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Death Of Fred. S. Proctor

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om Moii'iriv wni reaOBed un at Hh death n Chicugo on the previous of Frtd S. Pnx'ioi-, "f Slwln-u l'mi-tur bf til Is cltjr. The iollowing account of wlncli, taken from thfl Chicago InlerOcean of Nov. IStfa, tells tlie eaU stoiy: l'nil Proctor, a carpenter, 3!) years of age, ciime to ihis city from Ann Arbor, Mlcli., Ihree monthsag. At a few minutas before 7 o'clotk last evenl ug he stepped intn a litlle caling-housc, at 82 South western avenue, and ordereda cup of coffee. He look one sip of llie cofl'ee and sank back in hls chnlr appureutly lifeless. The patrol wagon from the West MadlKon Street .Station was called, and Proctor was flrst conveyed to the station, a block dlstant, where Dr. Kal Is wa called to altend hun. He dled, It Is thouglit, whlle In the wagon on the way to the station. Dr. Kalls sald I hut the man dled from heart disease. Hls body wa taken t the Morgue. Proctor had been In the employ of P. D. Armour & Co. The tleceased v;s boni and rcaretl in tliis city :iml was well known tri miiny of otir people. He was a kind liearted yomij; man, and thougli he liail his fuilings, was generally liked by coinpaiiions. The funeral services are held thisi'. M.. from the resklence of his falher, No. 24 Gcddcs Ave.