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It is Usoless for young ladies who are troubled with freckles, pimples, mot li and tan and a li'nl rkin geoerftlly t use llquid paipto or ilry powilers, fr they only make the i-lviii look woll for the time bcing. To have a gooi) complexión you must have pure blood. Use Siilpliur Bitters and your skin will be fuir ind complexión rosy. - Young Ladies' Magazine. Tliis is the luw of benellU betwceii men : the oue ought to forgct at once that he bas given, and the othi'r ougot uever to forget what he bas Eeeeived - Séneca. Symptimis of Heart Diseasc. Diseased hearts are as common as diseased lungB, kú'neys or stnmach, but far loss understood. The syniptom are shortness of breatb, when sweepin, etc, oppression in the chest, faint, waak or bungry gpells, dreainin, pain or tenderness in the side, swellinjr feet, iiropsy, etc. The unnatural ciiculution of the blood in the liinjja, stotnacli, leid - ney8, liver and braln causes other symptouis. The only reliable reinedy for the beart yet discovered is Dr. Miles' New Cure. Try it and be convlnoed. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Life Is a short day, but It is a worklng Jay. - Hannah Moore. Palpttatlon or the heart, no.rvciiHnt'MM, tri-mblliiKs, nervou headache, cold iianils and feet, pain In the back. and other :orms of weakneaa are relleved by Carter' [ron Pilis, made speclally for tbe blood, nerves and complex fon.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News