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liurl's barrel is bustcd. Barne'8 boodle failed to beat Brewer, Wbat's the matter witb the O. O. I'. ? Tlie "personal liberty" society got an awful l)lack eye. Tho8e liickory poles on the Anr. Arbor road did t.- Saline Observer. In this state. Mr. Btirt, tlie rascáis are out alrcady, and they wlll n umin out, too. It was "¦ fiabt to the deatli," and protection won. Missouri better pull down her Vest. A line lot of free trade poultry for sale cheap - inquire at the Detroit Free Press office. WANTBD- An expert to figure out where tliat 2,000 democratie majorlty promlsed for this county went to ! And now a republicim congressman's iifc is a burilen to hiin. The applicants for positions are so numerous. Here's the latest : "Why Is Cleveland like the esrth?" Giveltun? Well, becnuse li i' was llattened at the polls. Wliat's the matter of Saline? Cleveland'l inajorlty fallin{ from 131, four years ago, to 39 this year. - Obsurver. In the election head-lmes of tbe S -iline Observer is this : "Stearn's tlon't look so liaiidsome, but lic knmvs a heao more about sheep." Samuel J. Rundall bus been returned to congres by a mujority larger tlmn ever before. President Cleveland will please note the fact. Up in the lOth conjjressional district Fisher was a good man, but Wheeler was a better one, haviug come out ahead by about 150 votes. Tberearesome republicans who fought the ligtit for party and principies and not forofllce or revenue, notwitlistanding the rush is so great. Want a white ping bat with a black band around it? For sale cheap ! Drug in the market! Enquire of nny of the boys at the court bouBe. Let's ace! It was the Ann Arbor Democrat, we believe, which said that "any candldate the Colbier favored was sure ofdcfeat." Yes. Ahem ! Register Kearns lle wnrked for Stearns, All mi election days; But Register Kearng Couldnt elect bold Stearns, Andso "uasnoltilng tosay." Dakotu will now be admitted to the ¦lsterkood of state9. Hnd the deruocrat? had the honor and courage to have done justice by this territory they woukl have :nade votes by it. The election in York was quite Interesting. Cleveland' majority was 31, nirainst 70 four years ago. 8tte and county ticket about the same, but Stearns ¦eenred only ic plurnltty over Allen. - Observer. Iflhe Oermans by tlieir politieal iiction, desire to pluce tüe teruperance sentiment of the country in one politica! party, and the nnti temperanoe in th otlier, tliey will liml themselves overwhelniint;ly In the mitioritv evt-ry time, ;is tliey diil Tm-sday. A certa in gentleman of oureity returned lioiiv tlie next eveninji aftcr election very mucli elated wil fi the republioan victory. Ui litlle lx year olil son asked: "Wlio's electetl pupa?" "Gen. Benj. llaiTiíon, my son." "Well, papn, iliui'l yon 'spose Mr. Cleveland will veto hlmi That boy will yet be president. In the 7th, Conjier's old dbtrict, the I'ort Iluron republicmi faOiloai Imve three times nuda fols of themselv.'S and the pirty. The district, is n.iturally r-piildicui. nucí with a good, square rcpub lio in, whi) has neviT Illixrd up in the 8'inbnrn Ilutsiift' ({iiarrel, nominated. the district can be easily rede'-m-'d. It wouUl .-ei in as If tlie p irty in that district oujfl 1 1 to have the Icsfon learned by tb la limr 'I'liere was an (Ijoiirned ineetinir of tllQ cotnmoll QfUOOl1 M"Mluy ovotiin(fj n I wblch Cily Englneer Davis made a repurt upon the route of the Bth ward boulevard, and esrimnte.l iIih sxpeBOe of tnp road as not being very great. Tilt' cnuncil lili" resolved tn at onee take steps toward openinjr Second St. , trom Williain to Jeffersnn. After the nieet:nr was over the lepublican members trieel to eonvert the democratie nj' ml'is, anil vlce vi-rsii, bilt neitlier were succetsltil to any i'ininciit deree.


Ann Arbor Courier
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