OFFER EXTRA ! ! f o all New Subscribers, and to all Old ones, who pau iP Je-ar irv ad!()'¦('. a a a rticle of house - mil use will be given tclueli, can not be purchas&d anywhere in the l'iili'il M'afes at retail fov One Dollar. Tt is a, wondci'fiillij handy thinë fo lui re in e re rif home and youget boih Ih'dt and The l 'ou rier simply for the vrice of the latter. Come ii (tui! get a bargain. Tliis isa ca m paignycar, irJicii y oio want a coitnty paper to keep jou posted andyou can not do betlcr Hut n to subscribe for the best paper in the county. This article will be disirihulcd to all who subscribe and pay a, y car in advancc upon the Urst of februari, 1889. In the mcunlimc guesses are in order as to what it is. Subsaribe and sec.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News