f uil of '"Vree WooC I can never be bclti r until I gel Hdofit. Ach Ooit.'" l'nity Club program Mond&y evening OOncistPd of :i talk by I'rot. rte I'ont on the "Educatiouof French Youth," and one on the "Japineaa University" liy Mr. Suzuki, a Jupanese student ín the University liere. In tlie interinissinn between these two talks, Mr. McOmber, cbartned the nudience witli a very line Ilute solo. The flre alirm list Monda y ovening was caused by tlie burning of the barn on the farm premisos of Dr. Chas. Howell, about one miïe enst of town. The Dr's borae w:is ?o badly bnrned tliat it hail to be shot afterwnrd. The lire was without the least doubt the work of au inccndi -iry. It is quite a serious loss to Dr. Howell, who is just starting in piactiee hero. No insurance.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News