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The Favorite Medicine for Throat and Liing Difflculties lias long been, and still is, Ayer's rj l'i :oral. It cures Croup, Whooping CoBSb, IJiomhitis, and Astlintii; soothes irritation of the L:ir iix and Fauces ; Btrengtliens the Vocal Organs; alluys soreness of the Lu&gs; prevenís Consuniption, and, even in advanced stages of that disease, :iiiur and induces Sleep. There ia no othw preparados for disthe throat and luogi to be compared wiih thla remedy. " My wife had a dlitresslng cough, with patns in the side and lucas!. o tiied :trious medieines, but none did hel an good nnlil I gOt il bottle of Ayer's! berrj Pecto- 1, whlch bascared het. A neiglibor, Mrs. Glenn, had tho measles, and the eotigh was relievej bj the ase of Ayer's Cierry Pectoral. I bave no hesltatlon in tecommendlng tbis Cough Medicine to evcry one afllieted."- Robert Horton, vi, Murrillton, Ark. "I have been affilcted with asthma foï forty yeaxs. Kast iprins 1 wai taken wlthaviolenl couzh, -which tbreatened to termínate my ilays. Every one pronoanced mr in conganintion. 1 detrmiaed to try Ayer Clierry Pectoral. It3 effects were rnagi(jftl. 1 was inmfedl! relieved and cwttinued tolmptove unölentirply recorfil."- Joel Hullard, Guilford, Conn. "Slx monthö :ao I bad a sevore hrmoraiage of the liiiigs, hrouglit on by an inci ssant roiih wbidi deprived me of ¦p and rest. Itried various remeli.s. but obtained no relief until I be(jaii to take Ayer'i Cüerry Pectoral, A few bottles oí thU mjtlicine cured ne." Mrs. E. Coburn, l'J Bbcond st., LuwiII, ïhiss. "For cbililron sffiicted with colds, COlghs, sovr throat, or croup, I do not know of any rcincdy which will give mqre speedy reliel tban Ayer's ('berry . toral. I bave tound it, also, invaluulile in casea of Whooptog Coogh." - Ann Lovejoy, l'J:7 Washington street, Boston, M Ayer's Gherry Pectoral, rur.I-AUKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowel!, Mass. Bold l'j all DrQJgliU. Price tl ; n lottlci, 5. ICARTER'Sl CURE Bick ncadacho and reliovo all tho tronbles todt tu abüious Btatoof tho ystom.such as Dizziuoes, Kausca, Drowslness, Distrcss aftor catlDü.Palnln tbo Siile, kc. Whüe thtirnioat rtiusriablo success has boen shown ia curiog SICK üeadAohe, yet Cartor'a Littlo Livcr Pilla ere c jually v.iluabloin Constipation.curingandpro atiuR thiaannnyinffconiplaint.'whilo thcyalso r" rroct all tlisordi tui ft host oniftoh.PtirauIate tho hwT aiul roguluto tlie bowels. Üvüh iL they oaly HEAD Achêihef wonld bo ftlmost prlcolesa to thono who BUfforfröm thisdiHtrcssiugcomplalnt; btflfortuxiately theirgootlu Cf3 doos notondliro.andt lioso wiiooucotry them wíll flnd theso littlo pilla valuablelnnoniany ways that thoy will not bö willlng t" d without them. But aftor alleick head ACHE Is tho bane of so many ltvos thst hom la whera ro mako OTir great boast. Our pilla cure It whllo others do not. Cartor"s Litüo Livcr PUI' re vcry small and Tf ry easy to tako. One or two pilla mato a doso. Thcy are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or rurgo. butljy ui-nr gentla artinn pleaHO all who them. l'avialBat25ceuta; flvefortl. Sold il-„aa-' - n - ¦ - -" CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPIU. SMALL POSE. SMALL PRICE "CHICAGO TRUSS." -Yfm Splral chenp. ApSpring Tnttí L_ p r o V e d by Ihíid Rubber tho highest Pad; LIght Medical MiClean, Oool thorttyWorn Durable, d :iy and nijfht by un Infanl a weck oíd or an Adull mi yearv. KasUu wljuhil Ii nn-fisuH forms of Scrotal, Ferraorul, rngnlnul mil ITmbMe! ila, in lioth Infuius nnd Adulta. Sntisfacllon guarantecl In in all caces. A.ny denirable pn snureobtalned. Lady's Umbilical Trusses a -írand BticceRS. If your drugglBl does not keep t hls TruRa, endose stainps aud tiddress, EIII(V(.II I 1(1 ss '. VtZ F ' Itan&oph sf ., tilico same place. hiciijjo. Illa. T. Y. KAY.N'E,;i;i:. KOMI I ANN AKIlUlt D817GGIST8. I PAINT r ¦ ï 'i - I S YOÜRBUGGY ji , Ttp top for CMn. I-wti Scats, S.ish. Flower ? y T !¦ ,r. ..]::¦,, Potes, Fwniture, S„Q UJ Fronl i i s, Screen Donr ¦aP" M m le, Iron 1-en. s ni U t cvcrylh;. m thc tíaing tut the Utiics to ue aluut tlic hoii Ë FOR ONE DOLLAR SCOIT'S HONESTíl ftS Are yon t this yearT If so. d": l'iiy .1 punt (.oiit.tinmf water or benzine win n ¦ i neartyso) youcan prcure - - c . c, l A i 08 lf US IMINT that ís Htrmnlnl to C tí í " I HOS ¦ ! , i ! M ! ' V. I : MXKDOIL PAIM " 3 C5 tnd lr-:r frOli watCTBnd bciutinc líiwmnrt IhU C „ ? __ lirmud tul lat ui Uta. M hMidlinf 3 ? s CJ t areotir .igtnts and mihorlzed byuí.ln wnfiíitf. LL a (o trnrrnl II f Mr N Mt AUS H t)TNor Ï2" íA :l f lBa ' ¦'"" - roTSL Onr Sh.ides are the = L : ''í I-atcst StylM usad in Ihc I.ast now becoming _ LU P 't tinu rk Trythhi ind f HOMíSl PA1ST and you wffl f never rertt it. This to the wiac U sufticicnt u o g HOUSE PAINT g COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS -i Mat ;: ¦ SE _ ifDRfsjíCKíll 1889. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLÜSTUATED WEEKLY. HARPKK'a Yotn-o Plon-K bpglns lts U-ntli volume wlth the (lrst Nuraber Ín Novi'inber. Durlug ttie year it wtll cuutaln flve Rerlal stories, lncludlng " Dorymates," by KlBK Mi-.nhoe; "The Red Mustang by W. '. Stoddabs; and "A Day in Waxland. ' by I!. K. Mimkittkick ; "Neis Thurlow'sTrlal," by J. T. Tkowbkidoe; "The Thrce Wlsbe," by K. Ansti y aml BBASDBR Matthkws; a ¦eriei of rairy tales wrltten and Illaitrated byHoWARD Pyi.e; "Home Htodles Ín Natural lllstory,'1 by Dr. Félix L. üswai.d; "Llttle Kxperiments," by Sopiila A. Hkkitii'E; "Ullmpses of Chlld-llfe from Dlckens," ny tíABOÁMWT K. Bakosteb; artlcles on viiriou8 8iorts and pastlmei, hlurt Htorles by the best Tlt(irH, and humorous papers atul poeraH. wltli many liundreds of illuntratlonH uf exri'lli'iii qiüillty. Kvery Une iu llw pnper Is subjected lo the most rlgid editorial scrutluy In order that notlnuK harmful muy en ter lts columns. An epitome of everythlnK that i attrtctive and dcsirablc in juvenile Hterature. - Boston Couricr. A wcekly fcast of good things to the boys and tfirls in every fiustly wliich it visits. - Brooklyn Union. It is womlerful in its wcalth of pictures, information and interest.- Christiun Advocate, N. Y. TKRMS : Postagc Prcpaid, 9 Per Yoar. Val. IX. commences November 1, 18S7. ¦ men Copa ntnt on reccipí of a Iwo-cent êUunji. SiM.i.K NTmiiers l'ive Cents eaeh. lit'inlttances should be made by Post-OfTloo Minity Order or Urafl, toavold chance of Iohh. fewspanrrs Iré not to crrpy this flrfim flwwwi without the i sprtis oriUrvf II aki'ku Jt HitornAddres 1IAKPEH i BUOTIIERS, New York. Bet yonr Printine: at ík Conrier.


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