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PEARS'Soap is tbe most elegant toilet adJuqoI. THE UNITAKIAN (Rev. J. T. 8undeiland, A. M , Küitor) will be sent to new readers for exatnination, three montht for in cents. Address, Tbe Unitarian, Anti Arbor, Mich. "Most excellent."-.?. Dr. Thomas. (Chicago.) "By all odds the best rellgtous raonthly in the United States."- Univertalisl Record. 81 rO THE DEAK.-A person ca red of Denfnens X and nol1 In the head of 23 yearB' standing by a simple remedy, wlll send a descrlptlon of it PUI to nny Person wlio upplicd to Nii'Hoi.son. 177 M Douicall st.. New York. 35 Plensant rooms to rent, bolh furnished and unfurnislied, at No. 18 Geddes Ave. Honduras has just passcd a law that womcn niay compound medicines for family use, and in case they liave no family they can tako the doses themselves. Woinen have no wlngs, bul they are jjettinj: there. Creation's heir, the world, the world is mine. - Goldsmith. Catarrh May affect any portion of the body whero tha mucous membrauo is found. lint catarrh ot the head Is by far the most common, and tha most Hable to be neglected. It cannot ba cured by local applications. Bcing a constitutional discasc it requlres Ringing a constitutional remedy like na Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, OI8BS working through the blood, cradicates the mpurity which causes and proinotes the catarrh, and soon cffects a permanent cure. At the same time Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up the whole systeni, and BMkea one teel renewed in gtrength and health. If you suffer ImpUTO irom catarrh, be sure to DlortH try Hood's Sarsaparilla. nlOOa " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh, and received great relief and benefit from It. The catarrh was very disagreeable, especlally in the winter, causing constant discharge from my nose, rlnging noises HOOd'S in my ears, and pains in arsanarilln tlie back of my head. sarsaparilla Tlae effort to clear n)y head in the morning by hawking and spitting was painful. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave me relief immediatcly, whllo in time I was entirely cured. I am nevor without the medicine in my house as I think it Is worth lts weight In gold." ClireS Mks. G.B. Gibb, 1029 Eighth q4._-_u st., N. w., Washineton, D. c. atarm " Iwas troubledwith that annoying disease, nasal catarrh, and never found relief til) I took Hood' Sarsaparilla." J. L. Koütt, Marksburg, Ky. N. B. Be sure to ge; Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbylldrugglsts. 51 ; lx forgs. Preparedonlr bjr C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecarlet, Lowell, Mau. IOO Drf One Dollar I-a Tí) m 0 Li y hl CD u t ¦ H tj d üi ñ PI t3


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