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Mi-s. Fred A. Howlet s vislting frlends in Clielsea tliis week. Miss Mary Gullazlier, of Toronto, is visiting at E. Duffy's. Mrs. Jas. H. Migoffln, of Cheboygun, is visiting at C. S. Millen's. Mrs. Dr. F. B Adams, of Plyinouth, I visiting friemls in tlie city. MIís Lou Gott lias gone to Chicago to pursue her studies In woud carvinfr. W. K. Child3 will visit Corunna tli latter part of tlie week, on business. B. Frank Bnwer of tlie Detroit Even ing Journal was in the city yesterday. tin. W. W. Wbedon has been enjoyInjj a visit frotn her fither, Mr. Turner Mrs. Qeorge E. Bliss, of Jackson, i vis ting at Wallace W. Bliss's for n few oèyi, C. H. Millen goes to Chicago to-mor row to visit hls daughter, Mrs. I. G Giles. E. B. Millen of Farwel), anived at the home of liis father I). S. Millen, las Monclay. Mr. and Mrs. Olcutt are visitin!; Mrs O's molher, Mrs. J. N. B.iiley, on S. División st. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howlett, of Lyndon, spent Suuday with their sou Frec and ftiuiily. Miss Onie Williams of Milan, is visiting her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Spnigue. Artliur Brown went to Fünt S;iturdiy to attend the funeral of a sister on the day tollowing. Miss MvrU Couch, of Qarrettsville Oiiio, will rem-iln during the winter witli her aunt Mrs. M C. Peterson. Mis. Jas. B. Angelí gave u reception last eveiing to Ex-Minister to Russia, Geo. V. N. Lothrop of Detroit. Goorge Lutz, who left Ar.n Arbor some tliree years since is vlsiting his father Louis Lutz, of tlie 2d w;rd. Gco P. Wanty of Grand Rapids, of the prosperous law firm of Wanty & Fletcher, spent Sunday n the city. J. Bastable, ot Cincinnatl, Gen. Pass. Agent ot ihe C. H. & D. R. R. was in the city last Friduy, tlie guest of A. J. Paisley. Mis? Lena Wetmorc and Miss Hattie Holmes of Ypsilanti, spent Sunday with the former's sister Mrs. Goo. V. Millen, on A nu st., E. Dr. Vaughan is absent in Milwaukee, Wis., this week, assistine a committee of which lie Is a niember, in decidintf upon soine prize essays. Mrs. E. Wanty, who came here to atend the tuneral of her nephew, Fred ?roctor, returned to lier home in Grand iipids on Saturdaj'. W. F. Stimson went to Hastlngs last riday and returneil Monday with his vite who had been visiting relatives here for a few days. Dr. and Mrs. C G. Darling, accomanied by their son, left Sunday nljiht or Bethel, N. Y., to visit frlends and relatives for a couple of weeks. Warren Jackson, who was principie of he Grammar Department of Olir high school in the days when ye local was a school boy, was in the city the first of he week, visiting his daugliter Mrs Av¦ry, at 50 E. Anu st. Mr. Jackson bas lot changed very much In looks since the ime when he used to "tr tunee'' Don. Mcutyre and Dick Huson daily. Win. Tice, of this city, luis been grauteü a peueion. Albreclit Gwinner lias liad a new plato glass front put in to liio Detroit street saloon. D. McFal!, of the Fourth St. secondhaud store expects to go to California before long. The prnceedings of the board of supervisors are priuted and are being distributed. Quiek work. A new time table went into effect on the M. C. R. 11. last Sunday. The correct scliedule will be found in lts proper place. Tho libm-ty polU orootoH Uy tho two partiea could be cnuvertcd into wood for some of tue poor of our city to good advantagp. There is to be a meeting of the Eastern Michigan Poultry and Pet Stock Assoeiati(u at Detroit, next Jan., trom the 7th to the 12i li. Mrs. Chas. Chapín In dpcorating her house for the republican jubilee uaed the same decorations she liad lor Gen. Orant twenty years ago. A very largp quantity of live stock is being shipped out of Aun Arbor at present, the T. & A. R. R. ühlpptng over seven car loada last week. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will delivcr ext Sunday even i tig the thiril lecture n lis course on the Genesis Legcnds. Subect ''The Story of the Flood." Fi-ed Stacbler will have a hearing be ore Justice Frneauff to morrow mom ng on a charge of assnult and battery on lis hircd man Fredurick Heimenilinger. At the annual electiou of the Dundee uel gas Co. Monday, E. K. Frueauff was e-elected director. Mr. F. 19 a firm beiever in the succe3Sful outcome of this enture. The M. C. R. B. give a rate of $5 f rom Detroit to Chicago and return this week, ommenclng to-day, good to return until [onday.for the fat stook show in prowres-s there. ' U. S. Postoffice Inspector Eugcne Pearall, of Flint, was in the city Saturday, verhauling and looking up the business f Uncle Sara at this office. He found it 11 correct and in good shape. A calm, plensant but persistent snow torm carne down upon us Sunday, remindlng the youngsters of Thanksgiving me. They cai almost smell the deliI0118 aroma from the baking turkey aleady. George C. Cooper state agent of the Firemen's Pund Ins. Co., of San Franisco, Cal., was in the city last weck, ooking after that company's Interest ïere, and beforp leaving transff rred the gency to Beal & Pond. Chirley Schott sent an applicant for a ¦OHition of turnkey under the new heriff, way up to Chas. Dvvyer's resience In Dexter townsbip, on foot. Charlie thought it n good joke, but the ffke seeker didn't see the point. 'l'he Woman's Christlan Temperance Union will glve a social and supper at the arlors of the M. E. church Thuraday ;ve. Proceeds to be used tor the support I Missionaries in the Upper Peninsular. upper from six to seven, prlce 15 cents. Prof. Buur, secretary, announce.s the nnual meeting of the Washtenaw Pomloglcal Society for December lst, at 2 j. m., hl basement of court house. Reorts of cotninittees and otticers, exhibit f fruits of the seasoD and of fruit preerves. Julia Wan! Howe and Antonette Blackwell filled the pulpit of the Unitaiuii church last Sabbath, both morning nd uvening. The audiencc could not be ccommodated at either service, and maiiv went away unable to gain admitancê. I" the eveningthe auditors heard 1 plea for woinan sulïrage. The statement is made 011 evidently ood authorlty, that Judge Cooley, of Vashlngton, D. C, and Julfie Btowd, of ie U. S. court of Detroit, will sit witli udee Kinne in trying the fuit of Tirry I llill There will be such an array of -Ml talent here at that time as our court iJuse never before witncssed. Savage dogs are the terror of the mail arriers, and none know better than tlny ie laree numberof such curs kept In the ty One of the carriers was bitten by „e of these ugly brutes Monday, and ad to have the wound catitenzed. He ,med himself with a revolver on the ext trip, and at nlglit that dog was eepin" company with other dogs 111 the appyhuntlng grounds, whereno superisor can ever be derelict in bis duty in uiting hiin on the aseessment roll. There are a nuinber of these worthless urs that need taking care of, for the owers that bo hare willed It that no dog hat bites one of Uncle Sam s carriers hall live to bite liim the second time.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News