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Rich and Poor, Princ' and Peasnnt, the Millionaire and H.iv Laborer, by theli common use of tliis renicily, attest the worlil-wiile reputation of Ayer's l'ills. Loading physirians rcconniipncl tlieso pilla for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costiveness, Hiliousiiess, and Sick : No, for KliriiinatiMTi, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They unsiigar-coatpl ; contain no ealomel ; are prompt, but mild, in operation ; and, tberefore, tlin very beat medicine for Family Use, as well as for Travt-iiTs mul Tourlits. , "I have derived great relief from Ayer's l'ills. Five jears ago I was taken so ill with Rheumatism that I was unablo to do any work. I took tlnrr boxei ot Ayir'.s l'ills and was eniinlv cared. Blnoc that time I am nt'vcr without a box of these ]ills." Peter ('Ir Bherwood, Wis. "Ayer's Pilis have been in use in ray faraily upwarils of'tweuty years and have completely verified all tliat is datmed for thein. In attaoks of piles, froni whkh I nffered many years, they afford greatei relief than any other medicine i ever tried." -T. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I have used Ayer's Pilis for a nuraber of years, and have nevel fonnd unytbiiiK equal to tliem for frivinj me an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the sy.stem. I alwayi keep tliem iu the house."- Ii. D. Jacksou, "Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes of Ayer '3 Pilis cured ma of scvere Headache, from whlch I wan Ion; n gufferer. - Kmma Ki'yos. Hubbardston, Mass. "¦Vhenever I am tronbled with constipation. or suffer from 1c-.h of appetite, Ay.r's l'ills set me riu'lit agaln." - A.J. Kiser, Jr., Rock Heuse, a. "Ayer's Pilis are in general detnand among our customers. Onr sales of tliem exceed tliose of all otlier pilla combined. We have never knowii ihein fail to give entile satisfaction." - Wright & llannclly, öan Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pilis, J PREPAKED BT - Dr. J. C. Ayer S Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. CARTEttSL CURE Blek neadacho and rolievo all the troubles Incident to a biliou Btato uf tho ystein. ueh as Diziincs, Nansoft, Drowsiuoss, Diotress aftop cating. talo in tho Sido, ie. Wliilo tkcir mot remarkablo succesa haa been showu lu curlng SICK noaflnolic, yot Cartcr's Littlo Liver Pilis aro cqually valnablo In Conetlpation, curing and provuntlng tLisannojIngcomplaint.whilo they also correct alldisordcra of tbostomachtimulate tho livcr and rogulato tho bowels. Even if they only HEAD AcbotheywonMboalmostpricplosRtothnsowliO ¦uffer f rom this diatrossing complaint; brfl fortuuatolythelrgoodnessdoes notend hcro.aiHlthoso wliooncotry them will flnd theso littlo pilla v.iluble In bo many ways that thoy will not bo willtng to do without tliem. But af tor allsick head ACHE la tbo bano of ro many livea that horo la where wemakeourgwat boast. Our pilla curo itwhilo ethers do not. Carter'B Little Livcr Pilis aro very small and very easy to talie. Ono or two pilla mako a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purgo, but by their gentío action pleaao all who iko thoui. In vlalaat 25 cents; fivofor $1. Sold hy drufiüista ovorywhero, or sent by maiL CAK I tK MEDICINE CU., New turn. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE This is the Top of the Genuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similar are imitation. YTlywThis exact Label jSÉSmmB&èK. 'IS on eac Pear" fj B3 Top Chimney. C9 Rltl Jj A dealer maysay Vmflwijpl Ir and think he has ulSR jj&Ffr others as good, J BUT HE HAS KOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. Fon Sale Everywhese. Made only by BEO. A. MÁCBETH & CO.. Pittsbürgh. Pa, "CHICAGO TRUSS. " A'(w Splrul clieap. ApSpring Tnus jiroved by Unid Rubber tlie higliest Pad; LIglit VMidlonlAu- Clean, Cöol tliorityWorn Durable, day and nlght by an ínfant a weck old or an Adult 80 ara. Knsüy adjutltd.i It nieeU all forms of Scrotal, Fermoral, Ingulual. and Umbilical H.irua, ín holli lufunts ïud Aclults. Satlsfactlnn guaranteeri In In all caees. Any desirahle prosiirc obtalned. Lady's Umbilical TroMei a grand suceuss. 1Í your druggist does not keep tlils Truss, endose stampa aud ¦ddress, 1H A. TRISS CO. I Batí Randoph '., Office same place. thicagu, 111. T. Y. KAYXE, Managkk. SOL by AW llll((ltO!ll(.(.ISTS. URSTATESMEN" Who They Are! How They Look! AN ILLUSTRATED DIRECTORY OF THE FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Over 400 yÍN. artistic f'. ¦¦ i - INTERE8TING J. U !u - BIOGRAPHIE3. frL Ymj MÜIvI ÏJ Election '& wliMlêf STATisTics. t gilJrw Rich and racy n ' LjvttÈI ANECDOTES. ' ., yr PORTRAITS OF SE!' S J EVERY MENIBEB 63 ÉV AND SENATOR. JSSW Ni Ask your Newsdealer for it. Sent postpaid for 50 Cents. Address: "OURTATESMEX." 1319 F St., Washington, D. C. LADIES PoEs Io Tour Ovrn ÍDyelnfc at Home. The7 will djre evcrythinir. They areaold eTerywhere. Trice IOo.a package. They have n o equal for Strength, lirifrhtness, Amount in Packages or for Fastiifss ot' ('olor, or non-fadinfr Qualities. The# do not crock ortunut; 40 colora, Foriale bj J."J. GOODYEAR. ¦¦¦ Soa WuniIrrH exlst In thonsands or TirrUforiii. but are surpassed by the mar JJÜÜi vi'N f liiventlim. Tlinse who are In nctil of proOtable work that can be donewhlle living at home should ot once hi'ini ilielr addreu to naliet & Co., Portland, Malne, and receive froo, full Information bow elther sex, of all ages, eau earn from 85 to tü per day and upwards, wherever they live. Yon are started free. Capital not rrqulred. Home have made over Í50 In a single day at this work. All succeed. HBMHfv , s a Family Remedy JHnrfmKB Tr. St-tli Arnold'x jJpUlpMM (01 Gil KILLER IM 1 1 f H m 1 1 1 lal 'ias Ilu e(luul liÜilliiliu4i51J We have used It for tlio frlrrJfnir'MrnS ] uitten years, and eau tmly ösyKsïSSHflB recommend it. PTBMmT Ir-„C. Klkin, Monte¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ zuma, N. Y. - Druggists, 25c , Wc. au Í1.W. f


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