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The visible supply of grain in thi3 country on the Mh was as folloW! Whet, 33,595,109 bushels- increase, 218,588; corn, 10,-. 77:,S70 bushels- deercase, 881,864; oats, 8,554.9S1 bushels- mercase, 83! Sami:el Hat was on the 5th seutonced a New York to two years and four months' imprisonmont for illegal registration. Neak Trinidad, Col., on tho 5th two miners wcre killed by a natural gas explosión ia the Starkville coal mine. Th mine was badly wrecked. 1t was said on the 5th that the Wheellnjr & Lako Er:e, the Dayton, Fort Wayne & Chicago and tho Clncinnatl, Hamilton & Dayton railways would be Consolidated. Bcck &, of Crawfordsville, Tenn., general merchants, failed on tho 5th for $100,000. Countehfeit twenty-fivo-cent pleces of the issue of 1877 were in drculation at Tipton, Ind., on the 5th. A large number of peoplo had been imposed upon, and several of tho merchants had been heavlly victimized. Thb orders directing tho United States steamship Kearsargc to proceed to Haytl to protect American lntercsts woro countermanded on the 5th. At Long Island City, N. Y., on the Cth Joseph Kugler, aged nfty-flve years, a milkman, was tramplcd to aeath by a party of seven horsemen, one ot whom threatcned to shoot persons who attempted to rescuo Kuiler. Thomas P. Littlk, afred sixtyfive years, of Altoona, Pa., died on the 5tL of heart disease. He was a bachelor and lived a miser's life. Bonds and money to tho amount of t60,000 wero found concealed in his trunk. The post-offlee at Higganton, Conn., was robbed for the slxth time within a lew vcars on the 5th. The thievcs secured about $130 worth of booty. The annual report on the 5th of the Auditor of State showed that the total municipal iodebtedness of Kansas was Í31, 107,646.90. Leavenworth led, with $3,069,339.39. The National horse show was formally opened in Madison Square Garden in New York on the 5th. The üshing schooner Goldsmith Mald, with thirty thousand pounds of fresh flsh, was run into and sunk in Boston harbor on tko 6th, and Peter Landry and Howard Monroe wero drowned. A large portion of the town of Wyeliffe, Ky., was destroyed by flre on the morning of the 6th. A fire which started in the city hall building at Haverhill, Mass., on the 6th destroyed sevcral business houses, causing a loss of over Í100.000. In answer to an inquiry from the United States Consul at Havre respectlng the right of certain Chinese sailors shipped from tho ÜDited States on American vessels and paid off and discharged abroad to reship and return to the United States the Secretary of the Treasury sald on tho öth that the ChiDese could not return. Hen-by Kaehler, of Chicapo, drowned himself in Chicago river on the öth while insane, and his wife was also drowned while endeavoring to save him. Captain Healt, of the revenue cutter Bear, on the Oth stated at New Bedford, Mass., that he gave no credence to the report that a number of whaling vessel-i had been caught in the ice in Arctic waters. Catiiikine Soxs, agod eighty-eigbt years, Barbara Arnold, aged forty two years, and Lydia Fetrow, inmates of the county almshouse at York, Pa., were sutfocated by gas intheir room on tho 6th. A political riot occurred in Portsmouth, Va., on tlio Tth between whites and blacks, during which three white men and ono colored man were fatally shot. Three murderers, Robert Clanton, T. T. Whitington and Jackson Emerson, made their escape f roin tho jail at Fulton, Mo., on the 7th. A desperate duel occurred on tho 7th in the town of Livingston, Ky., over politics, in which five men were killed and tuo sixth mortally wounded. William Marshall, a prominent Cas? County (Inrt. ) farmer, was instantly killed on tho 7th while blasting stumps with dynamite. ARcniBAi.n Pelon, of Grayling, Mich. , wan lvncucd on tho Tth by masked men for brutaliy assaulung au uguu wuw anti a young married lady. A train on tho Savnnnah & Western road containing 125 passengers bound for the Macon fair was wrecked near Ellaville, Ga., on the 7th, and six persons were killed. During the twenty-four hours ended on the 7th thore were 34 new cases of yollow fover at Jaclcsouville, Fla,, and 3 deaths from the disease. Total cases to date, 4,376; total deaths, 37üi Mum. Geokoe Hirhil of Navarro County, Ti'x., on the Tth gave birth to six children. The mother and children wero doing well. Thore %vere four boys and two girls. Mis. Hirsh is twenty-soven years old. A Fhesi hm as who was sent to tho Baltimore (Md. ) work house on the 7th claimed to have walked every step of tho way from Texas to that city. An order was issued at Washington on the Tth directing the resumption of the sunrise guns at the various army posts throughout the country, and the daily raising and lowering of the colors. A in. aze on the Tth in the warehouse attached to Moran & Healy's packing-house in the Chicago stock yai'ds did damage to the extent of $50,000. Hinkt Menix, who lives in the JackRonville district, Telfair County, Ga, was ninety-nine years old on the 7th. Ho had never taken a dose of medicine, and had not missed enting a meal on account of sickness in sixty years. James G. Hutchisos, of Crawfordsville, Ind., hanged himself on the Sth on account of tinancial trouble. Düring the twenty-four hours ended on the 8lh there were 25 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville, Fla., and 3 deaths from tho disease. Total cases to date, 4,401; total deaths, 373. In Cincinnati on the 8th an unknown man attempted to chloroform and abduct Mrs. J. P. Kelly, but fled when sho succeeded in giving an alarm. Drama the expired ten months of the current calendar year the total amount of flre losses in the United States and Canada was $104,3y5,520, against $102.953,325 during the same months last year, and $95,400,000 during the same month3 the year before. The total loss in October was $5,945,500, against 19,769,825 in qptober, 1887, and $12,000,000 in October. 18S6. The eight-year-old son of E. G. Darrs shot himself through the heart on the 8th t Shelb.yville, Ind., while playing with a revolver. At the clusing session in Boston on the 6th of the annual convention of the Woman's Home Missionary Society Mrs. K. B. Hayes, of Ohio, was re-elected president. Burglars entered Shirk's Jewelry store at Anderson, Ind., on the 8th while the proiirietor was at supper and robbed it of t2,'KX) worth of watches, r;n?s aml chains. lui wöoKisalj taoary homo of Jacob Wcllauer at Müwaukoa was burned on 10 3t)j, pausing s loss ol $100,000. Us of ttie blggest gas wolls n Northwestorn Ponnylvania was struik on the 8th about fourteen miles from Warren. Tne plans for the cnlebration of the centcnnial of Washington's Inaugural, April 'M, 1858, In New York, will include services of praise and thunksgiving in the different eliuivlies, with special services at BL Paul's Church, which Washington attcnded ono hundred j'oars ago; also prayer by Dr. Storrs, a poom by Whittler, a speech ty the President and benediction by Archbishop Corrigan. An official order placing General Alfred Pleasanton on the retired list was issued by the Secretary of War on the 8th. The largo hotel at Long Beach on the coast twenty milos from Los Angeles, CaL, was entirely destroyed by flre on the 8th. Loss, $100,000. Daniel J. Hertt, the podestrlan, coverod thirty-threo and three-fourths miles in four hours at Newburg, N. Y., on the 8th, bcatiiiR the four-hour American record. Tue Indiana Paper and Bagging Company's mili at Sou tb. Bend was destroyod by iire on tho 8lh. Loss, $300,000; Insurance, $40,000. A MA9KBD highwayman held up the stage ncar Downieville, CaL, on the 8tb, and secured $2,500 from the express box. Samiiíi. Brown, a farmer living noar Nurtli Liberty, Ia., was murdered by liis iusano wifo on the 9th. Natural gas was struck at Columbu, Ind., on the 9tu. Sanford & Bons' carpet milis at Amsterdam, N. Y., which had been shut down for some time, resumed operations on the 9th, giving cmployment to two thousand persons. A fibe on tho 9th in tho steam gaugo and lantern work3 at Rochester, N. Y., resulted in the death of six persons, four others being fatally wounded. The smoke was so dense that the men couldnot reach the flre-escapes, and were compelled to jump from the third story. Over two hundred workmen at the Brooklyn (N. Y.) navy yard wore discbarged on the 9th bccuue of lack of work. Advices of the 9th from St. Paul. Mlnn., predicted a decrease in the log erop of the coming season of perhaps twontv per cent. (rom last season' s cut. John Locklin, a prominent business man of Monroeville, Ind., while crosslng the track of tue Fort Wayne road on the yth was fctruck by a train and instantly killed. An explosión on the 9th In a coal mine near Pittsburg, Kan., entombed ono hundred and flfty elght men who were at work one hundred and twelve feet from the surface, and it was feared that all perished. All over Kansas a furious snow-storm prevalled on the 9tb, the heaviost evr known at this season of the year. An unknown man Jumped into the rlver at Niágara Falls on the 9th and was carriod over the falls. By the fall of scaffold on the 9th at Stamford, Conn., two men were killed and two others were fatally injured. Wiiitb and Muskatitusli rivers overflowed all tho bottom lands near Seymour, Ind., on the 9th. A number of livo stock were drowned and thousands of bushels of corn were washed away. Durino the twenty-four hours ended on the 9th there were 20 new cases of yellow faver at Jacksonville, Fia., and 0 doaths from the diseuse. Total cases to date, 4.421 ; total deaths, 379. A fai.i. of slate on the 9th at the Willow Grove coal mines near McDonalds, Pa., crushed to death a man uamed Jules Leese and an unknown boy. During the snven days ended on the 9th there were M business failures in the United fcitntes. against 275 the previous aeven da.vs. Steve Brodie juraped from the Poughkeepsie (N. Y. ) bridge into the Uudson river on the 9th, two hund.'ed and twelve feet, and received injuries from which he mieht die. The leap was made for a wager of Í500. Mks. Farnmef Cdootac was defeated on the 9th in an important litisation involving f 1,000. (XX) worth of real estáte in Kansas City, Mo. Her claims were barred by the statu te of limitations. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thomas Mlkray died on the 6th at Dubuque, la. He wos probably the oldeat person in the State, being one hundred and seven years old. In the Presidential election on the Oth the returns indicated that General Harrison had carried every Northern State except New Jersey, and that Mr. Cleveland had carried the Southern States and New Jersey. The indications also were that tho Kcpublicans would have a majorlty in the next Houso of Congress. The announcement made in Pittsburgh, Pa., on the th to tho effect that Dr. David Hostiïtter, the well-known iuillionaire and bitters manufacturer had died in New York was not correct. It was learned on the Gth that he was alive but sinking rapidly, hls death boiug expeuted at any moment. Tnu latest returns on the Sth from tho Presidential election showed conclusively that the Republlcans had carried tho country and that General Harrison would succoed Mr. Cleveland in tho Preidency. General Harrison carried overy Northern State except New Jersey and Connecticut, his plurality in New York being over 12,000, and about 4.000 in Indiana. The returns also indicated that the lower House of Congress would stand: Republicana, 171 ; Democrats, 154. West Virginia was also probably Republican by a plurality of from 700 to 1,00a This would give Harrison L19 electoral votes. The Legi slature was also said to be Republican, which would elect a United States Senator. The Legislature of Delaware would be Republican by two on joint ballot, which would result in the election of a Republican United States Senator. In the recent election Governor Gordon, of Georgia, received 12J.785 votes, with not more than 400 aeuinst him. Daniel Phillips, of Louisville, Lewls County, N. Y., who voted for Madison in 1808, cast his twentiet n Presidential ballot at the recent election for General Harrison. Mr. Phillips 1b one hundred years old, and has voted at every Presidential election ince 1808. Mrs. Hannah Süarkey, aged one hundred and eleven years, died on the 8t bat Youngstown, O. Sho was the oldest woman in tho State. W. A. Potts, president of the New York, Susquehanna & Western railroad, and in 1SS0 Republican candidato for Governor of New Jersey, died at New York on the 9th. FOREIGN. Advces of the 5th say that upwards of one thousand children had died from measlcs in Santiag, Chili, In less than two months. The wife of a farmer named Dufort, at Masanche, P. Q., gave birth to her thirtieth ch ld on the 5th. She has been married twenty-one years. Severf. gilles prevailed on the 6th on the coast of Gret Britaiu. Many wrvcks of vessels wen1 roporloJ, but 110 livo wera known to bc li -t. A RB8KKTOIK at Montroux. on the lak of Geneva, in Switzerland, used to work tn elootrlc rllway, burst on the 6th, doItroylog nuuicrous houses und drowning many i er on. ïo a deputatiou (rom Walsail whlch waited upou hlui at Birmingham, Ent;., on the 6tu Mr. (Jladstono said he considerad it his duty to romün in public life until the Iriab. question was deflnitely settled. Advices of the tith from Brnzü say that the offee erop of this ycar was imperfect in quality, poorly gathered, and wou'.d cost three cents a pound more than beretofore. The Britlsh Parliament reas9embled on the 6th. In the House of Lords Lord Salisbury stated that England had assontedto co-operute with Gormany to prevent the export of slaves and the import of arm? on tho coast of East África. Krance would also co-operate. The combined fleet would íorm a blockado and have the right to search vessels saillng under any üag. k. ferrt steamer was sunk on the 7th in a collision at Calcutta, India, and sUty Dersons were drowned. A terrible railway accident occurred on the 7th on the Southern Russian line near Kovel, Russia, and many persons were killed. Dispatche9 of the 7th say that among the thirty-eight violin competitors at the Paris conservato re there appeared thirteen young girls. Eight of these recoived prizes, and the flrst prize was unan.mously awarded to MUe. Dantin, aged flfteen. It was announced on the 7th that the export of bannanas from the Island of Jamaica to the United States the past season amounted to nearly two hundred thousand bunches. Advices of the 7th say that a Paris flrm had produced porous glass for window panes. The pores were too fino to admit a draught, but tliey assisted in ventilation. A dispatch of the 7th from Melbourna announced that a fire destroyed a whola block of bu ldings al Hrokeuhill, causing a loss of Í50Ü, 000. Thk rabbit pest in Australia was on tha 7th said to be so formidable that the Government was building a fence of wiro netting eight thousand miles long to divida New South Wales from Queensland and bar the pests out The Government still kept standing its offer of $100,000 to any man who wuuld discover soincthing that would extermínate the pests. Michaei, Dinwoodie, who dlsappeared from Toronto, Ont, thirtyyears ago under circumstances which lod to the belief that he had been murdered, turned up on tha 8th and was looking for his relatives. He bad boen amone the mines of Central America and had made a large fortune. Mk3. Bcott, of Dawn township, Ont, driven lnsuae by her husband, who habltually carne home and abusod her, beat him to death on the 8th while he lay on a bod in a drunken stupor. Six luches of snow feil on tho 9th at Quebec, Can. Another woman was mysteriously muridered in London on the 9th and her body was frightfclly mutilated. ¦ Six persons were killed and twenty lnjured on the 9th by the collapso of a house in London, Eng. Advices of tho itth from Cairo say that Bevonty thousand folio wers of the Mahdi attacked the town of Sodal, west of Darfoor. The garrison ropulsnd the assailants and killed three thousand, but tho Mahdists reattackod and captured tho town. The Paris Commune on the 9th adopted M. Luburdcre's proposal to submit tha new constitution of Franco to a popular vota Nansex, curator at the museum at Bergen, who, with four Norwegian athletos, started from Copenhagon in May to explore the interior of Greenland, succeeded in safely crossing the inland ice and arrived at Oodthaab on the 9th. The coal mines at Kalgotar ja, Austria, were flooded on the 9th, and twenty minor were drowned. A tekribi.e gale and snow-storm raged along the lower St. Lawrence river on the 9th. Numerous craft wero out in tha Btorm, and it was fearcd that many pursous perished. LATER NEWS. Durino the twenty-four hours ended on the llth there were 12 now oases of yollow fever at Jacksonville, Fia., and 1 death from the disease. Total cases to date, MM ; total deaths, 385. A Philadelphia court on the lOth orSered Keeley to make his motor secret public to the stock holders. A sxow-storm on the lOih blockaded all roads leading to St. Jo&eph, Mo. The post-ciflico at Huntington, Ind., was robbed by burglarson the lOth. A dkspkkatb gang of norse thieves In Morton County, Kan., was captured on the lOth. It was reported on the lOth that a powerful American syndicate had ben formed for the purpose of building railroads in öiberia. Bt nn explosión of after-damp on the lOth in Brown & Son's coal mine noar Boston, Pa., four persons were fatally burned. Advices of the lOth report the loss by fire of many houses and coffee plantations near Villeta, Cuba. Many chlldren also perished in the conflagration. W. A. Scihemakek, postmaster at Carbon Hill, Ala., while drunk on the lOth tricd to kill his wife, when she shot him dcad. FREnKiucR Knohr, his wife and elovenyear-old daughter Anna perished in their turninpr dwclling at Vernon Center, N. Y., on the Llth. It was reported on the llth that thirtythreo Uves were lost in a recent flro at Roclicster, N. Y. A iikavï frost visited portions of Louisïana on the lOth. A gano of safe crackers blew opon a aio in Gctitzhoru's saloon at Napanee, Ind., on the lOth, wrecking the entire building. Bevekal factories at San Francisco were burned on the lOth, causing a loss of 1100,000. A movement was on foot in Servia on the lOth in favor of dethroning Kiug Milan, and it might possibly result in a general Euiopnan war. The Philadelphia syndicate collected 1225,000 in New York on the lüth which it had won oa tbc election. The Department of Agriculture at Washington on the lOtb estim.ited the yleld of corn in the United States at two thousand million bushels. Coi. on kl John Knai'P, one of the founders of tho MimmiH RcpulAic, died in Bt Louis on the llth, agod seventy yeara. Advices of the lOth sa.v that seventy perBons were drowned in the recent collision botweeu the steamors Theodore Ilugia and Nantes in the British channel. Dispatches of the llth say that eighty liv; viiï lot by the recent coal mine disaster at Pittsburg, Kan. The exchanges ut twenty six leadlng clearing houses in the United Btates during the week ended on the litth aggregated 19ON,ao9,122, against f1,079,345,128 the ]revious week. As compared witli tha correspondiug week of 1&37 the decreua nmnnntnl Ui G ti Der cent.


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