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The Narrowing Influence

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How iniicli we hear about it; but usually iu connection with home Life, m:irriage, liousework, or something akln to one of these. No one ever suys anythinp atxmt the uairowin iiflucnce of staying behitut the counter and sellin; collars and cuffs, or gluvcs, neither do we liear of the narrowln nlluence of workinj; u lypewriter or reeeiving and transtnittlDg telegraphic meesages. Now, in comparliig the work of the housewite with tlmt of the cleik, or the tclegr:iph operator, it must bo iidmllted that the lioiisuwite has the advuntuge in more directious than one. To be sure the telegraph operator has stated hours for work, and that, with a certiiin class of pcople, goes far toward matting it a model employincnt. Itut no matter what the day, or its happening, the operator must beat his post during the stated iiours, aftor whlch, of course, comes freedoni. Notso with the )iouekecper. To be sure there are stated timea wlieu dinner must be ready; brtíukfuat and tea likewise; but supposo that a school is to hold in exhihition, or a ttower Rliow is held, or an excursión is planncd, which goes, the clerk and typewriter operator or the liousekepper? If is the latter cverv time; and just st'.e how it 9 planncd. Tlie flay before the great ovcut slie bitkrs up all sorts of ítood tilines and plans for tlie n'xt dtiy, leavinjr everythlng lixed in the refrigerador. In tlio mornlitjr, to be gure, sh; is up ;i littlo carller than usuul. soa9 to leuve the house in ïood order, hut she roes bri;bt and ready to see II, and to enjoy all tlüit Is enjoyal)le. If there is a kctuie she is there to henr it, and for the uext two days how she thinks it II ovpr while tlie hrend is being ma-Ie, the rooms swent and dustcd, and the


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News