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W &ROYAL ÍStíj? Jï ï POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbls powder never varlei. A mirvcl of pnrlly, strength aud wholeeomeness. More económica! lian the ordinary kind?, and cannot be sold in compctitt m with the multitud of low test. short weigbt alum or ph pphate powders. Sold only in cana. Koyal Bakincj Powder Co , 106 Wall St., N. Y. Scratched 28 Years. A Scaly, Helling, skin Dinease willi I'iullr SuJFerlns cured I) Catlcura Kemedies. If I had known of the Cuticura Rbhedik years ago it would have saved me f200.00 (two hundred dollars) and an itnmeuse amonnt ol'sufft;rlng. My desease (Psoriasis) commínced onmy bead in a rpotnot larger than a cent. Il spiead rapidly all over ray body and got under my uails. The i-cales wonld drop offof me all the time, and my sufferiug was nidlrss, mi 1 without r.'lli-i. Oiif ihousand dollars would uott nptnie to have ihw disease over aii'n. I un a po'r man, hut leel rlch to ' e relieved of wtiut xome oí ihe doctors said was leproay, gome rinfi-worm, psoriasis, etc. I took . . . and . . . SftTMp&rUUM over one year and a half, but no cure, l went to two or threr doctors and no cure. I cannot praii-e the Cuticuka Remedies toom ich. They have mtde my skin as clear and free tro acales as a baby's. Allí usedof tht-m was thieo boxea of Cuticura, and three of Cun i'ra Kesoiaent. and two cakes of i ut;cüra Soap. If yoc had been here ayd said you would have cured mefor 200.00 you woi:ld have had the money. I looked like the pictnre in yur book of Psoriasis (picture num ¦ r two. "'Huw to -'ure Skin Dlseases'1), but now 1 tun ap ch-ar asany pursou ever was. Tnrough l'orce ol habit I run my h uids ovt-r my arms and eu' to pcratch otice In fl w:iiH', but to do purpnse. I aiu al wel). I scratched tweuty-eithi yeaie, and it Kfc Lo Uu u kiud uf ucuibl nti'ur.' to mv. 1 tli.iuU soa a iliini.'iii'l tlmea. Anythlne m re that yon act know write me, or any onc who reads this miy write to me aml I will answer it. DENNIS DOWXING. WATF.UBCr.y, Vt , Jn. 20th, 1888. Pgoiiasls, Eczema, Teller, Ringworm, Lichen Prnrlta', fccall head, Milk Cnist. Dandrufl', Barher', Bak' rs„ Grocerg' and Wai-h rwomanV Itch and en1 y soeelen of Itching, Btirning, Scaly, Piuiply liuni ir-t of the skin and Scalp and Blood, itii Í.os8 01 Hair, are positively cured by Cutí( riA. the ï Cure. and Cuni exqnistte tm Beantifler ¦¦xtrriially.andCrrncuKA l.i s,h,vi:nt, the ncw Hlood Purifler iternally, hen phytsiclans ai.d other remedies fuil. Sold everywhere. Price. Cuticura, 50. : Soap '2') ; Secolvbnt. $1. Prepared by the Pottkb Iiblo ad Chemical Co., Ko-t' n, M es. 4yS.'nd lor "llow to Cup' Skin Disefses." 04 paecs, 50 iiltivtratioua, and 100 testimoniáis. Pf,iri.ES, black-heads, cbapped aad oily skin I IVI prevented by Cuticura mkdicteu Soat. Sneezing Catarrh. The dHtrcMsinfi sneezt, sneeze, sneeze, the acrid watery dischurtjes from the oyes and nose, the painfuT iiifinmaton extending to the throat, the swullinj: of tbe macona üniíiLí, causídít choking ¦eoMÜODS, congh, rinL(n aotsee iu the hiad and spliiilm; heailachCB- how familiar theg symptoms ara to tUonsands who suffer periodical Irom bi'ad coUls or luflucnzi, aud who live in itiinrance of the fact that a single appllcation of Sanford"s Haiikai. Ct'HK fok Catarkh will afTord inslanlaneotu relief. But thts treatment In cases of simple Catarrh eivee but a laint Idea of whot thls rumedy will do in the chrouic forms, where the breathinir is ob-tructed by chnklnR patrid mucous accomulations, the hearing cffectcd, smell and tale one, throat ulcerated and hackine cough gradually faetening itself npon the debilitated system. Then it Is thai the marvollous curativo power of Sanford s Kadical Cure manifests ltelf in instantaneous and gratelul relief. Cnre beglne Irom theftrst applicatlon. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economical. safe. Sandkord's Radical Cirb consista of one bottle of the Hadicai. Curk. one box of CatarrüíI. Solvent andan Improved; prlie, 1. Potter Druo and Ohbmicai. Co., Boiíton. PAÏHSand WEAKNESSES OF FEMALES Instantly rel'.eved by the Cuticura Anli-I'ain riter, a new, most aureahle, inetantaneous and inralliblu paln-killin? piaster, espcclallv adapted to relieve Femile Paine and Weaknesses. Warranted vastly superior to all other piasters, and the mi-t perf, et Antidote to Pain. Inflammation and Weakues vetcompounded At all drucK:8'8. S5cnth; flve tor $1.00; or po-tiee free of Potter Uhlu & (Jiikmical, Co., Boston, Mass. [J77Í? Greatcst Blood PurijierJE I Thls üreat Germán Mctlicinc Is the#., 111 I Ichenpestsiirtbest. lïSdosesof SUL-Fj. II lll'lll 'l{IlITTKI{Sfor1.00,lcSBtlian II l ono oont a close. It will cure the UI pn worst ciises of skin dlseasc, from Q Ui cinnmon pim))le on the luceW ¦ JJJ ITIr.1 that awful ilUraso Scrofuln. 5 ISULPHUB JUTTK1ÍS is tl.; II best meillclno to uso In all " lllcasi- of sucli Btuhb.irn nndyonr Klri-lll lldi'i'P Beated Uiouaacs. lofm'y.'m "UI II III not over tako Wotovdrr. l'irljl m m iip puls # ' ' '¦"' I:E3 tí blue rii.La lis ltin U or mciTiiry, they are dad# „,.,, ,lck no III I ISlI pi"! VI? BJTTKÏ wluit """ I II -I il jsjixr. 'viWvou, uao the purist and bcstJTi . ¦¦ I Imudiuinccvcrmado. #SU]pQUr BltterS ! J IHlíyonrToiiOTioOoateáW ' m E3 with n vcllowstlcky#l'ont walt nntil yon U II lulistancc? I8your#areunablotowiilk,orl]l lbr:itli foul nnl#arc flat on II offenalTO? yoiirbutget somo at one, It 1 1 lHtnmti'h it oiit#wlll t-urc you. Sulpliurll II of order, Use#Bittcrs is Ba im" KusThe Invalid's Frlend.g Simiiic'llntHyheyounfr,theaKelnnltot-n in Ia vuur LTr.#terln({ are toon made we 11 by I Iline thlck.#itsuse. Uememlier whatyouBI ropy, clo.ifrcud here, It may save jourll lludy, or#lfo, It lias Mved Iiini.h.;d8. I #Uon't wait untll to-morrow, Q f Try a Bottle To-day! Q fl I I Are tou low-splrlted and wenk Ijl il! # M cure )0UBeDd a 'Mx'nt ítampí Z A. 1. Onlway & Lo., ltobúin. Mass.. lor hMl lucaiculwork publlsheU?


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