Sjrup of Figs Is nature' own true Inxative. It is tlie Diost easily tuken, and the most effective reinedy known to Cleange the System when Uillous or Costive; to dispel Hendadles, OHs, and Fevers; I" cure habitual Oonstlpation, Indigestión, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fiji Byrup Compaiiy, San Francisco, CalSokl in 50c. and" f 1.00 bottles by Eber. bacli & Son. The spring clip of (J.tliforniu wool is coneidcrably short of that of 1887. Cure Yoursclf. Dou't pay larjte doctor' bilis. The best medical book nubüshed, 100 pages, eletrant colored ilates, wlll be pent you on irccipt ofthree 2eent stampa to pay post;ur. Alres8 A. 1'. Onlwav & (' ., B'iaton. Mmw. Fish are reported very searce ff the (in'fi.l n,(l cou.-t itiiil in North liiy. Itiickipu's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Hruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt lUiuiim, Fever Sores, Tetter, ('happt'd Hands, (JhillilaiiiH, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively euros IMIes, or no pay retiuired. It a jrimraiitecil to {ilve perfect satisfaction, or money refnnded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eberbacb & Son. The recent frueta have badly dainiiged tlie M.iine criinberry crep Wli cli Was It : liacou or Shakesucaic. The HuthorKlilp of ttie dramatic productlons attrllioled to the last nr tlie above nuined Is agltattng literury ctrclee to the very rt-nir luit cili'cts tlie practical's tui lena ttian Ihe iiiuiiM-ntous questiun, how to regatn oi preserve heul th, tntit essentlal of txxlily and iiieiit! actlvlly, busliiuss success and Uu ¦¦puiMiii i happInetiH." We can tlirow far more llght on Ihl8 latter aabjeot than the most ])rufontul Htiakenpearlan can ou the lU4'Stion Hriit propoiintled. 11 the s.VKtem n üeplelcd, the ihtvi sluiky ; If todlifeatlon or -(iistipai ion hothers one at Itnu's, or oonsi.-ini Iv ; If the Hkin Ih yellow mul longue furred tus Ui blllousnetw; il there pramonltory iwtuurs di onOütnlDf rhcuintiiism or neuralgia; lf the UUIikvs are Inactivo - Q86 Hostcttcr'.s SLomach liitter?, tho flncnt reen parantofan ge prollfl in bei -iii-ial and succesülul remedies. Kemeniher lf inalarla ihreuteuM or atlllclx. that it ueolñllsea the polson and í 1 1 iil-s i Hystem.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News