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The boiler of a pile driver exploded nt TMroit Mondav, at tlie noon lionr, killinsr Chas. Boston, Jr. Had it been ¦ trifle latpr mnny workmen wniila probably hlTC bppn killed or iujuipd. As onsrincs of dentli boilers apppar to be iloing Ciiite i livcly businoss tli ie year. One Fact I wortb a column of rbetnrip, s.iid an American ptntesman. It is a faet establishpd by the testimony ot tlionsand of people, thnt Hood's SHrsaparillii does pure sprofula, salt rlieiim, and other dispises or Rffeptions arlsinc from impure stnte or Iow condition of tlip blood. It also overpnnies that tired f"plin2 creatps a nod appptite, and givs strengtli to pvpry pait of the system. Try t. ?- - ¦ 'I wonder Grimes has niiy friends- His man n er erows so Htirly ; No matter where we chance to meel, Or wliether late orearly, 'Tls JiiRt the same: he cannot stav. ¦ And barely answers a 'good-day.' " Now this Is a sad case of mi?conceptionIt is not Grimes' disposillon whip.h is at fnnlt, liut bis livor. He enn't aprisar jolly wben be fepls miserable. If be wnnirt taKe lr. fienu-'s On'gpn MP'llcal Dicovery, the rrent liypr, stnmach and bowel rejrulatnr, he woulj soon be tho sanip happy fellw as of old - acrecable to himself and the world conerally. Apples wanted at the Ann Arbor Fruit Works. Farmers can senure our apnle jplly In exchancn for apples on fnTorable term?. Wp will xlso pav cash fnr apples. AM.MENDIXGEK & SCHXEIDEK. Pleasant rooms to rnt. hnMi fnrnished and unfurnished, at Xo. 18 Geddes Ave. THE UNITARIA' (Rev. J. T. Snn(lerland, A. M , E1ltor) will he sent to new readers for examination, three months for 10 cents. Address, Tbc Unitarian, Ann Arbor, Mich. "Most excellent " - Rev. Dr. Thomas. iCliicago.) "Rv all odils the best rciinloim monllily In the Uu lied Stntes "- UnlversalUI llecorj. :U ioNl'iirno I HIC1. Au old physlnlan. ftireil from practloei hivlne had placed in bis Imnds bynn Eat I'idln ralsslonnrv tlie formulnof a Himple vo(íetable reinedy for the speody and permanont cure of (Jonsnmptlon, Bronchitis, Oatarrh, At.hmaand all thront and I.uiik AfféotlniiN, alsi a positivo cure and radical cure for Nerv.iiiH Debllityand all Nervous Complalnts. after havlne: tosted lts wonderful curative powers in thonsands of cuKoe, lias feit It UU duty to make It known to hls auffcrlns fellows. Actuated by thi motive and n dpslre to relieve human sufferlnc:, I will Rend free of charge to all wlio deslre it, this recipe, in Gemían, French or Engllsh.wlth fnll dl roetlons for preparing and nsln(f. Sent by mail bvaddresslnu wHh stamp, namlngthls paper W. A. NOYES, 149 Power' Mock, Rocliester, N. T. -_-____ l yr eow rpoTHE DEAF.-Apersoncured ofDeafness J. and nolses in the heiul of 23 years' standing by a simple recnedy, will spnd a lescrip tlon of It kkkk to iiny Pcrson wlio appllod tn Niciiolsos. 177 i'c Douïall st., New York. TS G-RAND CONCERT ! ÏÏHÏVÏBBIIY I43LL ï FRIDAY, NOV. 16th. BY THE Boston Symphony Orcbtral Cliiï Including the following well-known Arlists . MR Wil, F, is NOWKLt, . Solo VloUn and leader from Theodore Thomas Orcliestrn. HEER CHARLES PALM . Vlolln, frora Theodore Thomas Orcliestrn. II ERR RICHARD STOELZQR . Viola D' Amour, from Damroach 8y uphoiiy Orchestral of New York. MONS ADOLPU IiUROSK . Kluto Virtuoso, hum Baden Suisse. HEKR J09EPH BECKEL . Doublé Bas the greatest of C'ontrubasso Anlsts. HKRR PHILIP ROTH . Vioüncello Sololst from the Philliarmouic Urchentrn ot Berlín. ASSI9TED DY Miss Elsa Clark Cushing! Prima Donna Soprano. Admission only 50 Oents Reserved seatH without extra charge at Wuhr'saiid Hheehns'a bookstore. UNIVERSITY HALL, MQNDAY, NOV, 26, AT T;: sharp. Tho Rsdpath Lyceum Gmnd Gonoort AMEEICA'S aSEAT AETI3TJ. MISSEMMAJUCH . Prima DonnaSopnuio. MIST HOPE QLENN . Contralto ot Nellsson Concert Co. (Speclally engaged from London ) MME. TERESE CARRENO . the world renowned Pianist. MR. LEOPOLD LICHTENBERG . Vlolln Virtuoso. MR. LEONKEACri . Musical Director and Accompanlst. ADM1SSION . . ,I.OO. FAMILY TICKETS, admittlug slx, 3.00. Renerved senls wltbout extra charge at at Wahr's bookitore and CalkiD's Drng store. Board open Wednesday Nov. 21, at 10 a. m.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News