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vjvichigañ Time table taking effect Nov. 18th, 1888. Central Standard Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. glíg 2k gg fg j; ú a_ CS "¦¦ o._ oó B lliíli8!!! U. a. a.. p.m. p.m. p.b. r.a. Chicago. Lv. 5 00 90( 810 4 40 10 10 810 Kalamazoo... 10 i 1 10 6 5S M50 7 10 885 287 Uattlr Creek.. 11 K 2 18 133 7 55 4 25 8 15 Jaekaon 1 20 4 15 8 4 8.) 6 15 4 45 GramLake.... 143 55 64) 506 chelaea 20i 014 7 10 527 Dexlcr 217 1U24 7Ï7 5 41 Delbi Mills... 882 ¦¦ . 7 87 Aun Arbor.... 2 43 5 80 941 1040 7 60 6 00 Ypsilanti 300 6 45 53 1068 808 6 17 VVayneJunc. 3 ai 6 06 H 833 643 Detroit.. ..Ar. 4 1 6 45 10 45 11 L0 9 2j 7 so Kt.Thomaa.... 10 10 11 05 20.J 12 IS 3 25 FallsView 344 N. Falla 221 4 59 347 650 Bnmilo 3 30 4 35 7 15 9 10, 5 55 C6 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. o f s I j I tí e L¦ ¦ v a c L 5 I J= j-"o m= s f o x ij, K . m m ao - lfit Ü! i íl ó J O w_ L a_ A.M. aTÏT A.M A M. A.M P.M. A.M. Buffalo 1130 55 500 900 1250 N Falle ....12 43 SO 2 04.... StThomas 4 2u 955 950 105 540... A.M. A. . P " P.M. P.M. A.M Detroit.. ..Lv. 7 30 910 120 4 00 8 00 10 15 3 45 WavneJonc. 8 11 953 4 45 8 38 10 65 .... Ypstlantl ....I 8 33 1017 2 12 5 12 900 1118 4 45 AnnArlor... 8 50 10 40 2 24 530 9 15 1185 Delhi Milla.. 9 00. . 542 Dexfr 908 5 50, 944 Chulaea 9Í2 6061000 GraasLake. 43 627 1025 Jackson 10 18 1145 8 27 710 1055 1254 Battle Creek.. 12 091 lio 4 38 8 Mil 27 2 15 Kalarnazoo. . . USO 15-5 5 15 9 4! ÍK 3 0' Chicago.. .Ar. 6 lo! K 10[ 9 80 17 00 7 45 O. VV. HUC.GLKS, H. W. HAYB8. 8. P. T. Agent Agt.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. TVedo, Ann Arbor & Nortli Michigan KallwiU'. T1MK SCHEDULE. Tu tnke effect ;it 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, September SOtb, 1888. TruitiH run by Standard Time. OOING NORTH. II 1,11 I a. m. p m. a. a. Toledo Lv 5 35 3 25 6 06 Manhattau Junction - .. 5 40 3 81 6 10 Alexis 5 4." 8 36 6 83 Samarla 6 03 8 50 7 15 Munroe Juuctiou 6 10 4 05 ROO Dundce 6 27 4 15 8 23 Azalia 637 4 23 8 60 Milán S 48 4 31 9 lí Urania 7 00 4 4S 9 65 r-iltstielil 7 1)8 4 52 11)15 Ann Arbor 7 20 5 07 10 50 Leían' 5 27 12 00 Whitir.ore Lake 7 49 B 45 13 M Howell 8 45 6 84 1 5 Durand 9 85 7 16 4 20 corunna 10 00 745P.M. Owowo 10 10 7 55 Owcaao Jumtí.iii io ao 8 oo Itha a 11 IH a IH si. Loóla II 65 9 35 Ata-i ..12 0.' 9 41 Mt. Plcasant 12 45 10 20. ... Karwell I 53 II OS Cadillac Ar 3 30 12 55 p..p. a. A.M. rinsh'rg _ 10.37 Eau Si L.-.U.M „12 30 GOlNQ SOUTH. STATIONS. $L á a. a. p . Cadillac Iv 4 15 2 0 Knrwell 5 60 8 50 Mt. Pleasant 6 40 4 85 Alma 7 23 5 10 Bt. I.ouis .. 7 30 5 15 .... Ithaca 750 532.... Owosso Junction 6 V0 8 82 a. a. Owosío "' 9 05 6 35 5 30 Corunna " 9 17 8 49 5 50 Durand " 9 35 7 15 6 55 Howell " 10 11 E 13 9 30 Whitmore Lake " 10 55 8 50 11 16 1-i'land " 11 10 906 12 00 AttnArhor " 11 36 120 12 50 l'liti-fii'ld '1140 9 32 13!i Urania "1147 9 40 1 56 . Milán 12 ou 9 50 2 S5 Azalia 12 10 1D16 3 10 1 nudee ¦ 12 ÍS 10 18 3 40 . Mourot Jnnction 12 24 10 0 4 05 Samaría 12 45 10 35 4 46 . Alexis 12 58 10 50 5 16 Manhuttan Junction 104 10 55 5 38 Toledo Ar 110 1100 6 45 p. .. r. a.r.a. P. M. Flushing _ 6.05 East Sagiuaw 4.00 South Ljon Hriiücli. NORTH BODND. STATIONS. SOUl'HBOÜND. Train 8 Train 6 A. M. A. X. 8 15 Ar. Wordena Ar. 8 66 8 30 Ar Sonth I.yon Lr. 8 40 Connections: At Toledo, wlth rallroadi dlverR iii_' ; at Manhattan Junction, wlth Wheellng A I-nki' Erle K. R.; at Alexia Junction, with tí. C. K. R., L. S. & M. 8. Rt. and F. A P. M. R. K.; t Monroe JunctUm, witn L. 8. & M. tí. Ky.; at Dund.'c, itb L. 8. M. S. Ry., M. & O. Ry.; at HiUn Junction. with Wabanh, St. Lonls & Pacific liy ; at Pitutfleld, with L.s. & M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central K. H., and at South Ljuu with Detroit, LaníinK & Northern R. R.. and Mich. A. L. DW. of Orand Trunk Rt. At Hambnnr with M. A. Line División Grand Trnnk R'y. At Howi'll with Dciroit, LHuxIng & Northern K'y. At Darand with Chicago & Grand Tronk R'y and Detroit, Grand Haven 4 Milwukee R'y. At Owoíso Junction with Detroit, rand Haven & Milwaukee R'j and Michl(ran Central R. R. At St Looii with Detroit, Laneing Northern R. R. and Sagl na Viilley St. Louie R'y. At Alma witli Detroit UnsiiiL' & Northern R'y. At Mt. Plcaaant ith Fluit & l'ere Miirquette R'y. II. A . ASHLKY, General Mnas:er. W. II. BENNETT, A. J. PAISLEY. Ocn'l. Pb. & Ticki't Affent. Local Aeert. Cliauccry Sale. In purrtitance and by virtne of a decree of (De Circuit Coitn fer the C..nnty of Wanhtenaw iu Chancery, in the Siate oí Mlchlgin, made ind sottred ou the sixtrenth day of January, A. D. 1888, luacertaln caus tberein pendinK, wherein Wtniítm F. Du"" is cumplainant and John i'Od l'-ab HuroDDg and Catberitu' M. Hornong are defuiidania. Notice I hen bv piveu, ihat on Tue8 day, the lonrtb day if December, A. D. 1888. at ten o'clock in the forcmxm of said day, I shail Ml] :it public auction. or vendne. to the hl: best bidder, ut thi1 sao front door ibeing ihe Foiirth aUreet entraiu-e ot the Coorl Iluusi', intbecltyol Ann Arb r, In naid coutity of Wa-httMiaw and State ol MichiiMii, id Court llouíe belug ihe place tor holdlns the Circuit Court foreaid count}) lo ralae tha amonat doe to the sald complainant fur principal, interest and coets in thla caoseall thoae csrlain piecea or parcela "f land situatedin tta townahlp ol Pri-cdoin. Ciuinty of Waohtenaw and State ol MIcblL'nn, añil dcscribed a MIOWW . : rhs iioribeftsi QnarteroítlMaoi hwegtquMrïtr and the northwest quaner of the ioutheaj qnarier of aectlon tbtrteen In town threc, aonth ol range iiiuí i-ii?t; ;iii. I aleo ibc mirih halfof thc iutheat quarierof tíie Southwest quarter of aection thtr-aid Icjwii tbrea aouth of range loiir enít, and in making aid aale all of fuld land will be oflVred and Bold as one tract or pitreel of land in aa ord mee wlth thr ternu of aald flei r I'alnl Aun rlior, Michigan, Oct. lith, 1888. FHANK JO8LYN, Circuit ('ouri Oommianloser. lu and lor the l'onnty or WbíIitesan aadStaieal Michigan EUGENE K. FIU'ErPP. Solicior C mplalnant. 31 DR. MILES' RTSTWñvíÑERVINf JSjSk' contnins no Opium or danL3E5&. prrousdruif. Can be taken . gfff gafl í)v any one at any une .BBSíSWL aml '¦-' I"XI. Sak ""'ry for HKADACHE. BB? SI l'l !.ssK.S KTaBSIaBk MX1 Al WKAK'VESS. im 'RWvtmmmf' m.uvius m-, ain. Sold by Druggists. Sample Boltles Fret


Ann Arbor Courier
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