i Se (rch i' PURE B1UGS, MBOMJIKB8, ktc, ETC. STEPPED IN TO The finest, neatest and cheapest Drug Store n the City, and found that it was Goodyear's S. Main St,, Ann Arbor. BE AL ESTÁTE INSÜRANGE" AÖENÖY. OF J. A. SESSIONS. ATTORNEY AND NOTAKY PUBLIC Real Kstate sold or rented and rents colleoted on reasonable lernis. None but old and flrst-class Insurance Companles represen teil- with Insurance capital of $10,000,11)0. Katcs as low ns any other insuranco company and losses promptly paid. Office over Americau Kxpress ofllce, Main gtreet, nn Arbor. Mlch. "Insurance RAL ESTÁTE and LOAX AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partles deslrlng to buy or sel 1 Real Estáte ' wlll flnd it to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represant 15 flrst-class Flre Insurance Companles, havlng an Rggregate capital over {30,000,000. Ratea Low. Losses liberal ly adj'.isted and promptly paid. I also issue Life and laveatineiit Pollcies in De New York Mutual Life Insurance pany, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng I cldenl Insurance, can have yearly pollcles wrltton for tbem or Tra veler' Coupon Insurance Tickets Issuod at Low rates. Money to Loan nt Current Unten. OIHce hours frora 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 6 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton niock.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News