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J 'etersburg lias :i Cbttmqua circle. Stockbridge bas i young Indios cornet band. Sheep-kiUing dog are nnmcrous near Mason. Prof. [I:ill bas -tarto.! a vrHin scliool at Milan. Manchesters senior high school classhas 14 members. Cbab. Bonlley, of Livoni;i, lias gonc up north on a hunting tour. P,nf I II in.Ui i - '¦ o ¦ : j dence for biuiself at Bellcville. Charles Spray has thirteen uncalleii for letters at tbe Oaksville Vostofflce. About 13,000 barrels of apples wcre shipped frora Stockbridgc this rail. Onlyone nionth more and leap year parlies will be put to rest until 1892. Samuel Osborn contemplates starting a feed mili at Whitmnre L-ike intlie near future. Rc-v. Ii. L. H cusen is holding a series of revival meetings at the Belleville M. E. cliurch. Tlie Stockbridge Sun publislie3 the proceedings of the Iugham county board of supervisors. The ladies of the M. K. cLurch of Clielsea,bave an art exhibit in progresa at the town hall. Crop reportsshow wheat u a far bttter condltion In the northern pnrt of the state than in the soutliern. The attendance at the Jirighton high fcliool is go large tbat sents eannot be procured for the students. The Manchester Ure laddies vill g!ve a masquerade ball for the benefit of their new uniforms to-morrow night. According to our exchange3 it must have snowed all over the county and viclnity a week a;o last öuuday. We understand that Burnham's suit for damaget against the Wabash railroad has been thrown out of court. - Milan Leader. To encouraire matrimony the editor of the Milun Leader ofTers to seiid bis paper three rnonths gr:tis to all contractiug purlies. About 1,000 tuikeys have been ilrcsscd at tlie Mlciiijjan poultry yard, in the past week, and ehipped to New York city.- Observer. Manchester Is sigliiiis for eutertainments, and the Enterprise thinks ahnost anythins wonld aecUN a good house there noir. While Kly Fields of Green üak, was away from home lat Sunday, tlie hircd man dlmppeared itli a coat and vest om) !7n í ii iiintwv We understand (bat John Gillen has ieou ofleiud the posltUn of under Shcrill'. witli the new Sheriff eleot. Dwyer, when ie coes int) office Jan. lat. - Obserfer. Jas. Ueilly, of NortH Lake had the misfortuin; lo lose lus house by flre recently. A.9 lie hort his barn dnring the ihrehiui: icason it leu vos liioi n rathqr ilestitule üircumstauces. Chas. A. filoore, a highly rcspccicd business man of Itljan and vlllagc elerk ïince Ipcorporallon, died the Otb, Funstal the 12tn, uniier I. O. O. F. ausplccs, ! nd burial at Stony Creek. Joeepli SomiTS, aguinst whoui a coinplaliU was made, churgiuu lllegal VOÜJBg, ! is out of town, and it is said that he ís v i s i c i n jj his old homo in Oermauy. He left last week. - riymouth Jlail. The llelping Hand Society of tliu Presbyterian clmrch is gettinsr up the cantata "Qnecn Esthir," (k&d 11 (wd it during the boliduys between ('liii.-tiims and New Year. - .Mihin Liader. Prol. Ltmoa from soinewliere is r tting up a dnncins tchool bero, to have begun last nlght, und to be held evcry Thursday nlght - :i lively computition to the weckly pr:iyer meeting. - Mil;;n Leader. Erneít WtltlW MM in town StnrdaT. He is teacher of a schuol up Bear Ann Albor. About three weeks ajro he said he would coinuience his school the next day after Cleveland vfas elected, hut bas since conclutled not to walt.- Mllan Leader. Ed. L. Crosby left for fno i-ist last week Tnesdsy to makc sales ior the PlyraouUi Air Rifle Co. l'p to Batqrday night he had sent in orders forover 1.G0O enne'. He afreed to kerp the men at the factory hustllng, when he left, and looks as lf he tncant to keep liis word. - MuilOn one atreet in Hudson 11 wklows reside. They should fuse. The bible said. "The widows nilte."- Adrián Press. That's notiiinp. S.iline h:s om? itrcet with 18 widows reslding tliereon inother Street with 12, a thtrd with 11, ind a fourth with 10.- Saline Obscrrer. Saline must be a very unhealthy locality for married men. Seymour Coon, who haa been vlsitlng lis parents, left to-day for the city of Mexico, from wh ich place he wIU return to the scène of his labors the past year. Ele has been with a railway construction party, building a line from Tampico to the Mexican capital. His friends wish hiin a !-.iiv return and success in his ul dertakinjrs. - Manchester ünterprise. TIia f-irmor Tvlin hnwls for proteotion and leaves lils farmlng tmplements and inachlnery out of doors at the inercy of tlio elementa the year around cannot be protectod by any amount of tariff. The mortgiige on his farm will nover grow beautifully less, and scriptnre will be illustrated: "ïhat unte every one which lmth shall be given; and f rom hiiu that li.ith not, even that he hath shall be taken from him."- Tri-County Picket. All the chlldren of Mrs. I. E. Robinson, met at her residence in thls village, Tuesday, of last week, for the first time in cight years. The four boys were William, of Detroit, Osear, of Ann Arbor, Spencer, of Morrice, and Kzra, of thls township, and the glrls were Mrs. Nicholf, of Ann Arbor, Mrs. Nlchols, of Bloomington, 111., Mrs. Nichols, of New York, Mrs. McCord, of Chicago, and Mrs. Chas. Isbell, of Pittsfield.- Saline Observor. A conple of plausble fellows are said to be traveling this way on a new swindling expedition. They are "well up" on thesbeepquestion, andbeinghomespun in tlieir general appearance and con versation are wont to disarm suspicion. They are after lamba hut can never get as many as they di9pose of. They therefore have a particular lot or rams, which they sell at $50 each cash, on the understandinr they will purchase at a goud high figure all the larabs of their get the following season at weaninj; time. Generally the sale is eflectcd, the Inducement appearing so great, and the ram is delivered and paid for; but the two frauds


Ann Arbor Courier
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