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The Two Sams

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OUR NEW STORE A PERFECT MODEL ! g OtJS StTïT X5:íABTMS:ííT Í5 The largest, the best, and at I.OWER PRICES than ever before. X S O X "I S H 4 - OTJKr- g O ft OVER-COAT DEPABTMNET ! W E n g tj t We have the largest stock of I cq S Fine Overcoats, Medium :3 - CQf M S coats and Low-priced Overcoats J ng in the State. Come and give gfw S our Stock an inspection. We o Íh have the best lighted store in á C 1' 1 1 . the citv or in the state. An %h% i tire room devoted to - = 1 OVERCOATS ALONE! }J k; REMRMBER we are going to give you bargains this year - every W f article the best and at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. W Remember too tbat we are the ONLY STRICTLY ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS iii Ann Aroor. THE TWO SAMS. ízq Pi Ph PÍ w Pi o m m O nn


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News