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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditlons of a certain mortgage execated by Mary K Koster or Ann Arbor, In the County f WsuitaOftWi and State of Michigan, lo Lncy W. S. Morgan, ot the h mi ¦ place, hearing date the flfteenth day of July, 1S8.1, and recordea i ' the office of the Reglüter of Deeds for ihe County of Washtenaw, ín liber 09 of mortgagea, on paye 4 on the flfteenth day of July, 1885, and by which default the power of sale contained in suid mortifisre having become onerative, and do snit or proceedlng at law or in equtty having been tnstltuted to recover the umoum due on sald inortgage, or the note accompunying the same, and thcre belnu now claimtd to be dne on unid note and mortgagc, the .-um uf three hundred and eighiy-nlne dollars and sixty-seven cen's. Notice is thereiore hereby given tliat said mortt'Hge will be foreclosed on Haiurdai. tbe slxteenth day of Febraary 1889, at 10 oVlo k in tbe ioretioon of that day, by a Bale at public nuctlon at the south front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, (Baid Court House, beini; the place of holdniL' the Circuit Court for said connty,) of the premïses deecribed In suid mortgaRe, or so much thereof as may be neceeary to saiisfy the amount of interest now due and reraaiuing unpaid apon said mortgage, togthcr wlth raüaonable costs and expendes, including an Attorney fee of flfteen dollar. The premiges will be old snbjert to the principio sum nained iD said mortgage, of aeveuteen hundred dollar, bereafter lo fall du, and the interest accruingtht'renn. The pr mi-es to be sold are dvscrlhed iusaiil inortgaiieHs f lUuira: All that certain piece r paicol oi land sitúate and being in the township of Ann Arbor, In the ('ounty of Washionaw, nnd State of Michigan, ! and described a folloMH, to wit: The Sonth part of the Northwest fractional qua ter ol Section utimber twenty feven, In township number two South in range number stx (8) East, according to t patent thereof, rocordcd in ihe ofllce of the Register of Ueeds for Wtishteuaw County, In liber 1' ol dei'ds, on page 2, it nelni: all of said oitliwcst fractlonul quiirtiT lyirg nnth ot Oio Huren I Rivcr, cnntalnin flfty six and H-10U ucrca ol [sad, more or less, excepili g theref om :i strip o' land i oo hnndred leet wide, cOnreyed t the Mlcblïan Central RHilro-id Company lor ir- r cht of way by deed ivcordcd in suiil Iieiatur's ornee iu líber L. i of deeds on pin 58(1. OIIS C. JOHNSON'. FKNKLIn L. PAKS.BR, E. D KINNE, Fxecutors of Ihe will ( f Lncy W. S. Morgan, _Dated Xovcmber , Ks8. DMI.T IIAVINi; HEEN MADE IN THE condltlmiK of a córtalo moitKim '-xeruted by .Mary E. Fo-ter of Ann Arbor, VichigHn. to UicyW.S. Morgin of the same place. Wnm.j; date th n.i . - r n I i:n oí July, A. 1. 18.SS, and recordad In tbe nfflce of the li' Klater of !)¦ o P r tl' ( ¦oiinty of Wa-hteiiaw, in liher Ü!t, of mortgages, on poge JS, on tbe ecoud day ol Jnly 1885; and hy wolcb (U-lanlf. the power of sale, contflined in said mortgag-% liaving becqnt operative and no snit or proceiülus; ' law1 or inequiiy, baviog been instituted to recover tha amount due on alu mortg.igc or the note accrmji'tnylng the afne, and there bein now citimtd to bedue on saiil noto ai.d nortgage, ihe t-um of Tbrea Thonsand and Barenljr-aJx Dul'ars (IS ,076.) Ñotice 11 then-rnre hereby given that said m 'rtpsge will be foreclixed on Saturday the sixtoenth day of Fi'bniiiry rSIt, ut ten o'clo'k in tbe fori'noon of that day, by u sale nt i ubtic auctio , at the Sóattl Irout door if the Uonrt Honse, in the city of Ann Arbor, ('lid ('"iirt Houae bel na the place ofboldI Ini; the Circuit 'ourt for said Conuiy) of the pn nii-e described In said mortgHge, or s niuch thereof, as m iy be neceasary to satlsfy the amount ol principal umi Interest rem ilning unpaid npon said montage, t ether wtth reaaonable eota and expenaej, includlng an Attocoerfee o( thirtv the dollara. which premlsea aredeacrlbod in suldm rtfragu as follows : All those certain plccea or parti'l- ol land, sitnate and beiuif In the city of Ann Atbnr. in the County of Waabtenaw and Siate of Mlch!f;ii), aml dci-ribed as follows, to wit: Lol nuinlier Twelve (12) and the Kast half of lot Thir¦('¦¦II 18) n blnck num'ier tw.i (21 North of Hurón treet, on range uiimb t slx Bant ons O, JOHNSON FKANKMN I,. PAHKEH, E. l). KINN'E, Execntors of will of Lucy W. S. Morgan. Dated. Nit. lith.iSHS. faillli Kfwarded are those wlio read H n Y"iis a"a ""'" %l! Uu'y w" fld ¦ Uyil i ' uní.:.' employmeut that will uot take them from thflr homes and families. Tlic piotlts are large and aars for every liidustrlntis pprson, manv have made and are now maktng severnl handriil ilillirsH moiitli. It Is easy for any one to make ?r umi upwarda per i n y , wiio s wimihk Ui wolk. Klther sex, young or old ; cnpltal Bol nceded; we start you. Kvcrythlng new No Rpeelal abllity requlred, you. reader, can do It as well ns any one. Write to ns at once for full partlculars, which we nmil free. Addresa Stluson & Co., Portland, Malne. Bet your Printins at tke Cöiriër


Ann Arbor Courier
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