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From The People

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Editor Couriek:- the followinjt i" (lie equalized valué per irre of the varions towDohlpa n Wasiitenaw couitty. Cliose markrd witli a star have a vitlagc witiiin i ts boundartaa. Aun Arbor -ín. "."i Augusta -1) - Uridiíewater _ :tíA Dexter ' M Freedom -.... """-' Lima 80.88 Lodl 88.Ü4 I.yndon VtM , MancliPHler 41.58 Xorlhfleld 98 1 1 PUtRfleld -91 Hali'ln 3SIH , goto , Salino 40.M Hharon 81.76 Subenor B.ÍI . Byivan _ IM.M Webiter 8 .78 , York _.._ _ 40.11 Ypellanti. lir':' Ybu seo accordiug ti) tli deiision of the eqiullzatlon CommTttea 8cio luthc bes) ol towuships wliich have villages within thelr border. It is a (rood faxmlng town witli a prosperons villnge c:illeii Dexter willi iny ainount OÍ trade done Ihere, wlille York must be a poor f.innInjr town, with tliree por whcat iiihikcts, one poor vill ic caUed Milán. Mancli.'st:r imd Saline are not mucli better. Sylvan inut bu a poor formlng town also, wlth a poor littie vilhigi' called Chulse.i whicli i.s (Urrounded with a tog auil pete inursli. Ann Albor Imvnship evidenlly Is the best farmiiif; towu In the county, wlilch has no vill;ige wlthln it8 borders. In looking over I can see a bcautiful river rnnnlag "kltterlng" throufíl it, whicli on either side of the stream has mng'ilficent hills, ravines and valleys aboundinsr with pwcb and apple treee, cedar and oak trees, vineyards, plum and pear orchards; also all kinds of bi'rries. Ypsilantl is equally as well located, yet it is not worth as inucli. Lima must be a very poor farmlng town. Augusta, Dexter and Lyndon have the nppearance ofdroppingout wholly. Wliat is the matter with Suaron and IJridgewnter?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News