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The New York Central & Hudson River rallroad on tho 13th roduced freight ratea betwecu New Vork and Chicago 33ly per cent. Tue Souttieni Utcs at Ignacio, Col., on tho 13th signed a treaty consenting to ttaeir removal to Utah Tiihee Mormon elders who wero proselytinK ncar Jaspor, Ala., were tarred and feathcred on tho liith by indignant cltizens and drivon out of town. The National Brio'.c Manufacturera' Association in session on the 13th at Memphis, Tenn, electcd R. A. Speed, of that city, president. The bodies of Eula Jones White, a chambermaid, Major White, of Atlanta, Ga., and Thomas Moore, of Bloomlngton, 111., were on the liitb. taken from the ruins of Bryant's European Hotel, which burned recently at ChattanooRa, Tenn. The dead bodies of Hiram Raten and Williara Ashley, district school directors, living noar Cozad, Neb., wore found concealed in a hay-stack on the 13th. TnK working cirls of New York City on the ISth organized a society for their mental and moral iniprovement. By the premature explosión of a dynamite blast on the 13th in a rock quarry near Lex.ngton, Ky., Miko Oormley, the ownor of the quarry, was killed, and John Hayes was fatally wounded. A Pullman sleeper on a New York express train was burned near Conemaugh, Pa., on thel3th, andsome of the passengers had a narrow escape. Charlks Riooabeue, aged sixteen years, a clerk earning four dollirs a week in a carpet store at Trenton, N. J., eloped on the 18th with Lulu Holz, agod thirteen years, dauchter of Anton Uolz, a woalthy Oerman. Wii-liam Showehs was hanged on the Hth at Lebanon, Pa., for the murder of his two grandehüdren at Annville In May, 1S87. The Board of Agriculture of Ohio on the 14th ostiuiated the erop of wheat in the Btate this year at 38,306,207 bushels. A firk on tho Hth in the lumber-yard of Weed & Co. at Black Kiver FallB, Wis., burned three million feet of lumber. An estímate on tho Hth of the Southern cotton erop of 1SSS placed the aggregate at 6,954,888 bales. Mahion Hamser and Thomas Simson were flred upon from ambush and killed by an unknown assassin near Tuscaloosa, Ala., on tho Hth. Thb Association for the Advancement of Women, comprising famous women of America and Europe, began on the 14th its sizteenth annual congress at Detroit, Mich. The oldest female professional thief in the country was a prisoner in ttie Trmbs pólice court in New York on the Hth. She is Mary Fitzgcrald, eighty years of age, and has spent the greater portion of the last slxty years doing service for the State. It was said on the Hth that over $1,000,000 was lost and won on the result of the National election by members of the New York Stock and Produce exchanges. TnE Rilver King Mining Company, owned by Chicago people, near Wakefleld, AVis., struck a rch lead of silver on the 14th. The ore assayed over $9,000 per ton. At the sesslon of tha General Assembly of the Knights of Labor in Iudianapolis on the 14th most of the timo was used in hearing reports. The roport of the secretary showed that the number of members reported July 1, 18S8, was 359,518, attached to 5,606 local assemblies, a loss of about 300,000 during the last flsc il year. The treasurcr reported that the treasury was empty and that bilis amountine to 59,337 were due and unpaid. Several methods for reducing expenses were proposed. The striking brakeman on tbe Louisville, New Albany & Chicago road at Lafayetto, Ind., on the Mth prevented any trains from running out of that city. Prairie fires wero raging on tho 14th around Aberdcen and Gary, D. T., and threatened the destruction of the formor city. Many farmers had lost all their property. As act incorporat ng the Nicaragua Canal Company - the same act intrrduced in the United States Senate Oy Mr. Edmundi - was passed by tho Vermunt LegThe National Board of Trade began its twentioth annual session on the 14th in Chicago. Frederick Fraley, who has been its presideut sincc its ergauiatiun, was re-elected. The total value of beef and hog product exported from the United States during October was 16,952,289, and of ddiry products, 1869,417. The total cost of the postal service for the last fiscal year was $58,130,004. Tha receipts were Í52,O'J3, lTü, leaving a defleit of - r. -i: .i '. The charred bodies of twelve persons wero taken from the ruins of the recent preat lire at Rochester, N. Y., on tho 14th, making forty-two thus far recovered. The explosión of a lamp on the 14th at Plymouth, Pa., resulted in a lire which destroyed the home of Frank Knecht, and his son, aged fuur years, and his daughter, fourteen montlis old, perished iu the liamos. It was stated on the 14th that not less than $1,000, 0U0 was wagerel on the Prosidential issue in the State of Indiana. Düring the tweuty-four hours ended on the 15th there were 10 new cases of yollow fever at Jacksonvillo, Fla., and 4 deaths from the disease. Total cases to date, 4.568; total deaths, 396. At the session of tho General Assembly of the Knights of Labor on the 15th in Indianapolis Ueneral Master Workman Powdcrly delivered his address in which he declared that the order had engaged in many fooi sh strikes, that the order had maintained an existence in the face of the most discouraging circumstances, and that, although the membership had great ly decreased, it would still continue to exist. A negro who assaulted a young white girl near Doualdsviile, La., was captured on tbe 15th and hanged by a mob. Grat Eastos, seventeen years old, was cut completely in two by a circular saw on tho 15th in Columbus, O. At Atlanta, Ga., Jones Hunt, a member of the Georgia Legislature, was fatally stabbed on tho 15th by H. S. Moore, a railway mail clerk. The General Missionary Committee of the Methodist Episcopal churoh in session on the 15th In New York resolved that $1,100,000 be raised fordistribution for forcign ana home mission The Bank of Durham at Durham, N. C, failed on the 15th with liabiiities of $400,000, and the collapse caused the failure of P. J. Parish, tobáceo manufacturer, for $190,000, and J. W. Black well, a contractor, for Í11O,OOO. Turéis little girls while crossing a railway bridge on tho 15th at Circleville, O., were struck by an engine and killed. Edwin T. Sini!, an aeronaut, committed suicide on tho 15th at Holyoke, Mass., becausc Mrs. Allen, a marned woman, would not eloofl with him. At the anuual sossion in Topeka, Kim-, on tho ï df tho National Granijó Patrbns. of Husbandry reports wero reooivod from the grand masters of all the State grange sbowlng the order to be in a prosperous oonditlon throughout the country. F. 8. BlMPgog, a clerk in the ofnceof the Northern Express Company at Tacoma.W. T., disappeared on the 15ttt, taking with him $10,000 belonging to the company. A fbbiobt and passenger train collided on the 15th at Valley Falls, W. Va., and seven men wore killod. A statl'e of Hon. William H. Bteward, who was Secretary of State ia President Lincoln's Cablnot, wa unvailed on the lñth in one of tho public parks at Auburn, N. Y. As order was issu ed from the War Department at Washington on the 15th relievlng General ScholleUl at nis own request of the command of the división of tho Atlantic and appointing theroto Major General O. O. Howard. Fivb üunpre puddlors at Jonos & Laughlin's American iron works at Pittsburgh, Pa., struck on the 15th against a change of hours. It was estimated on the 15th that the recent overflow ot the Wabaih and Ohio rlvers near Evansville, Ind. , de9troyed over one hundred thousand bushels of corn. T. Matthews and J. R. Woodruff, prominent citizens of Polnt Cooper, La, killed each other on the 15th in a quarrel over a land purchase. Is his annual report on the 15th the Superintendent of the Dead-Letter Office at Washington stated that about 6,250,000 pieces of original dead mail matter were received during theyear, an increase ovei last year of nearly 900,000 pieces. The third annual convention of Christian Workers of the United States and Canada commenced on the 15th In Detroit, Mich. Fritz Ansciilag, who wás to havo been hanged at Garden Grove, Cal., for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, of Illinois, committed suïcide on the 15th. At LordutowD, O., on the 15th Peter Khelby, an aged farmer, shot and killed hls wife, who was slxty years oíd, with a rifle. He was supposed to be lnsane. Th Inter-State Trust Company, which was organized at Philadelphia about a year agowith an alleged capital of $1,000,000, closed its doors on the 15th. Charles Johnsos was hanged on. the 15th at Waterloo, N. Y., for the murder of John Walters, a guard of the county jail In which he was awaitlng trial for horsestealing. Duhixo the seven days ended on the 16th there were 178 business failures in the United States, against 177 the previous pvfln davs. The total of failures in the ötr v cu un v Di alio w v ¦¦ w - United States from January 1 to date is 8,649, against 8,351 in 18S7. Lindauer BROTni;R9 & Co., wholesale clothing dealers in Chicago, failed on the 16th for 1100,090. General Dumont, chief of the steamboat-inspection service, reported on the 16th that during the year ended June 30 last 6,425 vessels were lnspected and 29,541 offlcers were duly hcensed. There were , 86 acciden ts during the year, causing the death oí persons, 85 having been passengers and 117 employés on the stoamers. H. E. Mahshall, aged seventy-flve years, cashier of the Seamen's Savings Bank at New York, dropped dead in the bank on the 16th. At Wallingford. Conn.. on the 16th Bolón G. Jenkins shot and killed his father-inlaw, Stephen Anthony, aged sixty years. A okeat snow-storm swept a ten-mile belt of country south of Erie, Pa., on the Hith, und the oldast inhabitant said that it beat the record. Bnow tilled the roads and shut off travel, and cattlo in the fielJs al most pcrished. Several sheep belonging to C. J. Myers, living near Cincinnati, O., died of hydrophobia on the 16th, three weeks after they were bitton by a dog. Dlring the twenty-four hours ended on the lfith there were 15 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonv Le, Fia., and no deaths Trom the disease. Total cases to date, 4,583; total deaths, 3911 In a quarrel on the 16tU Captain John Miller was killed on his farm uear Jonestown, Ind. T. , by James Ables, a tenant. Miller was regurded as a dangerous man, being credited with haviug killed no less than thirty-two persons. The Illinois Supreme Court on the 16th reversea tne aeciston ot mc-uoit uuuu criminal court and grantei Ed McDonald, the Chicago "boodier," a. new trial. iiiE mueteenth army corps on the 16th presented to Mrs. Sheridau a beautifully bound album containing the reBOlutions of sorrow and eulogy adopted by the corps on the death of Ueneral Philip H. Sheridan. TnE stage near San Louis Obespo, Cal., was stopped on the ltith by a lone hlghwaym:iii, who went through four passengers and secured auout fifty dollars. Ho also took all the registcred mail matter. W. A. Coi'p, the collector at Baugus, Mass., whod sappeared recently, was on the lGth sa d to be short Í23.000. Fok the purposo of restricting production the river coal operators proposed on t he Hith to stiut down all the mines along the Monangahela, in Pennsylvania, which plan would throw six thousand men out of omployment. Two ïocnc. sons of John Marvin, a wealthy farmer living near St Cloud, Minn., broke through thin ice while skating on the lCth and were drowned. The report that flve men had been lynched by "BaldKnobbers" in Christian County, Mc, was on the 16th pronounced false. A FKEíaiiT train of twenty-flve cars on the Missouri Pacific railroad went through a bridge on the lüth near Eldorado. Kan., and the engine and ten cars were completely wrecked, one hundred cattle belne killed and many others crippled. Four of the wealthiest Hobrews of Springfield, Mo., weie arrested on the 16lh, charged with stealing $10,000 worth of clothing from A. Rtelnberg, of Kansas City. The trustees of Columbia College, In New York, on the 16th sanctioned the request for an annex to the college, which shall be for women. The Woman'8 Congress closed its sessions at Detroit on the löth after the election of offlcers. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe was re-elected president. Perry Belmont, of New York, recently appointed Minister to Spain, accepted the position on the 16th. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. At Atlanta, Ga., Governor Gordon was on the lSth inaugurated for his second term. The biennlal session of the Legl3lature of Alabama opened at Montgomery on the 13th. Easter Gains, a colored woman, died on the mih at Newport, Ark., aged one hundred and twenty-three years. Judge Thurman celebrated his seventyfifth birthday on the 13th at his home in Columbus, O. The official returns on the 1 Ith from Indiana olect General Hovey (Rep.) Governor by a plurality of 2,191. The official election returns on the 14th from Kansas place the Republlcan pluralit.v at BS. imikiiig Kansas the banner ftepublican State of t':e Union, leading J Pennnylvaniii 4,iHW. Governor Huinphrey as Tfi.tKKi pliir vlii.v. Tni; oficial returo of the vote for President in lowa givc Hnrrtoon on the 14th t 209.139, Cleveland 178,778; Harrison's r rality, 80.8U1. i TnE offl ial return of Wlsconsin on the r Mth elect Mr. Hoard (Rep.) Governor of t that State by 17.118 pluralit.v. dent General Harrlson has u plurallty of M,2iW. e The marrlag of Rt. Hon. Joseph ChamberUin, of L uuion. and Mis Mary Enüicott, the only daughter of the Secretary of War, took place In Washington on the 15th. A bii L gianting tbo r ght of suffrange to women was defeated in the Vermont 8 House of Representativos on the 15th by a vote of 193 to 87. , The official returns on the 15th from Louisiana make the vote for President at , the recent eloction as follows: Cleveland, 84,941; Harrison, iiiUM ; KUk, 130. Cleveland' s plurality over Harrison, 54,780. Out ' of six Congressinen one Kepublican was elected. Official returns on the lüth showed that f [n the recent election the Republicans of Michigun elected nine Congressmen and the Democrats two. At the recent election Rhodo Island I adopte 1 a constitutional amendment f ,ishing the property qualificatlon for ' ing ] Mb8. Henrt Jokes died suadenly on the , lBth at Bridseport. Conn. , aged ninety ] years. Slie was the daughter of Noah i Webster, of dictionary f amo. TnE official returns on the 16th from the , Congressionnl districts made the Indiana delegatiou stand ten Democrats and three RepubHcans, a Democratie pain of four. Advioes of the 16th say tliat the Prohibitionists cast 905,000 votes in the various States and Territorios in the recent elaeTiie of.icial returns on the lüth of the Presidential and Gubernatorial vote in Missouri at the recent election give these totals: Cleveland, 201.857; Harrison, 230,325; Fisk, 4,954; Btreeter. 16,888; total, 519,080; Clevtolmd' plurality. 35,682. Francis (Dom ), 855,839; Kimball (Rep.), 241,r,i)l; SliinriiiK (Labor), J5,84fl; Loira (Pro.), :í,i)Tii; Francia' rlural.ty, 13,231. FOREIGN. "Tt was reported i'.i Vienna on tho 13th that an attetnpï had boen niado toassassinato Prince Fenl pand, ruler ol Bulgaria. The CanaJfun Govornmeut on tho i:)th Increased the duties on pino logs from two dollars to threo dolbs per one thousand feet, Imanl me .Mire.. The castle of Libenwerda, near Hallo, Saxony, was burnod to the pround on the lot, U bltw tiUoioiftn, Ki.v wifo nnit child and two servanls vvero burned to death. A band of thirty arraed Turks made a raid on ttie Servían town of Heiski. The peasants rallied and offered a determinod resistance to the tnvaders. and during the strURgle many wera killed. Heavï rams had on the 13th caused floods in mauy districts of England. TniitTï-two miners were killed on tho 14th by un explosión of flre-damp in tho FreJerick pit in D.vur, Beliam. Messenoers wlio arrived at Wady Halfa, Egyit on the 14th reported that the mysterious White Pasha in the Baherel-Gazel district had f ught a great battlo and killed many derviches. The Government works for the manufacture of small arnn at Chattel lo Rault, France, were burned on tho 15th. Loss, 1,000,000 francs. A fire on tho 15th dostroyeJ St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum at Montreal, Can. Tho one hundred and eighty inmates were rescued in safety. Norwat and Bwffdcn on tho 15th celobratcd the twenty lifth anniversary of the accession of King Christian to the throne. Dispatches of the 16th from Zanzíbar state that the nat ves on the coast had set fire to and destroyed Slerinsany. Thoir hostility was dirocted against the Germans. The coastins steamer Vaitorina, from Cutch, India, to Bumbay, was on the 16th said to have founderod w th nine hundred natives on board. A heavy shnck of earthquake was feit on the lülh at Guayaquil, Ecuador.


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