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mm W Kroyal kasj ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th!i powder nevpr vnric-e. A m irvel or puriiy, "trcngth and wlioloHomem'ss. Mor económica! tlmu me orfl'.nury klndi-, and cnnnot be solil in compctiti n with the multitudf ol low test. phort W' ight a!um or ph üptiuic powden. Sold only in cana. hoYAL Bakinu 1'uwdek Co., 10fl Wall 8t., HOW I SUFFERED Seventreu yearM Irom u Skin Dlacaae. ¦ uit nal walk or dreM mynelf A ui :tws of cIí'jih li'.m heaü t tVt. 4 u red i ii ritflit Weekl by Cuticura liemvdles. Ai the tge of tfcree mpntbg a rash (which aftcrwatdtï i'i'ovcd lo bc ecz m or eatt rheum m idu Uk appetir uce on my luce. A phjpician was cal led. lic tMirt lei'thiiig who the catire ; he prescrih d Boon; co linfe' inédleine, bat töe surea epread to ni t'aiK and ucud. Auoüier M. D. wjh ca Hcd. He pio.t.-i-d to knuw uil uhoat üio cttne, cailed il "ÉUag'd Üvil,"1 au(i presenbed gunpowder, irlralme tu d lurd mixed into tlie salve but the dis eat-e coüÜaaed. 'ihey coa d not do auyihlng with it. Auotuer pr-8Ci!bcd borax, water, and Üour, auolher, liDsct-d Woue of ihtni iiid me an gt od at al!, but niide me wurse. Tne dUeaxe Cv'iitiuaud unaDatea ; it pread to mv nms aud k-ga. Uil I was laid u emirely, and iiOji cuiitinuludiy ailtiug un tUu llour oii .1 pltlOW nty imb conircted bu iaat. 1 loM atl coutiol 01 tnem, and vaa nttorij helpieöü. My m- bor would have to Hfl me jul aud ïuio bed. I uuld ge% .irumid the hi.u.-', uu iuy haudd aud leel, bui l could Lot gei my c 'ihud 011 at all, and had u wear n aort of drutücjni gown. My tiair had all mitted do. vu or faüeu vti' auu ni hcad, lace, &nd uart werc one ectb, and 1 nad iu nave a tuwol ou my head all the fm; in the summ-T to keep the fliea ofl". My pareui:. coueulied u proiuiuent phölciun and au gttou here in Chicago, ihe otuer physiciau bcioie meutioned were of and ilamiUon, C auidü ) He said he could do lUKbiag ior in. He wanted tu cue tüu aiiiowi ui mv Nptfs, -o t.ti -t 1 c-uld w.tlk; but I did iiO iet h m, lor 11 I did get buttur 1 WiillKI Uave nu cuimoi ti Utcitt, The dit-eaee coituiued iu ihis m inner untii I wa Ht'veiitcuu yf.'tiB otd, ana one day iu January 1879, 1 read uu acconut in iht: Tribune, ol your C'UTiCURA REüEDIb. It diecnUea my case uo a .c.i), tliat 1 Uiuu„bt, aa a lam redort, to give m a trial. V 'nuu 1 ürst applied thum l was all rnw and bletdn g, fri-m ncr tcluiiii mytelt, but I went 10 vtotti) ttlmuec íiumjdiatdly souiethiug I had not do. e lui, ihii ff et wdi bo Booihing. I 1 about WTO weeks I cuuld stand traight, but not w.ilb, I was ao weaK, but my boim w re ueariy weli. Au uear as I ciu judge the Cuticuha Remedies cured me in about six 10 v ga,, wet-kd, aud up to ibis date (i. e. irom Jttnuary, JB79, to Jauuary, 1887) I have not been Mick iu any way, or have nad the least ligan of the dieeatie reaupcanug on uie. W. J. McDOXALO. 8732 Dearborn Si t Chtcigo, 111., June 30, W. Sold evervwherc. Price, Cuticura, 50c; Sap 2"m.; Ueholvknt $1. 1 reparud by the Pottku Durf a d Chemical Co., tio-t n, yl ss. iíEtf-áeiiti fui " lluw to Cure Skin Di66uBes." niílilPLEri, black heads, chapped aad oily Bkin I IVI pre ven tuM by 'Uticüka -"ap. Constitutioaal Uatarrh No single dise ise hua entailed more euffurln or astened the lire iklng up of the constltutlon than iaiarrh. The seuse of sovll, of taste, orslght, of eariDtït the iiumsn voice, the mind - one or mnre, Dd Botnetimes all, yteld to lts destructlve ir.nuuce. The poison lt diítribntes throiii'hout the yiiem anarks every vital forcé, and hrraks op the nodi ruimst of co' Btitutionp. Iiinored, becanpe b t lutlu understood, by most phisictar.s, impoemly assalled by quarks aud charlatans. Ihose uffer'Di; from lt have linie hope to bc rellsvad il tt thi slde of the arave lt 1 time, then, thnt e popular trea'mcnt oi thlf terrible disease by emedles wlthln the reach of all pased Into hands at once competent nd iruBiwrihy. The ni-w ann niihtTto uutrl.d meth'id adopted y Dr. a d ord in the pn paraliun of hls KAIHCAI Cukk has wun the heaity app'-oval of thousands. r i in-tantaneoas in alfrdlng relief in all lead cul'l. sni'ezing. M.iull hu' and nlwiructed )r atHlr'K, and ntpldly remove- ihe most oppredoive -ymptums. ceariug the head, sweeteuins the th, rei-mrinir tne senses 01 mell, taste aud heiiin', and nentralizinc the con?tlmtional tendencyol ihe disease lowards the lungs, llvsr aud cbiueyp Sandkord's Rat)icai. ("uke coniiists of one botItOl h"KAIll'ALi:i'!IK "II" box "f CaTAKKUL SiiLVKNT and IMHROVED INIIALKHJ pril C, $1. Potter Drug ad OBCMICA& Co., Boííton. KIDNEY PAINS, Strains nul Weaknesscs, Kelleved In mina e hy that marvel ¦WR ous Antidote to Pain lnfl.immatio and rBf ekn-"i. Ihe neiii a ntlf iB Pain Planter. Tnc flrut aud only lL pala-kiliiiiK otreiiL'thening platcr. Ei JL M'cialy daiited to ins ntly relieve ai d sneeüily Kldiey aud Lterine Paiusand Woakneu v'urranti-rt vastlv superior to all other DlUtera. At all drug-iste, 25 cents; flve tor ? 1.00; or, postape free of Potter UbUO & Cheic I. 'o., B'i-ton. Mms B Vjhe Best and Purest Medicine HíW EVER MADE. I t. Yl V. ItwlU drive the Ilnmorfrom ynnrl I II ' AL vliem and make jour skinl I Me ' ? ml emooth. Tl.o.el U i, ", ' )%Lvhii'li mar your baauty SA, iXbl! , and ranlH'H I k 'S%s V A%wlse and uscl I UI (;et H of your c n E3doN'TWAIT. GETITATOSCK- IÍI Ilf yon are sufferlnp fr„m ]';'V Tl'ey never lail tocure. J


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