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AmouL the old reliable familv nensp:ipers, filled witli 'ood stories and useful informatioD, 8 the Detroit Commercial Advortiser. It pursues the even tenor of Itl ways rijtlit iilong let come wliat will, and lias made for ltself a warm place in Dinny a home. $500 Keward. The former proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catnrrli Heiuedy, for yeara tn:ide a standing, public offer in all American newspapers of $500 reward for a cuse of caUrrta that he could not cure. The present proprietore have renewed this offer. All the druggists sell this Kemedy. together with the "Douche," and all olher appliances advised to be usetl in connection with it. Noeatarrh patiënt slonger able to say " I cannot be cured." You can gct $")00 in cae of failure. The Oft Told Story Of tlio peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla is iully confirmed by the voluatary testlmony of thousands who have trlcd It. Peculiar in tlio comblnatlon, proportion, and preparation of lts lngredicnts, peculiar in the extremo caro with which it is put up, Eood's Sarsaparilla accompllshes cures where other preparations entirely fall. Peculiar in the uncqualled good namo It lias made at liome, wliich Is .1 "tower of strength abroad," peculiar in the phenomenal sales it bas attaincd, Hoocl's Sarsaparilla Is the most popular and sucecssfu! medicina bcfore tho public today for purifylng the blood, giving strengtli, creating an appetite. "I suffered from wakefulncss and low spirits, and also had eczema on the back of my head and ueck, which was very annoying. I took one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I havo received so much benefit that I am very gratcful, and 1 am always Klad to speak a good word for this medicine." Mus. J. S, Bxvbeii, Pottsvillc, I'enn. PurifÏGS tho Blnnr. Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, liad scrofulous sores all over liis body for fifteen years. Ilood's Sarsaparilla complctely cured bim. Wallace Buck, of North Bloomfield, N. Y, suffered eleven years with a terrible varicoso ulcer on hls leg, so bad that lie had to give up business. He was cured of the ulcer. and also of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldruggists. Sl;stxfor$S. Treparedonly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothctarics, I.owell, Mans. loo Doses One Dollar m % il' 's ' I Thisis the Top of the GitNUlNE PearlTop Lamp Chimney. All others, similar are imitation. -23rhis exact. Label QpS ksL isoneach Pearl Qffl m TopChimney. tS Hy A dealer may say V't PwwPafv '1I1(' t'llI1' he has SBG SSfy others as food, ¦ BUT HE HAS KOT. Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top. Fon Sale Everywhere. Mace only bï 6E0. A. MAGBETH & CO., Pittsbürgh, Pa. E. BEAL. SEO. H. POND. (SUC KSSO1LS T A. DKFOliKST.) INSURAN6E AGENGY ! Mnwmg oni.y FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES ruVKKING Fire Insurance, Steam Boiler Insurance, Plate Class Insurance. Loumt Itu'i-., I.iliiTiil AdjuHtmi n! I. -N..H Pro niiiil) l'iiid. The patronaije of our friends and the public ucncrally lsBollcited. Office in the Courier Buildin H f - As aFamilyReuicüy feRfl ÍJaTOI "' ¦"¦"' Arnold's ¦mÍIWMkH COUGH K1LLEK [m I M m k 1 1 y!j has no equal. -vlLjLLuJUUUSu We have nsed it for tlio BEagfiUBWjCTmEcl ]astten ycars, and can ti uly MJWj pM rucumuieiid it. iBI yJlf Mrs. C. Filkiu, Monto zuma, N. Y. Droggiats,25c.,00c. ana?l.oo. LADÏIPFP o Tour Own Dyeing, at Home. They will dye everything. They aresold eTery. where. Prico lOo.a pnckage. Tbeyhavenoequil , ''""K"1. Brightness, Amount in Package or for Pastnr of (olor, or non-fadinjr Qualies. The douotcrockorsmut; 40oolon ïorsuleby J. J. COODYEAR. EXCELSIOR GROCERY i'. WÏIKIIU ïll. HAVE A STOCK OF Pure, Clean, Fresh CROCERIES, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Canned Goods AND PRODUCE. Everything Cheap and Good. IVK VU A CALL.


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