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Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT HAVINQ BEEN MADE IN TTIE oondlllons of a cerialn mortgage execnted b Mary K Potter of Ann Ai hor. In the County of Wasbtenaw,and simo of Mirliigan, to Lncy W. S. Morgan, t the i rn ¦ place, bearlrg date the fiftfcnth (lay of Jnly, 1885i and recorded i the office of the Register of Decijs for the Connty of V i-h'rnaw, in lihrr 0!' of taOftffSCeSi on page 46 nn th flfteenth (lay of July, 1885, and by whicli default the power of cale contatwd in satd moTtgttitQ haring become ooeratlve, and do fuit or proceeding at lavv or in equity havlnp lucii iimtitutt'd to recover the amount due on said mortgage, or the note nccorapunying the same, nnd therebelng now claimrd to lic due on ald note and tuortgage, the Mini of tbres hnndred and Ighlynlne dj Har and slxty-even een . Notice ïm tbere ure bereby given tbat satd mortgage will be foreclowd on Sninrda. tbe s'xteenth day of Febrnary liO, at 10 o'clock in ihe foreuoon of that day, by a sale at public auction at the sonth front door ot the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, (said Court lluuse, beiOB the place of holding tlu; Circuit Court for Hld couniy.) of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may hu necesary to sailsfy the amount of intereut now due and remalulDg unpaid upou said mortgage, tng-ther with renaonable coetfl and expennee, includlng an Atturney toe oi tuteen dollart. Tur premiso wiU be sold snbject to the principio auiu nuuu'd lu ald morteai;e, of seventeon bundred dolían, hereafter to fall d ii", aad tiu-intcrci-taccruingthereon. Theprcinl-es to le Hold are described in ¦fctdmortg tav a foUows: All that certaln piece oi parcel of land ituate and being in the townshlp of Ann Arbor, tn the County of Wasuiennw, and State of Michigan, and discribed as fullowe, to wit : The South part or the Nnrthwcst rractional qua-ter of BectlOD nuinber twonty-neven, in township numlK-r two, Sonth In range nuMber six ((i) Kast, accordinu to jiitt-ut thereof, rocorddd In office of the r of üeerta for Waahteoaw C.mnty, In llber 'Jol deeds, on pgi; 2, it hcinu' all of sald Notthwest fmctional qnarter lyii a onih of tin: Huron Uivcr, aootainlai üfiy i and .V-HK) acn-s oi lod, nore or Iets, xceptlrg theref:om a strip of land one hundrid k-c-t wide, conveyed to the Michigan Central Rallrosd Compiny lor it rlght of way by deed reeordod in said Regiitera othre in liber L. of deeda on page 580. OTIS C. JOHNSON, KKiNKUv I,. PARKER, E. 1) K1NNE, Executors of the will cl Lucy W. S. Morgan. Dated November (i, 1888. DiULT HAVINi, BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a cvrtaln mortgage exeenjed by Man E. Ko-ter of Ann Arbor, Mlchlgm, t l.uiy V. S. Moigm of the same place, hearing date th'1 twenty-second day or Jnly, A. 1). lr, and recorded in the offloa of t!ie K u'ittr of D.M-dö for the (Joanty of Wasbteimw, In liher 09, ot ïuurtXi'i's. on page -IS, on the twenty--econd day of July 1885; and by waich delault. the power of sale, contained in ssid ni'ii !,'¦, having bocona operativu and no lolt or proceedliii: a' luw nr in aqnuy, navios hoen instituted to recoTr tluamount due on saia mnrtg dg or the note ie panytng the ramOi and tiitre belng now rlalraed to be due on said oote at,d ninrt:. ¦".¦, the Mim oí 'l'l.ousand and Beventj'-fllz Dollars (f8,078.) N'i tice la tlierefore herrby g:ven that sald ui rtgage w;il be foruclosed on Saturday the tixteeMb day of February 1889, at len o'clwk in tlu: forenooTi of that day, by a sale at 1 ubllc auc'i , at the Sonth (root door of the Court Hoose, 1b ihe city ot Ann Arhor, (sftid Court House batos the place of bolding the Circuit .'ourt for faid t'ountyj t tin: pi mises described In satd morrgage, or sO mach :is in y he secesaary to mtttfv tbe smoasi ¦ il principal nnd lolerest remainlng anpald upon said mortcage, to i-tinr with re ' and expenses, lucludlng :n Ailomy fee ol thinv Uva dollars, whfcb preailsea are descvlbed in satd m i t¦ follows: All thOM certalo plecesor par oeis of land, sttoate aud belnp in the city of Ann Arbnr, in ihe County of Washtcnaw and State of Michlg-in, and dencrlbad as toljows, to wit: Lol Dumber Twi re IS] and the Bast half of lot ThlrI] n Uock Dnmbar Iwo ;_'i Norih of llurou strrct, on range nsmb-irstx Bast OTI8 i'. IDIlNSiiN FKANKI.IN 1,. 1'AliKHli, E. l. KUTNB, Kxecutor of th-' will of Lucy W. S. Morgan. Datcd.Nnv. liti;, ! ftfanin Bewardttd nre Ihose wlu remi U M U yihis and ih u-t; they will flmt ¦ lavtli I "¦¦" ¦ l" employmont tliat will nut take tbera from ibelr homes nul lamines. The proflts are large mui mre for fvt-ry IndusUioua piison, iii:in' have nada aad are oowmnklng several hnndred dollars a moDtb, It is eaaj i: anj mie to 15 and upwarda per day, wbon wllllni (ow.irli. Bither MS, yoong or old; cnpltal not nentcd ; westan you Bvarythtng nnv N special ubllity reqalred, j on, reader, cao ¦ Id ii :i wcii as Hiiy wrlte t na at ¦ for fiill piirtlenlais, whli'h we mail free ddnss silnson & Co., Portland, Malne. SÜBSCRIBÍSlelüRm


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News