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Ask For Ayer's Sarsaparilla, an.l be sure you gat it, when you want the bMt Moo.l-purilier. I With its fcirty yi. in ÍI ffl. V-p of unexampled ino' v ce8 '" ""' ' ilre ' ; jrlVj Blood Dlseases, you { _-%i CAD make no m!sA! $ take in preiei wWil SarsaPar'"a fio M_f Cj íoii'-ruiint'r of mu 1iw íLjV k24 6tn bloofl medicine, ' J vte ' ' J' ' 's SanaparilJa íSapír Is still the most pöp l- ¦Af uliir, belng in gieat" (gi er (Iemand than all ,jt. otfaer cotublned. "Aver's Sarsaparilla is lelllns faitei tlian "ever before. 1 never hesitate to ricomineiicl it."- George W. Whltmön, Draggisti Albany, Ind. " I am safe in lajinf? lliat my sales of Ayei's Saisaparilla far eicel tliose of aiiy other, and it t;h es tlmrougli satisfactiun."- L. II. Iiusli, Des Moines, lowa. "Ayer'sBarsaparllla and Ajer'a Pilis are the l;-t Belling ïnedlclüe In my Btore. I run recommeml tbem eoimoientiously." - C. Biukliaus, Phamaacist, Boaeland, 111. "We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla licre for over tbirty yeari aml ahvays recoinmend it when asked to name the best blood-pnrifier."- W, T. McLean, Drnggiat, Augusta, Oliio. "I have solí! yoiir medicines for the last seventeen years, and ahvays keep (ham in stock, as thej are Itaplee. ¦ Tbere is nothinn so good for the youthfiil blood' as Am i's Sarsapailfla." - 11. I.. Parker, Fex l.akc, Wis. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla gjrea the best natisfaction "f any medicine I have in sim!,. I recoirimend it, ot, as tlio Doctors say, 'I prescribe it over the connter.' It nerer faili to meet the . ases fur whicn I recommend it, even wliere the doctors' prescriptlons have Ir-i-n of no avail." - C. F. Calhuun, Munmoutb, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPAUF.D BY Or. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. Pric 1; (U bottlc, fo. Worita 85 bottlo. CARTERSI CURE Sick neadMho and relieve all tho troublea incident to a bilioua state of tho systcm, such os DizzinoBS, Nausea, DrowsiuosS. Distrei aftor eating. l'ata in the 81de, ka. Whilo their most reujarkablo suecos lias boen Bhown iu curing SICK Iloftdaclic, yot Carter'a Littlo Livor Pilis are cqually wúuablo in Oonstipation, curingaud prov. oting thiaannoyingcoiaplaint.whilo tlieyalso correct all disorders of tbostouiath,stirmilate tho livt t and regúlate Üiobowels. Even if tbcy only HEAD Achetlicywonldboalmostpricelesstotliosewho eulli.:r f rom thiadlHtrcssingcomplalnt; biftfortuBntoly tholrgoodnensdoesnotomUiero.amlthoso wbooucetry them will flnd thoso littlo pillsvalubloln Rornany waystuatthey will not bo wilUng to do without thcm. But aftor allsick hoo4 ACHE Is tho bane of bo many livos that horo te whera wemaltoourgroatboast. Our pilla curo it whilo othorsdonot. Carter'a JLittle Liver Pilla are very Bmall and very easy to tako. Ouo or two pilla makea doee. They aro Btricüy vegetable and do not gripo or tmrco, ut y their gentío aetlon pleasaall who nBothom. lnTrll(.t2cntat flveíoríl. tíüld by druggists evorywhere, or sent by mau. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPRICE "CHICAGO TRUSS. " Kew Splnil ' cheap. ApSpring Truss provedby Jfaid Rubber tl"1 hlghest Patl; Li glit Medical AaClean, Oool thorltyWorn Durable. d a y a n tl nlght by an lnfaiit a weck old or nn Ailnli BO yeniH Ijmêted. II meets all ol Herotal, Permoral, [nguiiial, and Umbilical Hrnla, In both Infama afad Adulta. Battsfaotion goraiileed iu lu all canes. Auy deKirable prMaore obtaloed.'s Umbilical Troaaei a grand ¦uooera. If your dragglal - not Ueup llii-s Truss, endose stan-ps nl address, CHICA TRUSS CO. JJU Ft liandopli t„ Office same place. hicago, IUh. T. V. KAY.VE, Manaokk. SOLD by ANN AH HO II BBI';(;ISTS. 1 PAINT ¦T1 Plint Fri.l.iy.1 '¦ ¦ ' K l-.itiion.ihle Sh t.f," T lai V. M.w..n. Wnniiio:! Uue, YeBow, OUn 1 -u. l;r. (A ,.,.¦¦ -. , imi ¦ ¦ 1 i '' llb ".Liuc." OM CoM aud )ob is dont. r ;i 5 YOUR BUCGY Ñ - Tip top for Cliairs, Lnwn Scat-i, Sai. I 1 f..ts. Babf Cw :"- -S-.O UJ I ronl Jtorrs, Stnrc-frocits, Screen I'oors, . ¦ M m te bwi FtKts, i i i t mm the Üiiittf for the ladics to usc about tlic hou& ï FOR ONE DOLLAR 2C0ITS HO NEST I CÖ Are OH v êaA lo Mal this ycarf If so, do T boya uní contaioing water or beiurine when - f, i ¦ forllic mam ni-iity(,-rncarlysoyoucai! procure - - f (11 X (ON rvitl l'AIVf tl it iswarrontcd ¦" le an HOXI ST, I KKD-OIL PAlXf Tg 15 .nul fre iryin w.ilur and benzine. Ininl ihU o & T bnafJ niH l:;lf na othor. rchanls hnndlinp =%% nimr tare our aeents and authorizcd byus,ln wnUfií. '5 g towirranllt to mr S ÏKAK8 wflh S VOATS or Jfl ? VKIH9 nlth 2 fiUTS. Our Shades are the 5 c ¦ r.atfst Styics used in the East now brconiing _ " 3 LU ¦ e West. and up with the tim _-k I flIOKKSI l'UT nd you wfll fjgJ "¦ uevcr rcyrtt it. Tlüs to the wise is suliicicnt {j o HOUSE PAINT j1 L CQIT'S FLQOR PJUNT SSïï r.iint that ni-vcT .!ri-l ï.cyowd t!ie stk 'kjr j ¦¦ int. SC ¦_ waste n wek. ¦ r Sext ti ' ' - Gflt 4 popular .in' I 1 ' v j -i m hard n ruck oi-r Blgfcti No i' ¦ W ' I ' ¦ " gliSËW0NTDRYSTiCKYl5 1889. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATEÏ) WEEKLY. Haiü'FR's TOPM PaOPIJt begliis lts tentli vtjlurne with the Hrst Number in November. Durliiü the year it will coutaln flve Berlal slories, lncludlng "Dorymates," ly Kikk Mchkoe; "The Red Mustang by V. 1 1. si'diidakd; and "A Day in Waxlmid," by K. K. Mi NKITTKICK ; "Neis Thurlow's Trial," byj. T.Tkowbkiwik; "The Tliree Wlabea," by F. AïKY iind Hhandek Matthkws; a serles of íairy tales written and illustrated by Howakd Pylk; "Home studies in Natural llistory,'' by Dr. Fki.jx L.O8WALD; "Little Kxperiments," by öopiii.A A. Ukki:k k; "(iümpKi-8 of Child-life frum Kiekens," iy MABOABM E. BANGSTEr; artlcles on varlousBports and pastlznea, siiort storlos bs thebeal irriten, and hmnoroua papers and poems, wlth raany hundreds of lllUHtratlons of excellent quallly. Kvery lineln the paper is subjected lo the most ligld editorial scrul in j' In order that nothliif; liarmful mny euter Uu colarans. An epitome of cverytliing that II attractive and dcsirable in juvenile literature. - Boston Couricr. A weekly iVast of good things to the boys and girls in every ftmily which it visits. - lïrooklyn Union. It is wonderful in its wcalth of pictures, information and interest.- Christian Advocate, N. Y. TKKMS : Postale Prepaid, S2 Per Ycar. Yol. IX. commences November 1, 18S7. ¦-¦¦eimera Copy sent on recclit of a two-ctnt êtamp. Single Numbekk, Flve Cents each. Hemittances should be made by ront-Offlpp Miinuy order or l)rafl, toavold chance of 1oü. Newnpapers are not to copy this adverUnwn' witftout the express order of HABPSK A HkothEHS. Address HARPER 4 BUOTHERS, Niw York. AFREETOF.A.M. PlneClorl Enprlnet.rAii. tiínlYwk.Ensl.nJ, han U. irmT O. Lod(t. of Mmaona wm hald A D. Í'.'S. Alio Ur(t lll,i.ltlM CaUlofru of Mwonic booka and gooi wlth bottom prici. Airinu wantad. Pay Tarr llbaral. rW-fcar. of apir.ooabwka. REDDIia i CO., MaaoDlcP(ibl'.hfrBaudMaljufucturi:ri.7JlDuadwïvxork.


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