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Prepare tor Turkey next week Tliursday. Peter Paquet has had bis pension inereHted. Slinotinï stars are now the iashion evenings. Seven o'clock comes pretty early n the moruing now. What's the matter with our street car line? Is it all rigbt? Fr;iiik C. Wajrner of this city has been grunted a patent on an electric motor. You can legally have quail on toast now, proviiling you find the quail to hooC The next examination of teaehers n this county wiU be at Dexter, Friday, Nov. 3Oth. The Germán Aid Society of this city contnbuted the slim ot $10 to the Alpena tire sutleiers. Parties of ten or more going; to the lame place can now secure R. R. tickets l'or two oenU peí mile. Qrand plans lor a beautlful block on one of the prominent busines corners are iu conteinplation tor DeXt jear. It is womlerful how many people there are now ulio carried the repiihlican party on their shoulders at the last election. The foundation for the new T. & A. A. R R. station house has been laid. The mistake of getting it too low is quite apparent. Chvinjr to the lluras of Dr. Studley, the pulpit of the M. E. church waa occupied last Siibbath ty Uev. F. R Bourns, wlio f.ivored his listeners with a very excellent diseourse. The court house is being repainted, the stone steps re-laid and the Hoor doctored u i. It isa neeessaiy job, but had the work beeu done properly in the first place, it would have lasled for years jet. The electric light system keeps on extendtng, Bo that the company have been (ibliyccl to increase their facilities. A new boller lias heen eontractid for and will be put in soon, at their works in the 2d ward. At the late election in this city the total vote pulled whs 2041. Allowing five persons to each roter, which is the ¦VerajCe, Ann Arbor's population amounls to 10,205. This isaslde from the 2,000 sludents parraiBg studies here. Two contidence men ntteuipted to fleeee Mr. IJiownell, an honest old farmer who lives oul on the gravel roart. the othcr day, but hen lie pulled off his co-it ami 'allnwed he emild whip both of them. they "Jug out" and left him alone. The best natured defeated candidate we ever saw Is Hon. A. J. Sawyer. He acts just as if the people had conferred a favor upnn him by not electinjf him. Uut whettier ihe people of this district conferred a favor upon themselves by that act remaint to be seen. The Chinese lanterns used by Prof. L. ü Wities to illumlnate his residence ou the Bljfht of the republican jubilee have a his'ory. They were used by him 24 ago in celebratinr the second election of Abraham Lincoln. The professor proposes to keep them for future occasions of the kind. Taking a bieyele and going over the route ot the line of march, for the jubilee toren light procession the editor of the C'OüRIer found that the distance was exacily 5J-4 miles by the cyclometer. No wonder some of the boys wilted. It was & big jaunt. It took 30 minutes to travel it by the watch. There has grown up along the line of the T & A. A. tracks in this city many properous businesses, and the scène is a lively one each day. No one who has not watched and noted its adyancement woulcl hardly believe the change? which llave been efiected in this part of tlie city wlthin two or three years. Burney Morrison s with us no longer. B ing brciuelit belore Jutiee I'ond lust week on eoroplaint of being a disorderly person, stntince was suspended on tbc pnmUe of hls wife to buy him i ticket to San Francisco. Thiu she did and Barney left fnr the golden giite last Friday. Frnm tlu-re he expects to elilp to New eland where lie bat) a brother in well10 do circumstances. Poor Barney, be is Wi own Wt ist encmy. Wben sober be '8 a hard working sensible man. Mnnday even i uk many people availed tliemselvrs of the opportimity to listen 'o Prof. J. H. Steere, as be gave an ac count of hla trip to the PhlMppines. He referred to the route by wliicb be and hls party went. Some parts of the royRe was wry tempestuous. Ilis account (f the tacldenta tlmt oocnrred, and of experiencea tlirough whicb they passed Whlle on the isliinils engaged In tnaking their rollections was very Interettlog and aniusing. The lecture was well worth farinj. Tlio wlll or the late I.utlier James has evidt-ntly bi-come tamous over tliis country, f„r Mr. J. L. Bal.cock has a wonuYrtnlly licavy and delightrul mail ow-a dnyg. He bas rcceived letters '["'" y gladiei in New York, Boston l blllelphla, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinj'ati, Boffalo, Oliic:igo, etc., etc., proposig to ihare the joys, sorrows, and so 'Hh, of Ufe witb him. Some desire to contamínate H barirain at once. Otbers a 'Uemore modest sim pi y propose to exiife photo-s. One younij lady bas "'¦n left (nlte a fortune and needs a u'-'li;.ii and wou'dii't Ir. Babcock KiiMiiy tonsent to act as such for her? Another feeli certuin tbatshecould make mianion .ble compaolon; and one anu all teel Mire that tliev re the one sewcted by fte to aaaUt lr. Babcock in outaini„g the ful! fortune bis uncle leR - And tbeae applicunts are not alone "fciUtiiits of large cities, but even Aim r has an ambltiou aspirant or two. ti, ls"'ï"ek is to be envied. He Ims 'e ra(l open to a beautifnl colleotlon of Jfraphs, and the authoaraphs tbat "me to hi„, mMt be charming. He Is l envy of all the young men In tbc


Ann Arbor Courier
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