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Boo-hoo: boo-hoo! '92. At U. of M. liall Xoy. 2Cth. The Prohiba are to ratify- wh:it? Different classes ure already in the hat business. Prof. Stanley'a orgiti recitals are extremely popular. At Cornell, Monday, of Saturday, the holiday. 'J'lic Chronicle proposes anotlier minftrel sliow this year. The Chicago members of '80 colebrated by a banquL't on the 8J. The " gym." is not as pert as usual this college year. It needs exercising. The S. C. A. has been presented wlth a beautlful bible by Rev, Dr. Steele. Tlie boys are back from 'lection and have got down to business aíaiti. In the postponed foot-ball rush Saturday, tlie rreshmen came out ahead. A committee of '90 have prepared a class memorial for Wallace H. Steele. Tlie lecture board proposes to huve tlie reading room reopened again this year. The Botton Symphony Orehestra, at l'niveisity hall Friduy eveninjf, Nov. 10. The boyswlio bet "dad's money" on eleciion and lost, are in a sad frame of inind. Tlie Pennsylvania Club will decide about a Thanksgiving set-up next íjaturday i n Rootn A. The tirst ot a very pleasant serieaof receptious was given at Hobart Hall last Friday evening. The Baptist people gave a student's social lust Filday evrnliifr, but the rain prevented a lare attendance. No tliat the excitement of election is over it Is expected lliat all societies will resume their regular meetinírs. On Thaotagivlng lay the U. of M. Rugby eleven will play at Chicago, airalnst tho eleven of the Chicago Unlversity club. A. L. Noble returned last evening from Albion, N. Y. Mrs. Noble tlld not return, but rcmainecl at the bedside of her fatlier who is very 111. Miss Florence Wilson is president of the Ladies Lawn Tennis Association She is assisted by MIsses Paine, Hastings, Rowell and San boro, as officers. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore lectures at UriivcrMty hall to-night, before the StudentR Leo tu re Association, on " Tlie Corning M m." He's a baby uoiv, of course. The Unlvewity líugby team will play the Detroit Athletic club eleven at Detroit Saturday, tlie Uth.and the Albion eleven at Ann Arbor the Saturdav (ollowinc the 24th. Frlday evenln-; at Nickel's hall the U. of M. base ballists are to have an elegant set up. AValter Parker will umpire, and each man will endeavor to hold down a liase in good shape. It is expected there will be many hits and do fouls. The Mathematical Club are liguritiír out the problem : Should the democrat party make tlie same ratio of gains at eyery RDCCerdlag election as at tliat of Nov. (iih, how many years would it talle tliem to agaln elect a presidt-nt?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News